Vale. ahora es cuando vengo yo que me leido toda la entrevista digo que el resumen de Maxconsole está un poco fuera de contexto y este hilo lo ha sacado totalmente
Lo que dice el tipo textualmente a GAMEINFORMER:
GI: Do you think from now on you’ll keep outsourcing PS3 projects [ed: Orange Box for PS3 is being done by EA], or will you start bringing those projects in house?
Newell: I think we’ll bring them in house more for licensees issues than our own. Just for our own priorities, that puts the Wii at a much higher priority at understanding that. I think the Wii represents more of a challenge because of its input. You can think of the Xbox 360 as pretty much a PC and a PlayStation as kind of a PC. The Wii gives you a bunch of problems that don’t fit into that model. You can’t think of it as graphics, CPU, texture bandwith scaling, you have to think of it as more fundamentally, and I think it’s more valuable. I think it’s more interesting than just graphics chip – CPU combination. It’s the machine I have at home. The fact that we don’t have anything in development on it even though it represents big opportunities as a whole, it’s an obvious hole in our strategy.
Lo que interpreta MAXCONSOLE:
MAXCONSOLE escribió:Valve: Wii represents more of a challenge, it's more valuable and we should be on it
Speaking in a recent interview, Valve's head honcho Gabe Newell had nothing but kind words for the Wii. He commented that you can think about the Xbox 360 pretty much like a PC and the Playstation as close to a PC. However, the Wii represents a bigger challenge due to all the input possibilities. Newell noted that Nintendo's platform entails big opportunties and claims that not being present on the machine is an 'obvious hole' in Valve's strategy.
Lo que dice el hilo
Autor escribió:Valve se une al carro de la Wii
Basicamente es una entrevista sobre la orange box que sacarán dentro de poco para Xbox360 y hay una pregunta en la que comentan que como ya ha programado para consolas si van a seguir dejando en manos de otros los ports como en el caso de la citada orange box para PS3 que hace EA
El tio dice que si se van a encargar ellos mismos de programar para consolas pero por temas de licencias y pasta mas que otra cosa ya que en cuanto a innovación no es mas que conocer la maquina y pensar en ella como en otro PC y saca a relucir la Wii comentando que programar para este tipo de maquina si es un reto para ellos pero que no tienen nada pensado en su Planning actual y se lamenta.
Vamos quehan visto la mano y han cogido el brazo entero. Juas!
No espereis nada para Wii...