Un pez está jugando a pokemon. Y hay stream



Hi everyone! Welcome to our stream where our fish, Grayson Hopper, plays a Pokemon game. Unfortunately, we don't have a dedicated light for Grayson at night as he lives in a tiny dorm room and we would rather not sleep with the light on. :( But in the future we will be getting him a dedicated lamp and improving the quality of the stream to include recent inputs determined by the motion tracking. Things can move a little slow, so another option we're considering is making the system distributed where we have a site where you can provide a fish stream link and we'll include it in the controlling.

Also, Grayson will be moving in a few weeks and the stream may be down for a bit. We'll be taking this opportunity to add features and speed things up a bit. :)

Grayson has been playing for around 125 hours. Last time I checked, Grayson had acquired his first Pokemon, a charmander named AAAABBK and defeated his first opponent, the rival's squirtle!

(Grayson has been playing since the very start and selected his own name from one of the preset ones!)

Is the fish dead?

No, the fish is not dead. He just sleeps sometimes.

Lo que no inventen....
Voy a poner a mi gato a jugar al Final Fantasy XIII, seguro que se lo pasa sin moverse.
Acabo de verlo...una de dos, o quiere ir al norte sea como sea o la ha palmado...
que hago con mi vida...
Oh mierda. Tengo que comprar un pez.
capitanquartz escribió:Oh mierda. Tengo que comprar un pez.

Este es un pez Betta, no necesitan filtro, suelen subir a la superficie para tomar agua, y bueno el filtro es para mantenerlo el agua limpia y no cambiarlo tantas veces.
Le acaba de dar una tunda a un pidgeot [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]

y 7,600 personas viéndolo XD

PD_ lo veo a ratos y muy de vez en cuando hasta guarda la partida... que cabrón [+risas]
7 respuestas