UleashX Nuevo dash!!!!

1, 2, 3


>> UnleashX is a new alternative dashboard replacement
UnleashX has the basic feature of a dashboard. It can automatically search your HD, or DVD if run from it (though you should not let it search the dvd for speed reason). Here is a small list of the current feature of UnleashX:

1)Auto search for games/application with thumbnail for display. Searches and indexes your Hard drive for Xbox titles. Uses icon embedded within the xbe file or custom icon (Icon.png, Icon.jpg).
2)File manager (Copy/Move/Delete/QuickDVDCopy, Support for copy and resume so you don’t start from the beginning if an error occurs.)
3)Game/DVD movie/CD/Data detection with the option to autolaunch them using your favorite media player. Pressing any of the trigger button will suppress auto launching of disk.
4)Image viewer (bmp, jpg, xbx and xpr –built in to the File manager)
5)Zip/Unzip files right from your xbox. Supports extracting from Xbox Xip files (except xm files). Now you can check the contents of the xip files that came with the xbox without leaving it.
6)Auto/Manual clock settings. You can set it to manual so UnleashX ask you for date and time when it becomes invalid (i.e., it has been unplug for too long). If set otherwise, UnleashX will set it Nov 15, 2003.
7)Password protection for every item. With UnleashX, you can set a password for each menu, submenu, individual item, as well as a system password with maximum number of tries (only for system password. When the maximum is reached, the Xbox will automatically shutdown).
8)Color scheme. You can change the colors of all items, from the menu color, to the screen dialog, down to the default background and fog color.
9)Fully configurable (XML config file). To achieve flexibility, XML is used almost everywhere. It’s a pretty flexible format but it’s not an all and be all solution.
10)Widescreen support (HDTV and support for 480p was not tested)
11)FTP Server with PASV and multi-client (10 max) support. You can set the Username, password, port, maximum number of users, anonymous access). While UnleashX supports multiple clients simultaneously, all users must use the same user account (default is Xbox).
12)Simple screen saver and Auto-Turn off timer.
13)Sound effects (uses internal xbox files-it will still run without them) and uses the soundtrack for background music.
14)In-box configuration, so you don’t need to do everything from your PC
15)USB Keyboard and IR support (Pressing the Display on the IR for more than 1.5 seconds will turn the xbox off –though it’s probably faster to just select the power-off menu item)
16)Virtual Keyboard support for all settings.
17)Support for Memory Unit thru File manager and FTP server. You can browse and copy/transfer files between your Xbox hard disk and memory unit.
18)Partition Formatting.
19)Screen Capture. And with the built in image viewer, you can now view it too (though what’s the point?).
20)Extensive support for skinning. You can set the skin without restarting.
21)Newsfeed support.
22)Supports batch command.
23)Support for partition G is provided but never tested since I don’t have a large drive.
24)To keep the footprint small, UnleashX uses a lot of files that are already in your HD like the sound and xbx files. If you have ahacked MS dash, you’ll probably notice this as long as you didn’t rename them to something else.

At the moment, there’s not much feature but I plan to keep an adding more as I go about it. Here are some features I’m planning to include, but not limited to:
1)FTP client for your xbox to xbox transfer needs.
2)Video Support (WMV and XMV only). This is purely for skinners delight. It’s not my plan to make UnleashX a full featured multimedia player. We already have those and they work so well.
3)Text Editor.
4)SMTP (outgoing mail client) so you can send email right from your xbox. (Though it’s gonna be a pain in the *** with just the virtual keyboard)
5)More in-box settings. Xbe renaming, either temporary (via cache) or permanent (xbe). Adding/modifying password for all menu items is also being planned.
6)Game save manager
7)Custom soundtrack support.
8)And a lot more…


Y os pongo comentarios de los primeros usuarios.


Okay had it running for about 30 minutes and it looks great.

This is not a review but just some general observations:-

1) G drive support works great.

2) FTP speed uploading to Xbox is the fastest I have seen using FlashFXP. I uploaded a 3gig file and I was getting 12,500,000 kbps on average ( I normaly only get about 7,500,00kbps with evox or avalaunch).

3) FTP speed downloading from Xbox was poor. I was only getting about 1,500,000kbps transfering the same file back. This increased to about 3,500,000kbps once I turned the screen saver off

4) I liked the drive space information when you first FTPd in (nice touch)

5) Filemanager worked great, only copied a few things about. I like the toggle of the A/B view to single view by using the right thumb stick.

6) Menu's are slick. The way they drop down is nice.

7) Password protection is a great feature. Now I can add a password to my nude hake of DOAXBV

8) I love the autotime adjust feature. I get a lot of problems from people that I have modded xboxes for when the clock resets when they have left it unplugged for a day or two.

9) Incredibly small footprint, less then a meg to download

10) Could not think of a 10, but as most lists have 10 so does mine

Great work and a nice surprise

Un saludo.
yo aseguir tirando del evolution x, mas conocido cm exox, ese tendra sus fallos como todos los primeros xD NO M ARRIESGOOO adeuuu salu2[bye]
pos la verdad es q en apartado grafico no es una maravilla, yo prefiero M$ Dashboard modificado.

