hola puntualmente queria saber para que sirve esto.

1. Download OFW - 3.15
2. Download OFW - 3.30
3. Download a HEX edditor
4. Open both file (3.15, and 3.30) with HEX editor
5. Compare files
6. Change in 3.15 -to the line 210 - copy all lines to 210 in 3.30, and paste it to 3.15 they change only the name ;)
7. Make the filesize on 3.15 - like 3.30 fit only with (00)
8. Save the modified 3.15 - like PS3UPDAT.PUP
9. Go find a USB Flash drive
10. Make the file structure on it - PS3/UDPATE
11. Put the PS3UPDATE.PUP (that you make) with folder UPDATE on USB flash
12. Power on console
13. Disconnect on the network (disable)
14. Put the USB flash drive
15. Select on PS3 menu - SYSTEM UPDATE
16. Select - use USB
17. Sustem detect update and then agree with agreement
18. Wait
19. You ready - enjoy 3.30 custom made with easy steps

this update cheat only system - this do nothing :)
it's renamed 3.15.
no need to thanks - just enjoy.
Para cambiarle el nombre al update 3.15 a 3.30
1 respuesta