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teamxbox.com escribió:Subject: RE: Tommy Tallarico
Okay... so I just got back in and I gotta say...
They had THE BEST conference out of the 3 AND (without seeing the rest of the 3rd party stuff yes) would say that they DEFINITELY OWN E3 this year!
Now, getting back on topic...
I thought that initially Sony & Nintendo would have stole the show because everyone was so hyped up about the mysteries surrounding the new consoles. But Microsoft came in and showed the most cool games and incredible graphics IMO.
As mentioned before, there was a lot of good Sony stuff as well but the presentation of it was horrible and too many mediocre crap mixed in.
Pretty much EVERYTHING that Microsoft showed was pretty damn cool (not sure about that Pinata game though! Little too freaky for me!)
Nintendo kept saying that GRAPHICS aren't important and that it's all about the gameplay. I'm sure that statement holds true for some people but I gotta say... it's the GRAPHICS that I saw on the 360 & PS3 that have really made me go HOLY CRAP!! Or... WOW! Now THAT is next gen!
Sure there may be a LOT of people who would disagree with me... and that's okay. I understand... and I wouldn't disagree with their statement. I have always rated games based on how much FUN I personally had. Fun factor is always my number one important thing. BUT!! To say that graphics don't matter and that they aren't important is a statement I would personally disagree with.
Call me a "graphics whore" if you want... but to me... it's the one initial thing that gets people excited automatically. Sure gameplay, controls, AI, story, audio, etc. play a MAJOR role in any game and a truly great game has ALL of those things going for it. But me... I like kick-ass visuals! I personally feel they are super important and REALLY make ya go WOWZERS!!
I believe the average or casual gamer may probably agree with my statement which I think will give Nintendo a bit of a disadvantage.
HOWEVER!!! I believe that if they can come out with a super cheap price-point and kick-ass marketing campaign that they may have a chance to get a whole bunch of non-gamers interested in playing games... which is personally something I love and admire them for attempting.
I hope ALL 3 systems succeed! Let's face it... it's better for me and my companies!
I think that all 3 systems (4 including PC) offer unique things for a variety of different tastes.
So before you think about slinging your next "biased HATE" comment because someone doesn't like the same exact games or console that you do... just remember...
Games were always meant to be FUN. Instead of hating... try respecting and if someone likes something that you don't or finds something interesting that you don't. SO WHAT!! Just be glad that there are so many different choices and options and tastes available for everyone.
Let me once again stress my feelings on the current Sony news...
I think they are WRONG and have MADE A BIG MISTAKE in thinking that the AVERAGE person is going to pay over $500 for a new game system.
They are SCREWED if they don't have a major price cut by next summer.
They showed a BUNCH of MEDIOCRE titles at the press conference which I was NOT impressed with (Genji 2!?!?!)
I am also honestly excited about a lot of titles I saw such as Heavenly Sword, MGS 4, Final Fantasy 13, 8 Days, Resistance, etc.
I do believe (as the data shows) that early adopters ARE willing to pay $500 - $700 (as proven by Microsoft) to get a machine initially. HOWEVER (and let me once again stress this as I have from the beginning of this thread)... once the initally million or 2 go to those early adopters... they are TOTALLY SCREWED unless they drop the price point by an incredible margin.
I would guess that by Christmas 2007 they will do that? But who knows?? Until we find that out... I think they have made a BIG mistake.
satellite escribió:pues dice que la mejor conferencia del E3 fue la de MS, que no le mola el rollo "los gráficos no son importantes" que lleva Nintendo aunque lo del precio bajo puede atraer a mucha gente y que Sony la ha cagado
dice que reconoce que Sony ha mostrado juegos impresionantes pero también mediocres, y que no cree que sea fácil tener unas altas ventas a ese precio, y que espera que el próximo verano haya una bajada de precio considerable, de otra manera Sony está jodida... cree que en navidades del año que viene puede que baje de precio
super resumen![]()
Probotector escribió:Discrepo con Tommy en cuestión de gráficos, muchos de mis juegos favoritos no tienen millones de poligonos en pantalla, mas bien sprites.
Saludos y gracias por el mini-resumen![]()
Si yo me comprara la consola en Noviembre, y en Junio-Julio la rebajaran 150 o 200€, me sentiria totalmente estafado. Aparte de eso. No creo que Sony se pueda permitir una bajada considerable solo unos meses despues de la salida, y si puede permitirselo, es que los costes de produccion no son tan altos, y estaria engañando y aprovechandose de los fans mas acerrimos que estan dispuestos a pagar lo que sea por una PlayStation nueva.satellite escribió:que espera que el próximo verano haya una bajada de precio considerable
maesebit escribió: Si yo me comprara la consola en Noviembre, y en Junio-Julio la rebajaran 150 o 200€, me sentiria totalmente estafado. Aparte de eso. No creo que Sony se pueda permitir una bajada considerable solo unos meses despues de la salida, y si puede permitirselo, es que los costes de produccion no son tan altos, y estaria engañando y aprovechandose de los fans mas acerrimos que estan dispuestos a pagar lo que sea por una PlayStation nueva.
Personalmente, no creo que haya bajada de precio hasta como pronto Navidades de 2007. Y tambien creo que Sony va a pasearse por la cuerda floja durante todo el año 2007.
CaNaRi0N escribió:¿Y quien es el Tommy este?
Tallarico has worked on over three-hundred titles including the Earthworm Jim series, MDK, Spot Goes to Hollywood, Maximo, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. He recently worked on the videogame Advent Rising.
satellite escribió:pues Tommy Tallarico hace meses criticó duramente a MS por lo que ofrecía con XBOX360, y ahora han girado las tornas y ha rajado sobre Sony
dond dije diigo, dije diego