Y sino me quedaria con EvoX, <-- Este nunca me ha fallado! [oki]

Pero bueno, siempre esta bien saberlo.

el avalaunch le da 100 patadas al evolution, pero todo el mundo esta acostumbrado a usar este, veremos si estos tambien lo superan aunque el usuario normal seguira con el evolution por desconocimiento.
Cierto Keops cuanta razón tienes.

Por cierto yo ya lo he probado y es muy similar al avalaunch,la diferencia es que este dash parece un hack del dash original de la consola.

Es como si fusionasemos el dash original,con el avalaunch.

He probado todo del dash y ningún problema a destacar.

La velocidad por ftp yo lo he visto igual que en el Evo.

Empieza con buen pie este dash.

Un saludo.
Este dash es una pasada, alucinante!.

Se nota k se lo han kurrado a konciencia, y si kumplen todo lo k prometen puede ser el dashboard definitivo.

¿Alguien me puede decir kómo se realizan las kapturas de pantalla?

Escrito originalmente por Barracuda
Este dash es una pasada, alucinante!.

Se nota k se lo han kurrado a konciencia, y si kumplen todo lo k prometen puede ser el dashboard definitivo.

¿Alguien me puede decir kómo se realizan las kapturas de pantalla?


En xbins hay para descargar el uleashX y un pack de skins,dentro de ese pack hay un .doc,me imagino que explicará como funciona el dash.

Lo malo es que a mi no se me abre,y paso de instalar el word para poder leerlo.

Un saludo.
yo lo he instalado para probarlo y tiene muy buena pinta, tambien me he bajado los skins pero no los he metido, tambien desinstale el word el otro dia y aun no lo he vuelto a instalar.
El doc k mencionas es un manual muy detallado de todas las funciones del dash, lo akabo de leer.

La kaptura de pantalla se realiza apretando el gatillo izkierdo + boton negro, pero yo no enkuentro las imagenes por ningún lado.

Me enkanta este dashboard :-)

a mi me encanta. el evox pasó a la historia
Escrito originalmente por Barracuda
El doc k mencionas es un manual muy detallado de todas las funciones del dash, lo akabo de leer.

La kaptura de pantalla se realiza apretando el gatillo izkierdo + boton negro, pero yo no enkuentro las imagenes por ningún lado.

Me enkanta este dashboard :-)


Las imagenes están en la partición Z según he podido leer en los foros de xboxscene.

Para ser la primera versión del dash está pero que muy bien.

Un saludo.
si lugar a duda evox ya le toca jubilarse.........este uleashx es el sucesor del abandonado nexgen, verdad? el dash este está tremendo y se puede configurar totalmente desde el xml.
Sería alguien tan amable de hacer un copy & paste del manual?
necesito leerlo.

Un saludo.

Comprimido okupa 600k el manual y no deja subilo y son 9 pages como pa un cut & past

Un saludo
oid, y no se puede por casualidad poner el XBMC de Dash?. Seria un puntazo.
el xbmp si se puede, con el xbmc decia gente que no le funcionaba como dash, supongo que mas adelante si se podra tambien.

Alguien ha probado de meter los skins?? vale la pena pasarlos o el por defecto es el mejor.

Solo espero que saquen rapido una nueva version con mas cosilla, en español etc... que no saquen esta version y se olviden como con el nexgen.
Escrito originalmente por keops
el xbmp si se puede, con el xbmc decia gente que no le funcionaba como dash, supongo que mas adelante si se podra tambien.

Alguien ha probado de meter los skins?? vale la pena pasarlos o el por defecto es el mejor.

Solo espero que saquen rapido una nueva version con mas cosilla, en español etc... que no saquen esta version y se olviden como con el nexgen.

en españoll???? para algo esta el xml q puedes traducir todo y ponerlo a tu gusto ;-)
alguien me puede decir donde encontralo mas o menos

es que no lo he encontrado por ningun metodo, ni en xbins ni na
cual es nombre exacto uleashx uleash unleashx no tengo manera de encontrarlo y en xbins no lo he visto
nada ya lo he encontrado estaba en utilidades pc en lugar de xbox por eso no lo encontre ya esta
Lo acabo de instalar y cambiar el nombre de las opciones y reorganizarlo un poco para que se pareciera a como tenía las opciones en el EvoX y esto es lo que pienso:

- El Menú sin duda en principio es mucho más aparente que el soso del Evox y, lo que es mejor, puedes configurarlo (hale, a hacer otro skin del BloodRayne [jaja] )
- La música automática es una gozada :o [oki]
- Explorador de archivos clavao al BoXplorer (Con ZIP ¡¡¡)
- Puedes configurar aún más cosas como la velocidad del ventilador sin tener que meterte en configuraciones raras [oki]
- Imágenes en las aplicaciones (en los juegos automáticamente te pilla lo que sale para las partidas salvadas, queda casi tan bien como con el XBMP)
- Viene con un reproductor de imágenes de serie (aunque se ven extrañamente achatadas ein? )
EDIT:- FTP como el Evox, PERFECTO

- El Reseteo espero que lo mejore un poco porque realmente no hace más que apagarlo y encenderlo [noop]
- Configurar un Skin es algo más complicado que con el Evox
- El Salvapantallas aún es chusquero (texto personalizable rebotando, ya es más de lo que ofrecía el Evox por otra parte)
- ¿Se pueden añadir líneas al menú por simple estética?

