Xbox Selling Well - SiliconIce @ 11:26 CST
Two independent research groups confirmed today that the Xbox™ video game system is on a roll. The NPD Group Inc. reported that Xbox posted a stunning sales increase of approximately 131 percent in the United States in the first two months following a $100 price cut in May. In addition, “Project Gotham Racing™” from Microsoft® Games Studios and “Dead or Alive 3™” from Tecmo each have sold more than a million units worldwide. According to the International Development Group, this makes Xbox the first video game system ever to have three million-unit-selling launch titles after just eight months on the market. The numbers put the system on track for another blockbuster holiday season, when gamers will be able to choose from more than 200 Xbox games.
Que traducido viene a decir que ese 131% es despues de la bajada, que ademas de halo, tanto gotham racing como doa3 tambien han pasado del millon de unidades y que
xbox es la primera consola del mundo en vender 3 millones de juegos en sus primeros ocho meses de vida
pa que me vengan luego con zarandajas de pesedoses y gamekiubs.. dadle un año y medio y a ver cuantos de los que ahora braman juegan a esas dos entonces..