Una Gran idea para Homebrew

Hola, no se si existe ya, o si es posible o no, pero de pronto tuve una gran idea que podría revolucionar la jugabilidad de la DS. veréis.

Existe un programa en internet, gratuito que se llama Hamachi. Es un programa que sirve para crear redes como las de casa pero a traves de internet. Ejemplo: Yo tengo el worms, y mi amigo americano tambien, y suponiendo que el juego no fuera por internet sino solo lan, entonces podemos jugar con el hamachi.

Entonces pienso yo:

Si se hace un homebrew que hiciera lo mismo, podriamos jugar al mario party , ejemplo, a través de internet, invitando a nuestros amigos a la red que tengamos en ese momento.....

Por favor quiero opiniones al respecto, gracias.
lo veo casi imposible, basicamente por que cuando cargas el juego no puedes tener el programa abierto. Veo mas posible algo como el Xlink Kai
¿Y si la red local se crea en el PC con el Hamachi y la NDS se puede conectar al ordenador para jugar? Algo parecido al QuakeDS.
Ya se estuvo trabajando en ello (creo que los de xlink) y no entendían el protocolo de comunicación entre las DS, ya que no es el mismo que cuando te conectas directamente al wifi de nintendo, no se si me he explicado bien, pero esa es la idea que yo pillé
la idea es realmente interesante, ya se comento varias veces,
también se comento de jugar multiplayer gba por wifi.

y las respuestas siempre son las misma,
el protocolo wifi entre consolas no se conoce muy bien, entonces no se puede modificar. O algo asi, no? jeje n_nu

pd: hay algo interesante en el link de la pagina esa?? xlink??
xq yo no veo nada referente a ds....
Naxer escribió:la idea es realmente interesante, ya se comento varias veces,
también se comento de jugar multiplayer gba por wifi.

y las respuestas siempre son las misma,
el protocolo wifi entre consolas no se conoce muy bien, entonces no se puede modificar. O algo asi, no? jeje n_nu

pd: hay algo interesante en el link de la pagina esa?? xlink??
xq yo no veo nada referente a ds....
Copio y pego..(del 2004)

Thinking Out Loud - The Nintendo DS

We've been doing a little preemptive thinking with regards to the DS on Kai. After sifting through a couple of fairly recnent Nintendo patents, the Parent <--> Child concept for WLANning the DS looks like the most likely - my recent theory about additional Bluetooth style low-power stuff seems wrong.

So, whats the 'Proprietary Protocol Which Saves Battery' all about? We think it's like this. Your Nintendo DS will only have a *very* weak 802.11b facility - 30 feet / 10 meters has been mentioned. Although Nintendo mysteriously claim that it might 'go a lot further'. After checking out those patents, I've kinda got it into my head that, say there's 10 of you playing DS on a Uni campus - your DS will only be talking to the nearest 1, or possibly 2 units. Those units will *forward* the data to their nearest two. This is pretty smart - your DS can easily get connected to a DS a mile away while using hardly any power - by hopping over a lot of others on the way. Clever stuff - for a company who doesn't want to go online 'this generation'.

Bearing in mind that this is all supposition, lets steam ahead and try to visualise it working with Kai. I mean, if every person in the whole world has a DS, charged up and turned on all the time, nothing like this would be needed - it would just work. However, when this thing launches, not very many people will have it - you might be able to get a nice big game in your dorm, or at school (lol.. imagine that), but you wont strictly be able to play *online* - like transatlantic for example.

I would assume, that in time, Nintendo would build hotspots - like mobile phone masts, but a lot smaller, in cities and other places, which would bridge your 'local group' up with others players - they might even wanna charge for this service. Sounds good..

Until that point, we're going to be playing with linking the 'chunks' of connected DS players together - ie dorm with 5 local players, Kai link to another dorm with 5 local players in another country. There are two topologies which stand anything like a chance of working with this:

Possibility A: Wireless Cable / DSL Router + Nintendo DS

Personally, I don't think this stands much of a chance - the router is probably going to ignore the packets flying between the DS units - especially as, although strictly ethernet frames, Ninty will put them on some crazy SSID to try to stop them breaking other WLAN things. However, if the router *can* see the DS frames, boom, we're on..

Possibility B: PC With Wireless Network Card + Nintendo DS
PCap struggles like hell to inject onto wireless LAN cards - but some *do* work. It's all about the drivers. This setup stands more chance of working, because we can tinker with more thing on the adapter - but we might be telling people to throw their network cards away, and buying a specific brand (sounds like theres money to be made there... lol).

*If* any of these topologies works, you will be getting a fully working DS tunnel on the day the DS is released in North America. If this stuff doesn't work, no problem, we'll start digging deeper.

As ever, I welcome discussion on these sort of topics - would be nice to chat with anyone who's into uber-hardcore WLAN stuff. I sorta just tossed this stuff up here so you all could think on it - although it's nice to have it here - then nobody can roll up at our door in 3 months and say we 'stole' the idea..
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