Utilidades relativas a la VMU

Para copiar partidas guardadas mediante el cable de desarrollo y tambien el BBA y ¡¡tambien desde cd-r!!
Another version of VMU Backup Tool is ready!

VMU Backup Tool v0.5.1
Release notes:

.VMI/.VMS support added (no need to rename your files now)
Improved file browsing (the file list is now loaded in memory)

About the .VMS support, the file scan will skip any .VMI file it founds and it will only list your .VMS files, but don't worry, the app is working fine.
Just select the .VMS file you like to copy to a VMU, and the VMU Tool will open the .VMI file, read the data it needs, and then it will write the correct filename in the selected VMU along with the data in the .VMS file.

Download link: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/vmutool/vmutool_v051.zip?download

Aviso : Los nombres de las partidas guardadas en el cd deben corresponderse con las originales.
Soporta formatos VMS y VMI. Y puedes editar los vmi con esta herramienta: http://www.bswirl.stormnetwork.net/vmieditor/

Más información en los foros de DCemulation
Permite jugar a los minijuegos de la VMU a pantalla completa.
VMoo Update
Posted by wraggster At 5:19
Dirty Sanchez has posted some news in our forums about the progress of his VMU emulator for the Dreamcast:

Thanks to help from BlueCrab, Toastman, and Phantom, VMoo now has;

1) Full PVR Rendering at 632x416 resolution. The VMU has a full rez of 48x48, but the lower 48x16 is the status menu. Thanks to the method I'm using for the rendering, I can drop that lower section and show only the game screen.

2) The beginnings of playing a game off a VMU. I can copy the VMU contents to the ramdisk and load accordingly. It works just as reading off a dump or a direct VMS file.


To do:
1) Clean up rendering. The VMU will only render a frame when a flag has been set. This causes the PVR some hassle it seems. It manifests itself as half-frame renders or no actual rendering.
2) Test the loading off VMU on a system w/ multiple saves / etc. I want to verify it actually works with saves as well (no reason it shouldn't...)
3) Figure out how to make the VMU update itself after playing the game. You would think that the flash state would be modified during play. Apparenlty it's not. So saving any progress done in VMoo won't save back to the VMU Flash itself.
4) A menu of some sort...
5) Background Music (mp3 or ogg I would imagine)
6) Possibly a VMU Game hacker
7) Visual effects... rounded corners, color selection, etc.
Compression support....

Heres the forum link : http://www.dcemulation.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=43580

Si usando la herramienta de mi anterior post guardas en la VMU algun minijuego, ahora puedes cargarlo con esta otra herramienta y así jugar en tu televisor.
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