Ubi habla de Red Steel en el E3

Copio y pego la noticia de vandal:

The game had exactly two weeks to port it's gamecube dev kit version onto a revolution dev kit prior to E3. It was not exactly the winning method to show off a game in the best light.

I played the control scheme of MP3 and Red Steel (and Zelda for that matter) and there is defintitely not much different. Read Matt's blog about FPS controls on the Wii. This revolutionary system requires a bit of extra thought to the coding but I'm fully confident that we will meet the challenge. There is a reason why Red Steel was the only 3rd Party game demo'd during the press conference.

We are planning on doing something special with IGN to keep you guys up to speed on the progression of the game. I think you deserve to know the development process for something brand new. REALLY BRAND NEW. It should be good stuff.

We have plenty of time to create the best possible game for the Wii.


This is why publishers don't show early games at E3 or only behind closed doors sometimes.

Anything can happen control scheme wise. We want to make this an awesome experience and it may require that we tweak some things, therefore, I cannot provide a defnitive answer at this point.

Also, aside from the tweaking controls, gamers are going to have to tweak there habits. One thing I found (and you can quote me on this) is that casual gamers had 10x more fun with the Wii FPS games than did Hardcore gamers. My theory is that pointing and shooting is so natural, easy, and fun for people who "don't know" what to expect from an FPS whereas FPS gamers were looking for specific things from past experiences. I dunno? Maybe it was just me that noticed this but it defintely happened during my presentations.

With that said, there IS going to be a learning curve because the concept is sooooo trippy. Real time 3D space movements? You better believe that it will take some game time to get accustomed to it. But once you do (and you will), you'll notice how the game flows much better. A lot of people who played the game had less than 5 minutes to play (if that.) The lines were so long and it was hardly enough time to really, REALLY get the controls down pat.

I have confidence that things will work out in the end.

You know what's funny is that one of our gameplay mechanics (as you read in the GI article) is that we know people will start out blasting left and right creating complete mayhem with bullets and sword swings because they are not accustomed to these new controls. However, as you progress, you will learn to master the controls and be efficient in how you eliminate your enemies. Our goal is that by the end of the game - you will have "mastered" not just the "Red Steel" controls - but the Wii controller itself.

Should be a fun ride.


What I'm saying is once Wii announces online plans - we'll announce what we are doing. That's all. (Don't look into it too much.)

Pues resumiendo:
-Lo que vimos de RS en el E3 llevaba solo 2 semana desarrollándose en un kit de Wii. Lo que tenían hecho hasta entonces era una GC.
-Una buena curva de aprendizaje para el control.
-No van a decir nada del online hasta que Nintendo de detalles de sobre NWC en Wii.
corpa está baneado del subforo por "No especificado"
NaNdO escribió:Copio y pego la noticia de vandal:

The game had exactly two weeks to port it's gamecube dev kit version onto a revolution dev kit prior to E3. It was not exactly the winning method to show off a game in the best light.

I played the control scheme of MP3 and Red Steel (and Zelda for that matter) and there is defintitely not much different. Read Matt's blog about FPS controls on the Wii. This revolutionary system requires a bit of extra thought to the coding but I'm fully confident that we will meet the challenge. There is a reason why Red Steel was the only 3rd Party game demo'd during the press conference.

We are planning on doing something special with IGN to keep you guys up to speed on the progression of the game. I think you deserve to know the development process for something brand new. REALLY BRAND NEW. It should be good stuff.

We have plenty of time to create the best possible game for the Wii.


This is why publishers don't show early games at E3 or only behind closed doors sometimes.

Anything can happen control scheme wise. We want to make this an awesome experience and it may require that we tweak some things, therefore, I cannot provide a defnitive answer at this point.

Also, aside from the tweaking controls, gamers are going to have to tweak there habits. One thing I found (and you can quote me on this) is that casual gamers had 10x more fun with the Wii FPS games than did Hardcore gamers. My theory is that pointing and shooting is so natural, easy, and fun for people who "don't know" what to expect from an FPS whereas FPS gamers were looking for specific things from past experiences. I dunno? Maybe it was just me that noticed this but it defintely happened during my presentations.

With that said, there IS going to be a learning curve because the concept is sooooo trippy. Real time 3D space movements? You better believe that it will take some game time to get accustomed to it. But once you do (and you will), you'll notice how the game flows much better. A lot of people who played the game had less than 5 minutes to play (if that.) The lines were so long and it was hardly enough time to really, REALLY get the controls down pat.

