Yo ayer me estrene con el juego directo a live, y buenoo, acostumbrado al rainbow six...como me dieron para el pelo
![uf [agggtt]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/infeliz.gif)
pero bueno, poco a poco me voy haciendo al tema y de momento estos consejo que encontre en los foros de xbox.com me han parecido bastante utiles:
Gears of War Multiplayer Tips (COG and Locust):
1. Stick with your teammate(s).
2. Communication is the key.
3. Follow in groups, but not as a cluster, have someone watching the front...always have someone watching the rear making sure that everyone doesnt get popped from behind.
4. Get angles, flank... I can't stand it when two people are shooting one person from the same position, box him/her in and dont let him/her get away.
5. Shoot for their kneecaps.
6. If someone comes at you with a chainsaw, roll away first, then shoot.
7. Aways flank, watch out for other people flanking you.
8. Take out your shotgun in tight spaces.
9. Aim at a cover where the enemy could possibly be, so you can shoot them if they come out of cover.
10. Use your pistol and your pistol whip, it's surprising effective.
11. When more than 1 enemy is out in the open less than ten metres away, don't chainsaw, because his teammate can just rev up his chainsaw and get you, use a shotgun or a lancer instead.
12. Never have either no assault rifle (lancer or hammerburst) or shotgun, unless you know you teammates can protect you.
13. When using precise aiming, aim for the head, when aiming from the hip, aim for the torso.
14. If someone is covering behind a corner, don't walk past him and try to kill him. As soon as you reach toward him, dash past him and kill him.
15. Rolling is key to survival when there is minimal cover.
16. Strategize and communicate with your teammates to avoid collisions and arguments.
17. Don't rush unless you are extremely skilled at flanking maneuvering.
18. Stay in cover whenever possible.
19. Do not overuse the chainsaw... When someone is close by and knows you are near them, take out the shotty and kill them that way.
20. When picking up a Sniper, switch the Lancer for it.
21. Chainsaw bayonet is a great stealth weapon believe it or not. If you are hiding behind cover and ONE (not 2 or more) enemy is running towards you, wait till they are 3 to 5 feet away from you and cut em' in half. Your enemy does not have a real good chance to react.
22. When trying to kill someone with the shotgun, always use it in close proximity to the enemy. You are more likely to pull off a headshot with it when you are aiming from the torso, although you are less accurate, you move faster. When I play with the shotgun, I aim with the left trigger at close range and sometimes pull off a melee to down the enemy.
23. Play with your friends. If you are going to play ranked, play with your best friends. It is useless to join some numbskulls who go on their own and never talk. Mostly the people you play with will go for the sniper thinking that they are the best with the weapon when they use it. It's not always true. If you are playing with people you don't know before a match begins, engage in some chit-chat to get to know them.
24. In the Execution gametype, being able to focus fire with your teammates is essential. If you down an enemy, wait a second and see in that guy has any backup. Most of time, a guy will see his friend is downed and will stop whatever they are doing immediately and head straight to help his buddy. What you can do about that is down the guy reviving his buddy. Another fast way to execute a downed enemy quickly is use your Assault Lancer and simply shoot at 5 feet away. It only takes 3 shots to execute the enemy. If your man is down and ONE enemy is roadie running towards your teammate, it sounds wrong but use your teammate as bait as you wait behind cover for the unsuspecting enemy to taste your chilling chainsaw.
25. If you can't pull off a headshot, there is a simple solution! Get a Perfect Active Reload and shoot the enemy! With a Perfect Active Reload, any hit will put the enemy down and they can move! Shoot them with your lancer or another weapon and BLAMO you get a kill!
26. Generally, Never stand next to your allies, but try to keep them within 10 yards or so (close enough so the lancer would be effective or where you can roll and get a shotgun kill off to help out).
Tips for Weapon Use:
Using: This is the starting and pretty much basis weapon in Gears of War. You start with this weapon in Multiplayer and get it by the end of Act 1 in Single player. It’s a standard fully automatic weapon. Great for far and medium distance when shooting at someone. It has a chainsaw bayonet on the end, so if someone gets close to you, hold B to chainsaw them. CAUTION: If you’re revving up your chainsaw, and someone shoots you, it gets jammed up and you’ll need to hold B to rev it up again.
Avoiding: When being shot at too much, just take cover; it takes quite a few hits of this to kill you. For close up, take out your shotgun; it’s the anti-chainsaw weapon. Also, shoot them when they rev up their chainsaw, then take them out from there.
Using: This is a big weapon in size, and is lethal when shot right at a character. This is NOT a close up weapon, and you can die if shooting anything too close to you because after you shoot it, it causes a chain of explosions when it hits the ground. Remember that it doesn’t shoot exactly straight like the rocket launcher in Halo 2. It curves slightly when shot, so aim it a little high when shooting.
