Sí que se parece un montón, la verdad. Pensaba que sería algo parecido al Bikkuri Man World ( o como se llame ) de pc engine, pero sí que tiene algunas diferencias.
Por cierto, los dragones que salen parecen diseñados por Toriyama, ¿verdad?
Edito: (Que me había confundido y lo había puesto en otro hilo

Mirando en Wikipedia veo esto:
The game has been cloned, hacked and remarketed a number of times over the years - with varying degrees of legality.
The PC Engine saw a conversion of the game in the form of Bikkuriman World, with changes made to the characters to conform to what was then a popular anime series. This version was handled by Hudson Soft, which also did conversions of other Wonder Boy games for the console.
Tectoy, Sega's distributor in Brazil, used the Monster World license and code to produce Mônica no Castelo do Dragão for the Sega Master System. The game was identical in every way to the source material, but characters were replaced with known figures from the Brazilian comics Turma da Mônica (Monica's Gang). Of course, the game was correspondingly translated into Portuguese for the Brazilian market.
An unlicensed version (by Westone) of Monster World was also produced for the Famicom, under the title of Saiyuki World with Sun Wukong of the Journey to the West tale as the central character. This conversion was produced by Jaleco, and although it was never officially admitted that the game was a port of Monster World, the game's levels and gameplay were one-for-one identical. This game would later have a sequel, known in America as Whomp 'Em.
Así que parece que fue la propia Westone la que lo sacó para Nes cambiando los personajes para no tener problemas de derechos como hacía para Hundsoft en pc-engine. Pero por lo visto no es exactamente igual ( las versiones de Pc-engine eran un descaro, en la del Wonder Boy III : Dragon's trap sólo cambian los sprites de los protas y los escenarios de algunos final boss, lo demás es igual
