Operating Profit ~$1.1 billion
Net Profit ~$1 billion
Wii HW Q1 - 5.17 million (an increase of 1.74 million from last year) (29.62 million total)
DS HW Q1 - 6.94 million (a decrease of 0.04 million from last year) (77.54 million total)
Wii SW Q1 - 40.41 million (an increase of 24.42 million from last year)
DS SW Q1 - 36.59 million (an increase of 2.33 million from last year)
Mario Kart Wii Q1 - 6.42 million
Wii Fit Q1 - 3.42 million (5.27 million total)
Cash and Deposits ~$6.6 billion (decrease mostly due to payment of dividends and income taxes)
Total Assets ~$16.4 billion
Yearly Net Profit Forecast ~$3 billion
En spanish:
Revenue increases 17% Year over Year
Profit of~$50 Million, in comparison to ~$292 Million loss this time last year
PS3 shipments up 127% YoY
PS2 shipments down 38% YoY
PSP shipments up 74% YoY
14.41 Million PS3s shipped
Capcom Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that net sales increased to 16,352 million yen (up 14.5% from the same term last year), operating income increased to 2,978 million yen (up 43.5% from the same term last year) and net income increased to 4,024 million yen (up 60.1% from the same term last year) in consolidated financial results for the 1st Quarter ended June 30, 2008.
In Home Video Games business, the sales of “Monster Hunter Freedom 2G” (for PlayStation Portable) have been skyrocketing since its release on March 27, 2008, becoming the first Japanese software title for PlayStation Portable to achieve record breaking sales of over 2 million units. The great contribution of “Monster Hunter Freedom 2G” drastically increased both sales and profits.
Arcade Operations, on the other hand, continued to struggle in the severe business environment and showed a weak performance, although that has been covered by the favorable results of Home Video Games Business.
Forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009 is not changed due to continuous weak performance of Arcade Operations business.
Shipped Figures
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G = 2.48 Million shipped (Japan + Asia)
Lost Planet Colonies: 390,000 (worldwide)
Okami Wii: 280,000 (NA + Europe)
Sales Expectations
Resident Evil 5 (PS3 + 360) - 2,300,000
Street Fighter IV (PS3, 360, PC) - 1,700,000
Bionic Commando (PS3, 360, PC) - 1,500,000
Dead Rising: Chop Till Your Drop (Wii) - 500,000

PD: de ms o alguna otra compañía aún no los he visto, si alguien los tiene que los postee y edito
PD2: nintendo no puede comprar exclusivas ni na, que no tiene cash

, ni puede sacar una portatil potente ni na, ni juegos jarcore de buen presupuesto

(/trolling mode)