UleashX Nuevo dash!!!!

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Si no te funciona tambien puedes probar poner en puerta de enlace de la XBOX1 la IP de la XBOX2, y en puerta de enlace de la XBOX2 la IP de la XBOX1, asi cuando arranquen estaran directamente conectadas.
Esto seria para conectarlas directamente con cable cruzado, si lo haces conectandolas las dos al router sin cable cruzado, en la puerta de enlace tendria que poner la IP del router o la IP de la targeta de red a la que se conecta el router.
Escrito originalmente por Antichristo
hola es la primera vez que posteo en estos foros y primero que nada quisiera felisitarlos por su pagina y bueno tengo una duda sobre eso de videos comoskins no entiendo na a ver si alguien es tan amable de desirme gracias [sonrisa]

No son videos que actuan como skins, si no que son videos que se muestra junto con el skin. Un ejemplo lo puedes tener en el skin electric (que es el que uso yo), lo puedes bajar de http://www.allxboxskins.com

Hay una nueva versión desde hace unos dias.

Unleash X Vux_unofficial_020604

En los sitios usuales.

Por lo que he leido ya soluciona completamente los cuelgues de las skins y de los IGR.

Un saludo.

Editando: He estado probando la nueva versión y ya no se cuelga para nada. [ok]

Ya estais tardando en actualizarlo.
Hola amigos.
Me he bajado la ultima version "oficial" y la no oficial y en las dos me pasa lo mismo.
Me voy a configuracion y pongo a 3x el speed fan y noto como el ventilador hace mas ruido (con lo que dedusco que gira mas rapido ;) ) hasta ahi todo bien...el problema esta en que cuando ejecuto un juego o simplemente el media player al pasar unos minutos noto como el ventilador deja de hacer el mismo ruido con lo que doy por hecho de que vuelve a estar como viene de fabrica.
Desde que noto la bajada de rudio le doy a reset con el igr y cuando se dispone a cargar el sistema vuelve a hacer el ruido de cuando le puse el fan a 3x.

No se si esto es un problema del dash o si es normal que haga esto dado que al no estar en la bios la funcion de speed fan , la consola deja de detectar el comando que hace falta para que valla el ventilador mas rapido.

Bueno a ver si algun entendido me resuelve esta duda.

Saludos a todos.
Al salir del dash logicamente se te bajan las revoluciones del ventilador.

Ya que solo es con el dash que lo tienes a 3x.

Si quieres mantenerlo constante,creo que editando una bios con el Xbtool hay una opción para subir el ventilador desde la propia bios.

Un saludo.
no se si ya esta una nueva vesion pero creo que es la Unleash X UX_unofficial_020904... [looco]
Unleashx V0.30.0222A
>> A new version of UnleashX(info) has been released.
What's new/fixed:
* Fixed:Frequent lock ups when doing an IGR.
* Fixed: XBE Title editor messes up the title when editing to a shorter title.
* Fixed: Pressing Display button on the IR control to turn the xbox off was broken.
* Fixed:Using MessageBox in batch execution cancels the entire process.
* Fixed: Fan Speed gradually goes back to the default value.
* Fixed:Fan Speed and Memory display doesn't include the fraction part. 2.5x is being displayed as 2.0x.
* Fixed: or rather changed. Embedded game icons won't show if you didn't put anything on the Item element in config.xml.
* Fixed: Problem with the newer IR Control.
* Fixed: Background music (BGM) gets muted even though the audio of preview video is disabled.

* Changed: EnableDriveF default value was changed to False. This should ensure greater compatibility with older BIOSes.
* Changed: Default Infotext Font was expanded to include characters 128~255, so it's now possible to display the © and ® characters.
* Changed: Virtual keyboard expanded to include accented characters.The Alphabet[-]Symbol button is now changed to Alphabet-]Symbol-]Accents
* Changed: USB keyboard mapping to gamepad events. Enter key maps to A, Esc to B, Ctrl+Enter to Start and Ctrl+Esc to Back button. This should make using USB keyboard with the text editor easier.
* Changed: WMA (BGM) decoding engine, and overall handling. Random option limits the selection to the same track and will only change track if all the songs have been played.
* Changed: Option to play ripped WMA only, custom music only, or both. The old configuration will still work ([EnableSoundTrack]True[/EnableSoundTrack]) but it will be mapped to "Off" and "Both".
[EnableSoundTrack]Both[/EnableSoundTrack] -Posible values:Off, Xbox, Custom, Both
* Changed: "Copy DVD" option on the file manager so that instead of taking the current selected item as the destination, it will ask the user for one, using the virtual keyboard.
* Changed: Batch command is now expanded to handle any number of level. Previous implementation will only handle the "Items" element from the parent "List" element. The parent "List" element can contain as many "List" element up to several levels deep. Because of this the "AskUser" command is modified to exit the current level and skip the remaining items on queue, unless it belongs to the top level menu.
* Changed: "Path" element can now be placed right after the "Menu" Element, not just within a "List" element. All your games can now be listed on the root menu, not just as a sub menu.

