V4 Duo 2 SE

weno, pues resulta que hoy e estado instalando este chip en mi V4. una vez instalado, encendimos la play, y la configuramos. los juegos originales los carga, pero las copias ni las huele, es decir, como si no tuviese el chip puesto. nose porque puede ser, porque si estuviese mal puesto, no tendria que volver a configurar la bios, no? weno ayuda con lo que puede ser. (incluso alomejor esq ay q cargar los juegos con un metodo especifico, nose)
Cito de la web del chip:

It is assumed that your machine is in the Standby mode, ie machine is not switched on

PS2 games

Method 1:
-Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
-Insert PS2 game in tray.
-Tap RESET button once, the machine would reboot and then load your game.

Method 2:
- Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
- Insert PS2 game in tray, the press EJECT button to close tray.
- The disc will then take 2-5 seconds to be recognized and then boot.

To boot another game when already playing a game.
- Press EJECT button.
- The current game would then pause and the tray would come out.
- Change to another PS2 game disc and tap RESET button once.
- The machine would reboot and then load your game.

PSX games

- Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
- Insert PSX game in tray, then press and hold RESET button to switch off machine.
- Now hold the RESET button to start up your machine. Only release the RESET button once the Blue LED light of the Eject button lights up.

DVD movies

- Press EJECT button to switch on the machine.
- Insert DVD movie in tray, then press and hold RESET button to switch off machine.
- Now hold the RESET button to start up your machine. Only release the RESET button until the "blue clouds" comes up on the TV.

Disable Mode

- Hold the RESET button until the "blue clouds" comes up on the TV.
gracias, ya lo encontre ayer, y me di cuenta de q esq no lo estaba aciendo bien. gracias de todas formas! [risita]
Cual es el site oficial del chip Duo2 SE ?
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