Utilidades bajo OSX86?

Buenas noches, tengo instalado Mac OS en mi PC, ya que de lo contrario este es aprobechado por mi hermano como si de un centro de juego se tratara, dando paso a discusiones y demás para poder sentarme en mi ordenador...

Existe alguna herramienta como el xDVDMulleter para MacOS? los .dvd se graban facilmente desde Mac OS?
Yo tengo las mismas dudas ke tu,de momento te puedo decir ke para grabar backups de xts se utiliza iburn,se podia hacer una recopilacion de programas para mac y xts y dejar chinteta }:/
}:/ }:/ }:/ }:/
encontre esto:

-X360 ISO Hacker and iBurn360 don't verify the disc image.
-X360 ISO Hacker modifies the disc image to force a layer break. This causes them to be corrupt if used on a pc.
-No other mac tool performs any Stealth checks!

I have used all the mac Xbox 360 Tools available, and they all do what they say. My problem is that PC's have much better software available. I set out to make a Mac program that does what the PC programs do.

I am currently working with Redline99 (developer of Xbox Backup Creator), and I am also using source code from BadSheepy (developer of XDVDMulleter). I also have a few beta testers to help resolve issues.

OSx360 Features:
-Burns Xbox 360 Disc Images without modification or patching.
-Uses Apple's DiscRecording.Framework (same as Disk Utility).
-Can also use growisofs (a *nix tool that can burn DVD's with a manual layer break)
-Verifies Xbox 1, Xbox 1 Xtreme, and Xbox 360 disc images.
-Performs stealth checks, and reports stealth validation. (Xbox 1 Xtreme, Xbox 360)
-Allows burning disc image even if invalid (some disc images may report invalid when not).
-Checks Region Flags of disc images. (Xbox 360 only)

Many more features are coming soon including:
-Xbox 360 Orignal Disk ripping via KREON Drives
-Xbox File System Extraction (Partially Complete)
-Additional Stealth Checks
-Disc Image Stealth Extraction/Injection (Extraction is Complete)
-Disc Image Rebuilding

--- Aki otro soft para verificar las ISOS ---

This software is still in a test phase, but is very functional. I only say it's a test version because of it's limited testing and my constant improvement. Please help me improve the software to make it comparable to it's PC counter parts!

Website: http://www.nukedsoftware.com/
Download: http://www.nukedsoftware.com/osx360/dow ... 6debug.dmg
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