* Added: Integrated Text Editor. Find and select your txt, xml, ini from the File Manager.
* Added: Video mode Auto-Detect/Auto-Switch using Cherry's patch code so it's EEPROM safe (Doesn't modify and write to EEPROM). Force PAL60 option is also included. A simple reboot reverts everything back to original settings. It's smart enough to apply only when needed. Note: Multi-region titles like RainbowSix3 won't be set.
[AutoVideoMode UsePAL60="False"]True[/AutoVideoMode]
* Added: LED Color settings. Possible values: Default, Red, Orange, Off
* Added: CPU Temperature Threshold. The dash will dynamically increase the fan speed until it reaches the desirable temperature level.
* Added: Horizontal Menu layout. [Menu Horizontal="True" Smooth="True" ShowIcon="True" Rotate="False"]
This will also enable Dpad Left and Right as an additional input for navigation.
* Added: Freeform Menu layout. You can now put items anywhere on the screen.
[Menu Smooth="True" ShowIcon="True" Rotate="False"]
[ItemPos Left="285" Top="96"][/ItemPos]
[ItemPos Left="310" Top="138"][/ItemPos]
[ItemPos Left="315" Top="180"][/ItemPos]
[ItemPos Left="310" Top="222"][/ItemPos]
[ItemPos Left="290" Top="264"][/ItemPos]
The ItemPos element can contain Width and Alignment attributes.
* Added: You can now include a non-selectable menu item. To do this, don't include the action attribute to an Item element.
[Item Icon="C:\Games\Action.png"] -= Action =- [/Item]
* Added: You can now include a blank, non-selectable menu item. To do this, don't include the action attribute, and don't put anything for the value to an Item element.
* Added: TextEditor to the Action command. Ex: [Item Action="TextEditor"]Text Editor[/Item]
* Added: X2IGR_ON/X2IGR_OFF action commands. Ex: [Item Action="X2IGR_OFF"]Turn Off X2 IGR[/Item]
* Added: SetClock action command. Ex: [Item Action="SetClock"]Date/Time Settings[/Item]
* Added: InputBox action command. Displays the virtual keyboard and wait for user’s input. This is useful when doing an installer disk, giving the user the capability to choose the destination.
[Item Action="InputBox" Arg1=”KB Caption”]Sample Value[/Item]
To use the value entered by user later, you can use the keyword KBResult or $KBResult$ to combine it with any text. Ex: [Item Action="MessageBox" Arg1=”Hi”]You entered ‘$KBResult$’[/Item], or [Item Action="Copy" Arg1=”D:\CDrive” Arg2=”KBResult”]Copy C Backup[/Item]
Note that the use of $KBResult$ is case sensitive. Also, do not use KBResult and $KBResult$ after asking for password. In the event that a password is required for an item, ask for another input again from the user.
* Added: Context Menu. Press start button to bring it up. Options available are Select/Play, Information, and Backup to Harddisk (backup only for that specific game/title). The type of information displayed is dependent on the type of the currently selected item. The context menu will be expanded to include more actions in the future.
* Added: Ability to personalize/name your DVD compilation disk by simply adding a file named "DiskTitle.txt" containing the alternate Title you want. Instead of having a disk with title showing as "UnleashX CD", or "MediaXMenu(info)"(?) or "RemoteX"/"Evox CD", you can have it like "MultiGame disk Vol. 2" or "Halo/MechAssault Disk". Note: For UnleashX bootdisk without this file, auto-launching is suppressed irregardless of your setting.

Official Site: http://www.unleashx.com
Official Forums: forums.xbox-scene.com
Download: n/a (built with XDK)
News-Source: xbins.org

Jur jur jur,puedes cambiar el modo de video sin tocar la eeprom,eso hay que verlo.

Un saludo.
Yo ya lo he probado y funciona de puta madre todas las caracteristicas
nuevas como son el modo de video y el editor de tectos.
UnleashX es el rey de los dashboard's en estos momentos [beer]
PD: Por cierto ya no se cuelga y es estable al 100%.
UnleashX Powa!!!!
107 respuestas
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