Sin duda el balance final es MUY positivo, a destacar las imágenes automáticas en los programas instalados (sacadas de la TileImage de las partidas salvadas automáticamente, aunque puede usarse uno personalizado [oki] ) y sobre todo los efectos de sonido y la música automática

Creo que acabo de jubilar al EvoX [oki] ;-) [toctoc]

Un saludo
NO SE hasta que punto esto es ilegal o una tocada de cojones por el tamaño, si molesta pues me lo decís y lo edito y borro.

Para los perruzos que no quieren instalarse el Word (o bajarse e instalarse el Open Office) [toctoc] :

Unleash(ed)X, or UnleashX, simply put, is an Xbox Application/Game launcher, with a few other features thrown in. The name isn’t pretty nor catchy enough, but it’s no way final and I’m pretty much open to suggestions. I have thought of calling it N.A.D (for Not Another Dashboard) but decided not to. I’ve designed UnleashX with safety in mind. I intentionally left out any feature that could potentially render your xbox useless, except for the HD formatting. This dash has been tested on V1.0, V1.1 and V1.4 xboxes with X2 4976.02/4977/4979, Evox D6/M7 BIOS.

UnleashX has the basic feature of a dashboard. It can automatically search your HD, or DVD if run from it (though you should not let it search the dvd for speed reason). Here is a small list of the current feature of UnleashX:

1) Auto search for games/application with thumbnail for display. Searches and indexes your Hard drive for Xbox titles. Uses icon embedded within the xbe file or custom icon (Icon.png, Icon.jpg).
2) File manager (Copy/Move/Delete/QuickDVDCopy, Support for copy and resume so you don’t start from the beginning if an error occurs.)
3) Game/DVD movie/CD/Data detection with the option to autolaunch them using your favorite media player. Pressing any of the trigger button will suppress auto launching of disk.
4) Image viewer (bmp, jpg, xbx and xpr –built in to the File manager)
5) Zip/Unzip files right from your xbox. Supports extracting from Xbox Xip files (except xm files). Now you can check the contents of the xip files that came with the xbox without leaving it.
6) Auto/Manual clock settings. You can set it to manual so UnleashX ask you for date and time when it becomes invalid (i.e., it has been unplug for too long). If set otherwise, UnleashX will set it Nov 15, 2003.
7) Password protection for every item. With UnleashX, you can set a password for each menu, submenu, individual item, as well as a system password with maximum number of tries (only for system password. When the maximum is reached, the Xbox will automatically shutdown).
8) Color scheme. You can change the colors of all items, from the menu color, to the screen dialog, down to the default background and fog color.
9) Fully configurable (XML config file). To achieve flexibility, XML is used almost everywhere. It’s a pretty flexible format but it’s not an all and be all solution.
10) Widescreen support (HDTV and support for 480p was not tested)
11) FTP Server with PASV and multi-client (10 max) support. You can set the Username, password, port, maximum number of users, anonymous access). While UnleashX supports multiple clients simultaneously, all users must use the same user account (default is Xbox).
12) Simple screen saver and Auto-Turn off timer.
13) Sound effects (uses internal xbox files-it will still run without them) and uses the soundtrack for background music.
14) In-box configuration, so you don’t need to do everything from your PC
15) USB Keyboard and IR support (Pressing the Display on the IR for more than 1.5 seconds will turn the xbox off –though it’s probably faster to just select the power-off menu item)
16) Virtual Keyboard support for all settings.
17) Support for Memory Unit thru File manager and FTP server. You can browse and copy/transfer files between your Xbox hard disk and memory unit.
18) Partition Formatting.
19) Screen Capture. And with the built in image viewer, you can now view it too (though what’s the point?).
20) Extensive support for skinning. You can set the skin without restarting.
21) Newsfeed support.
22) Supports batch command.
23) Support for partition G is provided but never tested since I don’t have a large drive.
24) To keep the footprint small, UnleashX uses a lot of files that are already in your HD like the sound and xbx files. If you have ahacked MS dash, you’ll probably notice this as long as you didn’t rename them to something else.

