Tutorial exploit 1.50

Hola a todos, aun no tngo la psp pero ando como loco por que yegue ya el 1 de septiembre y tenerla ya, qe el cuponcito de reserva es mu mono pero no puedo jugar con el xDD.

Perdonar mis desvarios... Aqui os pongo un par de tutoriales de como cargar software en la psp, el primero esta en ingles y mi ingles no es muy bueno, si alguien lo puede traducir nos ayudaria mucho.
Os pongo tb una aplicacion qe e encontrado (MSwapTool) que os ayudara a realizar vuestras cargas en la consola (tb incluye un tutorial)


PSP v1.50 Single Memory Card Exploit:
-How to start with one Memory Stick
Files Required: swaploit_1.5_psp-dev.rar
PC Requirements: You must have a PC Memory Stick reader
***Warning Points***
-Must wait several seconds taking into account the Memory Stick writer's delayed writing
-You must create a batch file
-About 10 seconds is OK, but keep an eye on pulling out the stick too quickly or too slowly depending on delayed writing
1. Create a BAT file. I made mine "Autorun.bat". Use a text editor and insert the below, and save it.
From here*********************
ren I:\psp\game\psp-dev\eboot.pbp eboot.pbp3
ren I:\psp\game\psp-dev\eboot.pbp2 eboot.pbp
To here***********************
Where "I" is your machine's Memory Stick writer drive letter. Please change it depending on your needs.
2. Copy EBOOT.PBP to MS1's PSP\GAME\PSP-DEV\ folder.
3. Rename the EBOOT.PBP file inside MS2 to EBOOT.PBP2, and copy it to the above location.
4. Copy all necessary files of the software you want to run beforehand.
5. Open your PC's command prompt.
6. Use the CD command to get to the directory of the BAT file you created >> example: CD c:\psp15\
7. In the command prompt, type in "autorun.bat" (but do not push ENTER yet)
You're ready to go.
1. Insert the Memory Stick into your version 1.5 PSP.
2. Start the loader.
3. The instant it starts, immediately remove the Memory Stick and insert it in your PC's Memory Stick writer.
4. Press the ENTER key on your PC, and the BAT will rename the files.
5. Wait about 2 to 3 seconds. The rename process has completed, but since there is delayed writing, hold on for a bit...
6. When you think, "it's done," remove the Memory Stick and insert it in the PSP.
7. The software will start if you've done it correctly.
Supplement to single Memory Stick startup
You will need to re-rename the files to get them to start again, and I made a re-rename BAT file so I will share its contents.
Paste this into a text editor, name it "autoback.bat", and it should be alright if you put it in the same folder as you put your autorun.bat.
If you want to start software using the single Memory Stick, insert the stick in your PC and run the "autoback.bat" file from the command prompt. This will re-rename the files, and the stick will be returned to its "loader" state.
From here****************
ren I:\psp\game\psp-dev\eboot.pbp eboot.pbp2
ren I:\psp\game\psp-dev\eboot.pbp3 eboot.pbp
To here*********************

PD: no deja subir el fichero completo, os lo ire subiendo poco a poco.


Donde as estado metido estas semana?
pa mi qe ya lo teneis! xDDDD [ayay] [ayay]

tonces no e disho nada... [burla2]
tio eso que pones es made in spain, te has parado a leer un solo titulo de los post de la primera pagina?
De todos modos se agradece la intencion
La cosa es que el exploit es 100% spain y en este foro tienes a Killer-X y el grupo PSP-dev que son sus artifices. en su pagina web encontraras todo el material con sus pdf en español.
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