He actualizado la foto jejejje, pero dejo la otra para que vean las direrecias de cada versio:
Cargador Universal de Juegos
Hayer un chico llamado
AhMan creador del iR Shell informo que una persona llamada
DragonUK habia modificado su programa convirtiendolo en un
ISO Loader (del cual pueden ver las imagenes arriba) haciendo que AhMan se enfadara tanto que dessidio no actualizar mas ese programa.
Lo comprobo comparando los both de ambos programas ¡Y asombrosamente, encontro que el código fuente de los dos programas son casi identicos.
Lastima lo de este plagio, quiza si le hubiese pedido permizo para modificar su programa ahorita ya tendriamos el programa entre nuestras manos, una verdadera lastima.
Ya borraron el post y descarga que se encontraba en MaxConsolas..........................
Suerte para quienes lo descargaron...........jejejejjejeje
Yesterday, the author of iR Shell, AhMan, has informed us that a guy called DragonUK has modified his program into an ISO game loader program, but claimed it as his own work. AhMan was so angry that he decided he will not be updating his program for some while. It seems this issue is now under control. Here is his post about this issue in our forums.
However, I came across another program called "Whiteboard" by benh today, which was released back on March 25, and instantly recalled that we had posted a "Blackboard" Lua application by Mnky from our forums on March 20. I was so curious that I had to check the Lua script from both of them. And surprisingly, I found that the source code from the two programs is almost the same! I've taken a screenshot to make a contrast here.
I don't think I need to explain any more. You can even download both of them and check the similarity of the two programs. It's all up to you to blame this kind of cribbing happening in the scene. Leave your thoughts in the comments, please!
Si Alguien quiere hacer una traduccion fiel adelante jejejejejjeje