Un ex de Naughty Dog critica a los creadores de juegos de psp

tzare está baneado por "utilizar clon para saltarse baneo"
La noticia

Asi resumiendo dice que hay que poner mas esmero , como se ha hecho con Daxter, un juego que perfectamente podria ser para ps2.
Dice que hay que tomarse en serio a psp y no pensar q es una portatil solamente o q le falta un 2o stick analogico.
"There's obviously not as many titles as people would want on the platform, but at the same time, up until now there hasn't been any title that really gives you the same kind of experience you could find on the PS2."

"Everything is compromised, and it bugs the hell out of me when you hear a lot of developers saying, 'Well, we can't do this that way because it's a handheld game,' or 'We can't do this because it doesn't have a second analog stick.'"

"Those are all excuses," Malenfant continued - observing that the original PSone controller didn't have any analog sticks, "And there were great games on that."

Malenfant, who formerly worked for Jak and Daxter developer Naughty Dog, co-founded Ready At Dawn in September 2003 together with former Blizzard employees Ru Weerasuriya and Andrea Pessino.

The studio's first game is simply titled Daxter, and is based around the character of the same name. Malenfant believes that Daxter "Is not only a really good game, but really something that shows that for the first time, this is a handheld that can give you the same experience you'd find on a home console."

"For me that's terribly exciting, because I tend to play my PSP a lot more than any other console, simply because it's portable. I don't want to end up playing sub-par games just because I'm on a handheld, which up to [the arrival of the PSP] has been what we've had to do."

"We really set out to prove that you can do a game that is as good, if not better, than a PS2 game and really show off the platform. If we do end up becoming the game that opens the floodgates, I'd be really really proud, because it's such an awesome handheld."
Haber si alguien le escucha y mejora la cosa... pq vale, esta bien que salgan ports (o remakes no se que palabra es mas apropiada) de juegos que salieron en psone como tales of eternia y tal, pero que nos saquen juegos como Medievil con una tasa de fps bajisima es pa' matarlos, o juegos como Mercury que prometen mucho y luego parecen inacabados por no mencionar 'obras de arte' como el Infected o el Fired Up... Juegos buenos salen a contagotas y encima no son bien recibidos en general (Lumines, LocoRoc, Me&my Katamary...)

Eso eso tzare, a ver si leen esta notícia i se ponen las pilas dejandose de remakes i cojones
joder, pues a ver si es verdad que se ponen las pilas y van sacando juegos buenos de verdad.

aunque de momento creo que hay que esperar, suele pasar con el primer año de una consola que sea flojo. me acuerdo del primer año de la ps2 o de la n64 o de la psx, que no salieron grandes cosas en abundancia.
daxter, ghoust'n goblins, tomb raider, dragon ball... ya empiezan a salir juegos decentes. es normal que al principio no exploten totalmente el potencial de la consola con los juegos, pero seguro que con el tiempo la psp se llena de grandes juegos
Pues si, es normal, habrá que ir dandoles tiempo. Aunque a mi el Mercury me gusta mucho :Ð :Ð
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