Avoiding: The only real thing I can tell you is to really take cover, because you won’t get hurt too much if it’s not by you. Also, if there is a flat wall close in back of you, move away because it can be shot on the wall, explode by you, and kill you instantly. This gun doesn’t have too much ammo, so just try to dodge it a few times, and you’ll be ok.
Using: This weapon is probably one of the best weapons when used correctly and really help out a team if a skilled sniper is on a team. See, since Gears has a regenerating health system, sniping someone anywhere won’t kill them because they will regenerate faster than you can probably reload. Just try head shooting them when they’re distracted with shooting someone else. This weapon is hard to use when someone is moving because when you enter scope mode, the scope moves real slow, so try to get someone when they’re in one place.
Avoiding: When facing someone with a sniper, USUALLY it’s good to waste their ammo by going out really quick and coming back into cover to dodge them so they shoot too late. Though, sometimes the sniper is so good they can snipe you that quick, so watch out! You probably want to verse a sniper with another sniper, or try to flank them, and get up close with them and take them out with a shotgun. Last tip, just run around a lot and roll.
Using: This gun is for close up and close up only. As you can see, the aim cursor is huge, so it’s used for really close up kills. In Gears, try aiming for the head because it will kill them in one hit, and take off their head. If you’re seriously close, it doesn’t matter where you shoot the enemy because the whole body will come to pieces. The shotgun is a good weapon for flanking someone and trying to catch someone with surprise.
Avoiding: Try using shotgun on shotgun and AIM FOR THE HEAD. If the person using the shotgun is at a medium distance, and the shotgun is doing partial damage, but not critically bad damage, take out your machine and just start mowing them down. The last and best tactic for the shotgun is just to run away and take cover far away.
Torque Bow
Using: This gun is a one hit K.O. anywhere on the body when powered up and the aim line is straight. Be careful, this weapon does take a few seconds to power up, and if it’s not powered up, it won’t puncture the enemy. Sometimes, if the enemy won’t come out of cover, you can shoot the arrow close to where the enemy is taking cover, and it will blow up and possibly even kill the enemy. When shooting an enemy close up, run away or dive back so you won’t be blown up also (Direction+A to roll in a direction).
Avoiding: Thankfully, this weapon does make noise, so if you hear a sort of buzzing noise, take cover immediately or run. This weapon is very powerful and can only be avoided if you don’t face the enemy or you flank them.
Hammer of Dawn
Using: This weapon is really good for using at a partially far distance. You can either aim it at an enemy to get a direct and an absolute kill or you can it aim it at an object, them move it around to try to take out any enemy in cover. The hammer of Dawn’s laser does burn out after for about 15-20 seconds, you don’t just slowly move it, you should furiously move it around, trying to cover the most area as possible. This weapon can also go through objects. If you don’t want to enemy to know that you’re there, don’t use this weapon.
Avoiding: If you see some beams start to come down or some noise of a beam, go back into cover because it goes away when the enemy cannot be seen. If you’re running, it can’t get you. You can try to sprint towards the enemy or flank him. If you see the laser, run away from it. Use the roadie run because the laser is fast.
Frag Grenade
Using: The frag grenade is a one hit K.O. if placed close enough to a person, but usually the enemy will run away quick enough before it blows up unless cornered. It is a good distraction to flank someone. It can either be thrown or stuck to someone. To throw, you can adjust the little curved line to see where you want it to go. This takes time, and sometimes you may get killed by the time you throw it because it takes so much time. Sticking people is very rewarding, but sometimes hard to do. You usually want to stick someone when they’re alone or they don’t notice you. They can shoot you with a shotgun or chainsaw you. If you do stick them, run and run for your life. It detonates quick and many times the sticker gets blown up as well.
Avoiding: Really just try to run from it. If someone’s trying to stick you, try shooting them, shot gunning them up close, or chain sawing them and rev up your chainsaw before they’re right next to you for obvious reasons.
Smoke Grenade
Using: This weapon is really good for flanking or for just getting an up close kill. The enemy in the smoke is usually very nervous or tense so getting them by flanking them is a really good idea. This weapon does not hurt the enemy but you can stick them with this. You know that you have the smoke grenade if the number of grenades is red.
Avoiding: When someone is using a smoke grenade, just try to get out of the smoke and run and take cover. If your gutsy and want to get a shot in the smoke, take out your shotgun, and watch the smoke in all directions for any dark figures moving. Try to put yourself in a corner so the enemy can only come from one way.
Pistols- Revolver and Snub
Using: The revolver is good because it offers a powerful shot especially a headshot. Its better the closer the enemy is. The Snub Pistol is good for pretty far range and is very accurate and kills enemies in a few headshots. Usually players use it for a last resort, but in Gears, it offers strong damage and is good if you’re really good at headshots.
Avoiding: Try to take cover a lot, use the machine gun to get them shaken up, giving them less of a chance of getting headshots.