-X360 ISO Hacker and iBurn360 don't verify the disc image.
-X360 ISO Hacker modifies the disc image to force a layer break. This causes them to be corrupt if used on a pc.
-No other mac tool performs any Stealth checks!
I have used all the mac Xbox 360 Tools available, and they all do what they say. My problem is that PC's have much better software available. I set out to make a Mac program that does what the PC programs do.
I am currently working with Redline99 (developer of Xbox Backup Creator), and I am also using source code from BadSheepy (developer of
VDMulleter). I also have a few beta testers to help resolve issues.
OSx360 Features:
-Burns Xbox 360 Disc Images without modification or patching.
-Uses Apple's DiscRecording.Framework (same as Disk Utility).
-Can also use growisofs (a *nix tool that can burn DVD's with a manual layer break)
-Verifies Xbox 1, Xbox 1 Xtreme, and Xbox 360 disc images.
-Performs stealth checks, and reports stealth validation. (Xbox 1 Xtreme, Xbox 360)
-Allows burning disc image even if invalid (some disc images may report invalid when not).
-Checks Region Flags of disc images. (Xbox 360 only)
Many more features are coming soon including:
-Xbox 360 Orignal Disk ripping via KREON Drives
-Xbox File System Extraction (Partially Complete)
-Additional Stealth Checks
-Disc Image Stealth Extraction/Injection (Extraction is Complete)
-Disc Image Rebuilding
--- Aki otro soft para verificar las ISOS ---
This software is still in a test phase, but is very functional. I only say it's a test version because of it's limited testing and my constant improvement. Please help me improve the software to make it comparable to it's PC counter parts!
http://www.nukedsoftware.com/osx360/dow ... 6debug.dmg