At the moment, there’s not much feature but I plan to keep an adding more as I go about it. Here are some features I’m planning to include, but not limited to:
1) FTP client for your xbox to xbox transfer needs.
2) Video Support (WMV and XMV only). This is purely for skinners delight. It’s not my plan to make UnleashX a full featured multimedia player. We already have those and they work so well.
3) Text Editor.
4) SMTP (outgoing mail client) so you can send email right from your xbox. (Though it’s gonna be a pain in the *** with just the virtual keyboard)
5) More in-box settings. Xbe renaming, either temporary (via cache) or permanent (xbe). Adding/modifying password for all menu items is also being planned.
6) Game save manager
7) Custom soundtrack support.
8) And a lot more…

Config File explained:
Here is a sample config file. I’ll try to explain it a bit. You can change most of it right from your xbox. UnleashX, like many others, uses xml file for configuration. Xml files are very flexible yet could become cumbersome if you don’t know what you are doing. If you don’t know a thing about xml files, you can just accept the default (you can even completely delete it and UnleashX will create one for you with the default settings. As an xml primer, an xml file is nothing more than a text file that consists of tags, attributes and values. In the example below, the Tag is “Item”, attribute is “Action” and “C:\xboxdash.xbe” as the corresponding attribute value, “MS Dashboard” as the tag value and “/Item” as the end tag.
MS Dashboard

-Standard XML header (can be ommited)
-Root node. It has to be UnleashX

C:\Xboxdash.xbe -MS dash location
-System password. If you enter something here, UnleashX will always ask you to enter the password before you can use your xbox. Of course, if you power up with a game disk in the tray, your xbox will always boot to that game.

-Network settings. Default is enabled, using a static IP (detects the current settings and will default to if it can’t find a valid IP. Of course, this config file uses Change it accordingly to reflect your network settings (you can do it right from xbox also).
Valid options Enable:Yes/No, Type:Static/DHCP

-FTP Server Settings. Default is enabled, using port 21, anonymous not allowed, maximum of two clients at a time and xbox/xbox for the username/password consecutively. The “greeting” option is just a feature I threw in. It’s what you’ll see from your FTP client after a successful log on.
The FTP server will report your HD status (free/used/total space) when you request the root folders, which is basicall the partitions. You can also browse your memory unit.

Welcome to XBOX FTP Server

-Newsfeed. Well, I gotta ride on the bandwagon as newsfeeds seem to became a standard feature of dashboards nowadays. The rotation interval is in seconds. You can put as many URL as you wish though it will have a great impact on the performance of your xbox, I’m sure. Newsfeeds are cache and will only be check once. The cache will be use initially, if present, or if the xbox can’t connect to your newsfeed provider. Note that even if you enable newsfeeds, it won’t be requested if your skin don’t use it.


-The following settings are pretty basic and deals with auto-launching.

-You can leave this to blank to let the built-in file manager open up the disk for you. Note that UnleashX only supports disk that are natively supported by Xbox.

-Sound effects volume. Valid values are from 0 to 100
-Music volume. Valid values are from 0 to 100
-Set this to yes to to make use of your soundtrack
-Use Fahrenheight when reporting temperature instead of celcius.

-If you want to synchronize your xbox with a time server, or with your PC

-Location of your skins. Relative and absolute path are supported.

-If you want to manually set your fan speed. Valid values are 1 to 5 and 0.5 stepping in between (1, 1.5,2,…4.5,5). This may become controversial with the way I have it but there really is no standard. It can not be percentage since valid values are 1 to 50 with 10 as the default. While you can select an arbitrary number from 1 to 50, it hardly makes any sense so I did it the way I have it. 1=10, 1.5=15, 5=50 and so forth and so on. You can see this from the settings menu as 1x, 1.5x…5x.

-Wait is in seconds, so it will activate after a minute. The Type is not being use right now but I’m planning to expand this a bit, probably a few more types, like a slideshow or something which really isn’t very hard to implement. Right now, it’s just a text bouncing around your screen and dimming after a while.

-Auto turn of is in minutes. If you put a value here other than zero, UnleashX will turn your xbox off with the given time of inactivity. Note that its monitoring any file activity (long copying process, FTP activity) and won’t fire if your xbox is busy.

-If set, UnleashX will mountr your partition 6 as drive F

-If set, UnleashX will mount your partition 7 as drive G

You may have noticed I didn’t have settings for date, time and number format. That’s because I’m using the internal settings of the Xbox to display the information properly.

-Menu layout/settings. The menu settings are consist of three elements, namely List, Path and Item, List being the container of the two. Path isn’t visible and is use to tell UnleashX where to search for files. The List element can contain several Path, Item or another List element for that drill down effect.
List element can contain the following attributes:
Text –This is what’s displayed
Password –password of the element
Sort –On/Off to turn on/off the sorting of its child elements
Auto –Not being use at the moment.
Batch –executes all child items one by one until it reaches the end of the item list or if one fails.
Since the List tag is a container, it can not contain a value.
Path element can only have a value and no attributes. The value should point to a valid location in your HD/DVD
The Item element can contain attributes and value but not another element. The value is whats being displayed. The following are valid attributes for the Item element:
Action –should point to an xbe, or a valid function supported by UnleashX
Arg1,Arg2…Argn for arguments required by some inter functions
Password –password for the item

Here’s a sample menu data:

Launch DVD



MS Dashboard
Evolution X


Stop FTP
Start FTP
Reset FTP
Restart Network
Close DVD Tray
Open DVD Tray

Format F Drive
Format F Drive
Format X Drive
Format Y Drive
Format Z Drive


File Explorer

The following are internal functions currently supported by UnleashX:

LaunchDVD -Launches the game currently inserted, or the configured media player for your DVD and Audio CD. Ex:

FileManager -Invokes the built-in file manager. Ex:

Settings -Shows the settings menu where you can change most of the settings used by UnleashX. Ex:

Skins -Shows the skin browser where you can select your skin. Ex:

Restart -Restart the xbox or reboots to default dashboard. Ex

Shutdown -Power off. Ex:

FTPReset -Resets the FTP server and all counters. Ex:

FTPStop -Stops the FTP server if it was running. Ex:

FTPStart -Starts the FTP server if it was stopped. Ex:

NetReset -Resets the network stack. Ex:

TrayClose/TrayOpen –Closes/Opens the DVD tray. Ex: ,

Format Arg1 -Formats the drive as indicated by Arg1. ex:

Copy Arg1 Arg2 -Copies file(s)/Folder(s) pointed to by Arg1 into Arg2. Ex:

MessageBox Arg1 -Displays a message to the user using Arg1 as the caption and the value as the actual message. This will only show an ‘OK’ button that the user has to press in order to dismiss the message. To break your message into several lines, use the ‘\’ as escape character followed by small letter ‘n’. I.e., \n. Ex: This is a message.\nPress OK to continue

AskUser Arg1 -Same as the MessageBox but this time, user can select between Yes and No. When used in the batch process, selecting No will cancel the entire process. Ex: Do you want to continue?

In order to have a batch process, the Batch attribute must be provided for the List element. Take the following example:

Test is a sample batch process.\nPress OK to continue...
Do you want to continue the process?
Do you REALLY want to continue the process?
This is a password protected item. You need to enter a password to continue.
Stop FTP
You chose to continue the process.\nPress OK to reset FTP, Network and Launch DVD.\nIf you don't have a disk, the process will fail.
Restart Network
Reset FTP
Launch DVD

UnleashX will execute each Item element one at a time and after another. As mentioned above, if you select ‘No’ to an ‘AskUser’ action, the process will terminate immediately.

ScreenShots and Controls:
Here are some screenshots which showcases the capability and feature of UnleashX. Whenever possible, several buttons are mapped to the same action,i.e., Back and B buttons can be use to cancel a dialog or to go back to previous screen, while Start and A buttons is use to select an item. DPad is use move up/down one item at a time, or use the left Thumbstick or trigger buttons to do a fast scroll:

This is the default skin of UnleashX. All colors can be changed using an skin file or by specifiying a color scheme within your config file.

Here’s another using a green color scheme.

Menu behavior can be configured too like the one above.

The ‘settings‘ screen. Press ‘A’ to modify an item. Some item will cycle thru a selection when you press the ‘A’ button or a new window/control appear as is the case for the Time and IP settings. Use the DPad left/right to change the volume.

The virtual Keyboard asking for a password. Note that passwords are mask. I know it’s kinda cumbersome to use and navigate around a virtual keyboard so I used some key mappings to perform certain actions.
Y = Toggles the Shift key (Small/Capitalize)
X = Deletes the character immediately before the cursor.
Black =Space
White =Toggles between Symbols and Alphabet.
Thumbstick (press) =Toggles the state of Caps Lock.
Left/Right Trigger =moves the cursor to the left/right.
Start = Finish entering and accept the entered values.

Skin selection screen.

The file manager screen. Use the Left trigger to select the left pane, Right trigger to select the right. In operations where it requires a source and a destination, the active pane is the source while the other is the destination. Press the Start or White button to bring the options up.
Pressing the right thumbstick will toggle between a split-screen or full view mode. The black button will invert the selection. Higlight an item and press the ‘A’ button to bring up the function associated with it (bmp, jpg, xpr, xbx –ImageViewer, zip/xip files are also supported.)

Here’s the file manager zipping up some file (Yeah, I know it says moving –I fixed that already ; ).

And here’s the Zip Manager showing the content of the zip file. On the right hand side shows the compressed size against the actual size. You can unzip some or all of the files at once.

Here’s the Imageviewer showing a file captured by the Xbox. To do a screen capture, press the LeftTrigger+Black button. The actual size is 640x480 but for some reason, the texture description says 1024x512. Press the right thumbstick to display the image in its actual size.

Date and Time settings.

IP settings.

In Screen Saver Mode with the bouncing text.

And now the best (hard) part, skinning. I have implemented a simple but extensive skinning support for UnleashX. It still may not be perfect but it can stand on its own at the moment. Well, what better way to start this than giving out a sample xml file, right? Here we go:

-Root node, must be named ‘Skin’
-Some information about this skin.
Copyright 2003

-The real deal –Globe sets whether the rotating sphere background should be rendered or not. Orb, is, that thing on the center

-Tells the skinning engine you want a custom background. This is render on top of the spinning sphere so if you want the sphere to show up, your background must have some transparency in it.
-Cellwall is the image that’s gonna be displayed on the rotating sphere. It’s tiled but for some reason, it’s rotated 90deg to the left. So if you want to use a custom image, rotate it 90deg to the right , so that the left portion becomes the top.
-The custom image that should be displayed in replacement to the default image.