I have confidence that things will work out in the end.

You know what's funny is that one of our gameplay mechanics (as you read in the GI article) is that we know people will start out blasting left and right creating complete mayhem with bullets and sword swings because they are not accustomed to these new controls. However, as you progress, you will learn to master the controls and be efficient in how you eliminate your enemies. Our goal is that by the end of the game - you will have "mastered" not just the "Red Steel" controls - but the Wii controller itself.

Should be a fun ride.


What I'm saying is once Wii announces online plans - we'll announce what we are doing. That's all. (Don't look into it too much.)

Pues resumiendo:
-Lo que vimos de RS en el E3 llevaba solo 2 semana desarrollándose en un kit de Wii. Lo que tenían hecho hasta entonces era una GC.
-Una buena curva de aprendizaje para el control.
-No van a decir nada del online hasta que Nintendo de detalles de sobre NWC en Wii.

¿entonces que version era la buena? ¿la cutre o la chanante?
Que digan lo que digan pero el juego decepciono a casi todos. La gente se esperaba mucho de este juego y su control dejaba mucho que desear. Deberian pegarle un toque a los de Retro para que les den par de consejitos
A mi no me decepciono para nada, y la gente que conozco que ha visto el video les gusta como es el juego.
NDSLP escribió:Que digan lo que digan pero el juego decepciono a casi todos. La gente se esperaba mucho de este juego y su control dejaba mucho que desear. Deberian pegarle un toque a los de Retro para que les den par de consejitos

Habla mayoritariamente del Red Steel, el MP3 solo lo menciona...
pues a mi tambien me gusto el juego :s

d4rkb1t escribió:pues a mi tambien me gusto el juego :s


A mi me gusta lo que he visto, pero tengo mis dudas tras leer opiniones de gente que lo ha jugado.Dicen que el control no es muy fino.
NDSLP escribió:
A mi me gusta lo que he visto, pero tengo mis dudas tras leer opiniones de gente que lo ha jugado.Dicen que el control no es muy fino.

... sera que no tienen tiempo para mejorarlo...
A mi me causo buena impresion, a ver si muestran videos y/o imagenes de un estado de desarrollo mas avanzado en los proximos meses. Espero que llegue a ser un juego que merezca la pena comprarlo, intenciones le veo.

Yo desde luego si tuviera que elegir un juego para el lanzamiento de Wii seria este, aunque bueno, tampoco hemos visto mucho con lo que comparar...

Yo creo que tiene el potencial de ser un juego muy bueno. Las animaciones de los personajes están muy bien, si pulen el control (que se veía un poco verde en el E3) y lo mejoran gráficamente puede quedar algo muy a tener en cuenta.

Por lo que hemos visto tampoco se le ve muy inferior a lo primero que se vió de PD0 por ejemplo (y este lleva 1 año de desarrollo y le queda medio más).
NGC escribió:A mi no me decepciono para nada, y la gente que conozco que ha visto el video les gusta como es el juego.

Ayer en la FNAC tenian puesto el video de Mr Bean del Red Steel. Mi cuñao (18 años y sonyer) se quedo flipadisimo con el mando, que no lo habia visto hasta entonces.
¿Otra Wii vendida? X-D X-D X-D X-D X-D X-D Probablemente.
Resumen de lo más destacado:
-El juego se ha desarrollado sobre GCN. Empezaron a pasarlo a Wii 2 semanas antes del E3.
-Parece ser que los que no habían jugado nunca a un FPS se lo pasaban mejor con el juego, porque no tenían que "olvidar" nada sobre lo que ya sabían con respecto a como se controla un FPS.
-Las opiniones negativas sobre el juego pueden ser producidas porque no había tiempo para jugar con tanta gente (de todos modos, ya os digo yo que hubo periodistas de determinados medios que tuvieron una sesión privada después de una reunión con Miyamoto y Sakurai, y de la que Pablo publicará una crónica la próxima semana), y la curva de aprendizaje es superior al tiempo disponible para jugar en esas situaciones.
-No harán anuncios específicos sobre el online, hasta que Nintendo anuncie específicamente las características del online de Wii.


Sacado de un post de [b]MaNrAy de Vandal.
Lo que se vio del juego me gusto bastante,y sobre el control si no era muy preciso yo creo que tendran tiempo para mejorarlo [bye]
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