Turok, las notas de todas las plataformas

IGN dixit:

PS2 6.3
GC 6.9
Xbox 7.1

Lo más curioso es que por una vez, las versiones de GC y Xbox son realmente superiores a la de PS2. Aunque siguen siendo cutres, lo que no dice mucho del título.

Lots of work went into the CG and cutscenes. Generally, the presentation doesn't falter. 8.5
On the PS2, fade-in and load times annoy. On the flip side, the living worlds, moving bushes and trees, and animations are impressive. But not that impressive. 6.0
The music is better paced, proving a variety of fast and slow jungle beats to mix things up. The voice acting is wretched, while the death sounds are good for a laugh. 7.0
Tired game design, boring, often linear missions, and some erratic dumb-ass AI hurt this game big time. The flying additions are neither great not horrible, they're just there. 5.5
Lasting Appeal
Turok is a big fat game, with enough single player levels to satisfy almost anybody. But the lack of a four-player deathmatch is weak. 6.5
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 6.3

Nostalgic Turok jungle themes mixed in with an advanced culture. Front-end and in-game load times are lengthy. 7.0
Impressive lush environments, fluid animations, and fast framerate. Low-res textures and a lack of proper lighting make it look washed out, however. 7.0
Brilliant and varied in design, but compression takes its toll. Some balance issues are cause for muddiness. 8.0
A slightly above average FPS experience that can go haywire at times. Somewhat of a roller coaster ride of thrills and frustration. 7.0
Lasting Appeal
Lots of challenge here, 15 chapters, and lots of hours await. Few will want to play this twice. Unique multiplayer mode is a big plus. 7.0
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 6.9

Nostalgic Turok jungle themes mixed in with an advanced culture. Front-end and in-game load times are lengthy. 7.0
Great lighting and some nice textures and good animations. But sometimes everything looks better far away, and up close...yech. 8.0
Fantastic use of 5.1 sound with a solid score. Easily the best part of Turok. 9.0
A slightly above average FPS experience that can go haywire at times. Somewhat of a roller coaster ride of thrills and frustration. 7.0
Lasting Appeal
Lots of challenge here, 15 chapters, and lots of hours await. Few will want to play this twice. Unique multiplayer mode is a big plus. 7.0
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 7.1

Considerando que en IGN son un poco alegres a la hora de dar notas, (allí un 7 es truñil) el juego parece que no les ha gustado mucho... lo que es extraño con toda la publicidad que les estaba poniendo Ack-leim.

Nostalgic Turok jungle themes mixed in with an advanced culture. Front-end and in-game load times are lengthy.

Increíble pero cierto, alguien ha conseguido q los juegos de GC tarden en cargar¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Escrito originalmente por megateto

Increíble pero cierto, alguien ha conseguido q los juegos de GC tarden en cargar¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

No hay nada imposible para Ack-leim.
Deberian haberlo llamado. TRUÑOK INVOLUTION :-|

Hay gente que ha llegado a contar tiempos de carga de ¡¡1 minuto!! en la version GCN... lamentable :-|
yo pensado que seria un juegazo y en exclusiva para la X ,joer ultimamente estoy que no me entero [noop]
y dices que las versiones de game cube y xbox son realmente superiores?????....pues en las notas finales no parece notarse mucho no??? 6.3 ps2, 6.9 gamecube, 7.1 xbox.

vamos que el juego es realmente una castaña.
Deberian haberlo llamado. TRUÑOK INVOLUTION

Thats right. Si se hubieran gastado mas pasta en depurarlo y no tanta en marketing los mamones de ellos, mejor les hubiera ido. Por que tenemos anuncios de Turok hasta en la sopa.
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