-GameIcon is the embedded or custom image for each game –See the screenshots above for more info. When video is implemented, this same tag will be used to display it as well.

-The menu. Set smooth to true to have a smooth transition between items, align can be set to Left(default), Middle, or Right. ShowIcon determines where the game Icon should be display before the game name. Set Rotate to true if you want to go to the first item when you have reached the bottommost item.

-Position is where the menu should be displayed. Please don’t indicate a too small an area for the menu. For an EvolutionX like behavior, set the Fixed to True and FixAt to 3. This means that the selection bar will be fixed at the third position.

-The following are information about your xbox that you tell the skinning engine to display for you. For text Element the following attributes are valid:
Left, Top, Width – the bounding rectangle where the text should be displayed
Align –Alignment of the text with respect to the bounding rectangle. The following values are valid:TopLeft or Left, TopCenter or Middle, TopRight or Right, MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter and MiddleRight
Source –Points to an internal function supported by UnleashX (more on this later) or your custom text you wanted to show up.
Color –The color you want the information to appear. Note that colors are in the form of ARGB, for Alpha(transparency), Red, Green and Blue and must be in hex value. The range for each is 0 to 255. Any image processing program should be able to convert a color for you.

You can also draw shapes (Rectangle, RoundedBox (rectangle with rounded corners, and triangle. For triangles, add the ‘Direction’ attribute with the following valid values, Up, Left, Right, and Down.

Lastly, images. You can pepper the screen with images and here’s the format

-ColorScheme. This is where you can change every color aspect of UnleashX. The name are informative enough so I won’t go thru each and everyone of them. ColorScheme collection can be in the config.xml file or in the skin file. If you don’t provide one, UnleashX will use a default Blue ColorScheme. Though I think the colors are a little bright. I’m working on a CRT monitor so it could be very different when viewed from a TV monitor. Anyway, I’m still to changes and if anyone can come up with a great color combination, I’ll be glad to make that as the default.

-Fog, sky(background), and cell color

-Dialog screen colors. Dialogs are composed of caption, an outer and inner border and the text and buttons




-Keyboard color settings

-The main Menu color settings. For an EvolutionX like appearance, set the color for the active item.

That’s basically it for skinning. I’ve included 4 skin samples. They’re not the greatest though and graphics isn’t really my forte’ so give me a little slack.

And now for the credits:
There are a lot of people I should be thankful about. Most of them I really don’t know personally but they’ve been very helpful to the xbox community. I wanted to give a very generic “Thank you” without naming names but I guess that’s even ruder than not saying thanks to specific people or group of people at all. So here it goes and to the ones not mentioned here, I beg your pardon, but thank you as well.
First, to Team Assembly. I don’t know a single person from your group, but your Dual Debug BIOS and AnyDash plugin is superb. You XKUtils code is great too. I couldn’t imagine developing without it. Simply fantastic. Team Complex(?), of course, I’d be stuck with something else if not for their release of…,you know what. Xbins people for a great resource site. Xantium for his exceptional xbox-scene site. Team Evolutionx for a great dashboard. Xbox-Linux team for a wonderful resource. Especial thanks goes to Iriez for helping me out (he even became the very first alpha tester, hehe). To all great names out there, Team Xecuter, numbnut, Lantus. Dextrose, the guy who did CXBX (sorry), BenJeremy, Cherry, Team AVA, Xport, boXplorer creator, Px HDD creator…to all homebrew programmers and to all whose name I either don’t know or forgot but whose been a great deal of help to the entire community – A BIG THANKS TO YOU ALL.

The usual disclaimer: (Portion taken from EvolutionX nfo)
This piece of software will most likely destroy your XBOX if you don't now what you are doing!

This is a beta release which may have bugs that could damage or ruin your XBOX.

I will not take any responsibility for any damages on your XBOX/PC inflicted by this software.
Escrito originalmente por Metis Connetis

- ¿Se pueden añadir líneas al menú por simple estética?

si se pueden añadir lineas, yo por ejemplo tengo el xbmp en el menu principal, encima de el acceso a juegos
Gracias eso lo sabía, me he expresado muy mal [+risas]

Quería decir añadir lineas como en el Evox que ponías al final ,2 y te lo ponía en verde y no podías seleccionarlo, tal que así:

Item "------------",2

A eso me refería [+risas]

gracias por la respuesta aún así [oki]

Un saludo
Escrito originalmente por Metis Connetis
Para los perruzos que no quieren instalarse el Word [toctoc]

Hombre,motivos los hay,para no querer instalarme el word. ---> http://www.elotrolado.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=221299

Lo malo que por perreria,aún no me he bajado el openoffice.

Gracias por el texto.

Un saludo.
Acabo de leer el texto al completo y sin duda estoy de acuerdo en un 98 %, el 2% restante es mi NECESIDAD de usarlo (aunque es bien cierto lo que se dice, aún "pasado" estás contribuyendo a ello), pero es un lujo que no puedo permitirme.

