› Foros › Retro y descatalogado › Xbox
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- .NET Framework 4
- USB modified xbox, controller or controller cable (make your own or buy one)
- Compatable USB drive (scroll down for a small list of compatable USB devices)
Note: Follow the instructions included in the USB FATX Formatter. The tutorial will help you
corrupt your USB drive so other applications can access it. The USB *MUST* be corrupted or it will
not work unless you are running Windows XP or lower!
USB Transfer Troubleshooting:
Q: My USB device is not being detected or isn't mounting when I plug it in.
A: Your USB device may not be compatible, although there is still a hope. Turn off the console
and plug in the USB, turn on the console and check to see if the USB drive has been mounted
or not. I have had to do this with the Sandisk Cruzer series USB drives.
Q: My console is detecting the USB drive but says all of my game saves are corrupted?
A: You have misread step 2. Don't transfer UDATA, only the folders inside of it.
USB Device Compatability (from what I have tested):
Note: Any U3 device listed has been tested with the U3 partition removed.
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 128MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 512MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 1024MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 4096MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 512MB Flash (SDCZ6-512)
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 1024MB Flash (SDCZ6-1024)
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 2048MB Flash (SDCZ6-2048)
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 4GB Flash (SDCZ6-4096-E10)
Full List of Compatible and Non-Compatible USB Devices: http://www.biline.ca/xbox_flash_list.htm
Please post if your USB device was compatible or not on the forums linked below.
v1.2.0 Change Log:
- Write speed has been improved majorly with a bigger buffer (CHANGED)
- Over 10 user interface problems (FIXED)
- Crash at end of full format (FIXED)
- Several functions have been wrote to be more stable and functional (CHANGED)
- Error catching while formatting to stabilize overall performance (ADDED)
v1.3.2 Changelog:
- Cluster size might not be wrote depending on settings (FIXED)
- Program now uses an optional XML configuration (ADDED)
- Memory leak would cause lag after a quick or full format (FIXED)
- Proper working drive corruption detection (ADDED)
- Whole drive was not being formatted during a full format (FIXED)
Report Application Bugs and Application Support: http://forums.team-hq.com/viewforum.php?f=23
alfageorge escribió:y que utilidad tiene esto para con nuestras negritas?
hal9000 escribió:Me imagino que es porque nadie guarda ya esos pendrives de 128/256/512, yo tengo una microsd de 64 Megas y otra de 128 Megas, ya me dirás donde las encuentras hoy en día!!
Cabe la posibilidad que algún pen que la xbox de por malo, al ser formateado desde el pc con esta utilidad, después la xbox lo de por bueno?
Yo creo que los tiros tienen que ir en ese sentido, sino para que narices se quiere una utilidad de este tipo?. Si tengo tiempo y ganas haré alguna prueba