UMDGen 3.00

Los autores de esta herramienta la han actualizado a la versión 3.00

Hay muchos cambios, entre ellos soporte para archivos dax!
Es que el dax es lo que esta de moda! Gracias por la informacion Dark_AleX, vamos a por el!!
joer k bueno [oki] me alegro k tu formato este triunfando tanto kolega. Por cierto con esta nueva version se sabe si algun juego k tire de los de la lista negra.

PD: Pregunta x curiosidad, hay algun avance con tu loader¿¿
estas son las novedades extraidas del reedme:

UMDGen v3.00

UMDGen has come a long way since it's first initial release. V3.00 is no
exception with a host of major changes!

New features/updates:

• GUI Re-designed. Toolbar added, menus improved. Displays the ISO icon
and more detailed PARAM.SFO information.

• Ability to rename files and folders.

• Duplicate file/folder checking. When an item is added, UMDGen will ask
if you wish to replace the file/folder contents if the items already
exist in the compilation - this is the new way to update files, simply
add them to the compilation and select yes when asked if you want to
replace them.

• Hide files/folders. This option was added because it may be needed
sometime in the future (PS2 protection included hidden files in ISO's)
until then - you can always hide your porn with it
Once a file/folder is hidden you can 'un-hide' it by right-clicking the
item in LBA VIEWPORT and select 'Un-Hide' from the menu. This is only
available while the compilation is still open - once you have saved
as an ISO and closed the compilation the files will be completely

• Accelerator keys added (Keyboard Shortcuts).

• ADD EXISTING FOLDER routine has been re-written. Hopefully users who
were having problems adding folders in previous versions will now be
able to do so without difficulty. You can even add items directly from
mounted images now.

• Launch files. You can double-click a file in UMDGen for it to automatically
open in whatever associated application is on your system. Example,
double-clicking 'PIC1.PNG' will open that file in your default PNG viewing

• File relinking routines have been updated. Some users reported previous
versions were a bit buggy so this has been fixed.

• Improved the code for moving files in LBA VIEWPORT. Users can now drag
and drop all selected files instead of having to do them individually.

• PPF Patcher. You can apply a ppf directly to an ISO or any individual
file in the compilation.

• Dummy File Search. This feature will scan the open ISO for dummy data
files and, if found, automatically resize them to 0 bytes.

• Sector Viewer. View files or the ISO in Hex Format. Using the button on the
toolbar will view Sector 0 as default, right-clicking on a file and selecting
sector view will display the file location sector.

• Padding is now default to none, users have the option to modify the padding
values from 0 to UMD default or enter a custom amount of LBAs between files.

• Debug Console. This is available to help with any problems users may have.
It gives a general output wich can be examined by us to help fix the problem.

• Optional Path Tables. Part of the ISO header but not generally used. Can be
disabled if required.

• DAX ISO support. Open and edit DAX ISO images the same as any uncompressed
Uncompress Dax images: there are 2 ways of doing this, open the DAX iso and
then either select 'save as' from the menu or press the 'uncompress DAX ISo'
button from the toolbar. The first way constructs a new iso which would
include any changes you make in the compilation. The second way is just a
direct uncompression of the original iso.

De lujazo, a ver que compatibilidades nos dá.

puede que aumente la compatibilidad del DAXZISO?? pues para que sirve este programa exactamente?? es que no relaciono lo de la compatibilidad con este programa...explicadme porfavor...
Por fin se acabó el descomprimir las .dax cada vez que quería ripear algo.
rst está baneado del subforo por "No especificado"
Provablemente seguirá siendo el VCDromX mas compatible.. como hasta ahora.

ha salido la version 3.01 en la que se han corregido algunos bugs

Con que umd's arranca el umdgen 3.1??

que tal va actualmente este programa? carga mejor que la combinacion de daxziso+mph game loader?

muchas gracias!!
Ein¿¿?? [mad] ¬_¬ Oooh [flipa]
El UMDGen es un creador de isos.
Creo q te has colado.
REspecto a la 3.0 salió hace un poco y se creó un hilo búscalo.
Como siempre un excelente trabajo por parte del equipo del UMDGen. Es la herramienta perfecta para el manejo de isos (y ahora de dax)
primero de todo gracias por responder tan i tan rapido

segundo, un ratataaaa para mi jajaja! pues si, me he colado, jeje esque estoy como un loco mirando a ver como puedo cargar una backup d daxter pq cn el daxziso+mph game loader no me sale d la pantalla de loading game y me estoy leyendo todo a piñon a ver si encuentro la solución o un programa que me lo arranque y ya me e dejao la cabeza como un bombo jejeje.

13 respuestas