Un saludo
metis connetis podrias adjuntar el xml, si ya se que podria hacerlo yo pero soy mu perro y el ingles no es lo mio.
[OFFTOPICAZO] No se a que esperais a bajaros el openoffice, que solo son 50 megas. Yo lo tengo en linux y esta muy bien, tiene todo menos base de datos. Lo he usado para hacer trabajos de clase y asi y no he tenido ningun problema. Al principio te cuesta acostumbrate a donde estan las cosas, pero ahora cojo en el cole el word2000 y me las veo putas xDDD. Pues eso animaros y prodablo. Agur!!!!
bueno, no es nada del otro mundo pero os pongo mi config, modificado para que salga en castellano nos vemos!



Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP XBOX













Lanzar DVD






Parar FTP
Comenzar FTP
Reset FTP
Reiniciar la red
Cerrar bandeja DVD
Abrir bandeja DVD

Formater partition F
Formater partition G
Formater partition X
Formater partition Y
Formater partition Z


Administrador Archivos
Dashboard MS
Apagar XBOX

pues es eso, estan los menus en castellano y tal, en este config tambien e añadido una opcion mas, la de los emuladores,
si lo tienes en rutas diferentes`pos la canvias :P

pero tal como este config estan asi:

juegos en ---> e:\games

aplicaciones ---> e:\apps

Emuladores ---> e:\emus


pd: los astiriscos los teneis que cambiar pos vuestras configuraciones :P
me blokea la consola al seleccionar el administrador de archivos, las skins, y al rato de iniciar sesión por ftp
ah, y no escucho la música ambiental [buuuaaaa]
primera razon x la k m kedo cn el evox xD VILGueiTS!!! algun fallito tenia k tener........yo no lo e probao pero cm gusta a tantos voi a ver k tal es ok? ya os dire mi experiencia!!! :p [fumando] [fumeta] adeu y salu2 [bye]
Viendo vuestri chateo me pico la curiosidad de ver el "unleashx" y...
Pues lo veo muy lograo, aunque lo veria mejor si funcionase el mando del DVD sin emchufar el pad, ¿No creeis? [oki]
Yo sí oigo la música ambiental y no me falla para nada ni el FTP ni se me queda trabado [oki]

Después de usarlo un poco más, esto es lo que mejoraría:

- El ya mencionado bug que hace que sólo puedas usar el mado a distancia si hay un mando conectado ein?
- Algún tipo de fundido porque queda muy abrupto
- Solucionar el error ese que hace que se raye momentaneamente la pantalla con la X y el Xcuter
- El reinicio, es lo peor [tomaaa]

Sólo recordar que es la PRIMERA versión, vamos, estoy casi seguro que en pocos meses supera al Evox :Ð [oki]

Un saludo [fies]
Escrito originalmente por DJ Deu

Las imagenes están en la partición Z según he podido leer en los foros de xboxscene.

Para ser la primera versión del dash está pero que muy bien.

Un saludo.

Gracias, ya las habia lokalizado al probar el explorardor de archivos [oki]

Pos yo no lo entiendo... [decaio]
Pero siempre quedará EvolutionX!!! [sonrisa]
como pongo mis canciones mp3 de fondo?
Pirabelio, mete las canciones como una lista de reproducción desde el dash original (o usa el Xbox Soundtrack) y automáticamente sonará [chulito]
Ta vastante bien pero como nose configurar los skins las letras me salen descentradas en la pantallas (algunas ni se ven, en Date la D nose ve y cosas asin)
UnleashX V0.2.1201A
>> A new version of the recently launched UnleashX(info) dashboard has been released.
What's new/fixed:
* Fixed Memory Unit detection. MUs are now properly detected. NOTE: Mounting MU on Port 1, Slot A would probably throw an error. Please use another port.
* Fixed USB Keyboard, Take 2. Now works properly.
* Fixed smartFTP FTP client is now fully working.
* Fixed Zipping/Unzipping of files to a non existing folder would cause the process to fail.
* Fixed Lock ups on xboxes without the Audio folder
* Fixed DVD/CD Player on drive F can't be detected on bootup.
* Fixed Game name is one charecter short for Xbox titles that doesn't have title name. Please delete your items.xml found in the same folder if you are experiencing this.
* Fixed Detects properly if UnleashX was launch as the default dash or as an application
* Fixed Depending on which mode it was run, Rebbot will either go back to the defaukt dash, or resets the system.
* Fixed Interchanged L/R trigger for fast scrolling
* Fixed Menu Item spacing is too wide for skins that suppresses game icon.
* Fixed File manager, sometimes, doesn't respond to the commands. It just sits there saying checking for files but there's really nothing going on
* Fixed File manager, reworked most of the file operation method.
* Fixed * Added a check when saving settings to a read-only config.xml.
* Fixed Copy Action command ( [Item Action="Copy" Arg1="C:\FNemo.zip" Arg2="Z:\FNemo.zip"]Copy Finding Nemo[/Item] )
* Added CopyDVD Action command ( [Item Action="CopyDVD"]Copy DVD[/Item] )
* Added Progress indicator when doing file operation (Copy, CopyDVD) using the Action command
* Added Cancel operation when doing file operation using the Action command ( Press Back Button while copying)
* Added Rename Action command ( [Item Action="Rename" Arg1="Z:\FNemo.zip" Arg2="Z:\FNemo2.zip"]Rename Nemo[/Item] )
* Added Quick Reset ( [Item Action="Reset"]Reset[/Item] )
* Added Powercycle ( [Item Action="PowerCycle"]Power Cycle[/Item] )
* Added Displays the current file when zipping.
* Added Displays the destination file when moving/copying.
* Added The fog can now be turned off from the skins ( [Main Fog="False"] )
* Added Ability to change Main Menu font thru skinning. Please only use XPR format(Add [Font]MyFont.xpr[/Font] INSIDE the "[Menu][/Menu]" element)
* Added Ability to change InfoText font thru skinning. Please only use XPR format( [InfoFont]MyFont.xpr[/InfoFont] )
* Added Ability to scale infotext in both direction using "ScaleX" and "ScaleY" attribute. Note: Value is in percent without the % sign. Default is 100 and can not be less than 25. ( [Text Left="35" Top="30" ScaleX="150" ScaleY="150" Source="IP"/] )
* Added Ability to customize infotext further by using your own text. ( [Text Left="35" Top="30" ScaleX="150" ScaleY="150" Source="My IP: $IP$"/] ) Note: $IP$ will be replaced with the current IP. The ID enclosed in $ sign is case sensitive, meaning $IP$ will work and $ip$ won't. Please see skinning overview for details.
dios ya he jubilado al evox :D este nuevo dash es de lo mejorcito me encanta [beer] lo e traducido casi entero al español y es una gozada XD solo me falta poder hacerle algun Skin para que sea el Dash de mis sueños [Ooooo] [Ooooo]
Lo acabo de probar, la verdad es que es una pasada, supera al evox y al avalaunch.

