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US 32X Games: . .
Afterburner - 32X Version of the Sega Arcade Classic
Blackthorne - Enhanced version of the Rough-Tough Interplay Sidescroller.
Cosmic Carnage - Stupid Futuristic Boxing Game 32X Style!
Doom - 32X Version the PC Shooter (32X version doesn't even run full screen tho..)
Evander Hollyfield 'Real Deal' Boxing - Beatdown by Hollyfield
Knuckles Chaotix - 32X's Sonic title
Kolibri - It's got a hummingbird on the cover.
Mortal Kombat 2 - Better graphics than the SNES version, but terrible sound.
Motocross Championship - Dirt bikin' fun, just like ESPN2!
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition - Coo B-bal game, this version second only to Jaguar and PSX.
NFL Quarterback Club - Football Game
Night Trap (32XCD) - Cheezy FMV and a whip-cream bikini, woohoo!
Pitfall: the Mayan Adventure - Sidescroll Adventure, the Jaguar version is better =)
Primal Rage - Dino-Fighting!, by Atari, Jag CD version is also good.
R.B.I. Baseball '95 - Sega Sports Baseball Game
Slam City With Scotty Pippin (32XCD) - All FMV B-Ball game over 4CD's Yeehaw!
Space Harrier - 32X Version of the Sega Arcade Classic
Spider-Man: Web of Fire - THE Spidey Game, my spider sense is tingling!
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Star Trek bridge sim, snooze-fest.
Star Wars Arcade - 32X Version of the Atari Arcade Classic
T-Mek - 32X Version of the Atari Arcade Semi-Classic
Tempo - Happy, kiddy sidescroll adventure.
Toughman Contest - Cool 32X boxing Game
Virtua Fighter - Best Home Version of the Sega Arcade Classic
Virtua Racing Deluxe - 32X Version of the Sega Arcade Classic
WWF Raw - Idiotic wrestling game.
WWF WrestleMania - See above.
Tienes toda la razon