Lo que se echa un poco en falta son los skins y el protector de pantalla es lo peor, ese "tic, tic, tic".

Pero bueno he probado la primera versión, habrá que probar la última aver como va.

A todo esto, os voy a comentar lo acabo de poner en otro hilo, pero alomejor aqui me respondeis mas rápido. Si quiero poner el UnleashX como principal, osea que arranque directamente desde el, que tengo que hacer?

Y otra pregunta mas...alguna pistilla de donde se puede conseguir???m toy volviendo loco
vete al irc ala red fnet el canal #xbins y ally pregunta.
aqui nose puede decir donde conseguirlo...
Escrito originalmente por Gremly
vete al irc ala red fnet el canal #xbins y ally pregunta.
aqui nose puede decir donde conseguirlo...

Pos anda que si se llega a poder decir, le llevas de la mano [+risas]
Pos anda que si se llega a poder decir, le llevas de la mano

en ningun momento e infringido las normas. e dicho tan solo q valla a ese canal y pregunte.
no le e dicho donde puede conseguirlo.
salu2 y q alla buen rollo [oki]
Pos anda que si se llega a poder decir, le llevas de la mano

Yo no e preguntado donde conseguirlo (que se que infringe las normas) si no que me dierais alguna pista, q es lo q a exo Gremly , GRACIAS Gremly
hay van un par de preguntas que me tienen comio el coco :D

1)Que mejoras trae la nueva version?es que de ingles ni "papa"XD.

2)Me a parecido leer que se puede poner el icono que quieras a cada juego, se puede?como?.

Muchas gracias :D
A mí el unleashx me funciona perfectamente renombrandolo como evoxdash.xbe.(depende de la bios que tengas)

Hay muchas mejoras,una de ellas es el Reset que le molesta a Mettis Conettis,otra la descubrí ayer con un amigo.

Al instalarle el dash no podía acceder al ftp con el smart ftp,al final tuve que conseguir un cliente de ftp compatible,pero por lo visto ya se puede acceder con el smart ftp (que por cierto,recomiendo el programa)

El tic ese que molestaba a muchos en el salvapantallas ha sido eliminado,ahora reseteas y salen de nuevo los iconos de los juegos.

Lo que me gusta mucho,es que le puedes añadir Sub-menús,teneis un ejemplo de como añadir sub-menus en la sección utilities del xml.

Un saludo.

Habeis intentado abrir con la ultima version del UnleashX abrir el dvd desde miscelanea? ami me hace un amago de abrir, se vuelve a cerrar y reinicia.

A mí el unleashx me funciona perfectamente renombrandolo como evoxdash.xbe.

Dj Deu,

puedes explicar este tema un pelin mas? Es que no estoy seguro de que hacer. Tengo el Slayer´s intalado, asi que lleva el evox como dash. Y el UnleashX lo tengo en E:/apps/UnleashX.

Escrito originalmente por DJ Deu
teneis un ejemplo de como añadir sub-menus en la sección utilities del xml

Paisano, solo por curiosidad...
¿Y donde se supone que podemos ver tu xml?
107 respuestas
1, 2, 3