"A company called SplitFish claims that it has solved the problem regarding the PlayStation 3’s lack of rumble functionality. The company claims that its "dynamic force feedback system" can be used with the PlayStation 3’s SIXAXIS controller without interrupting its motion sensing abilities. Its low power force feedback technology is called SensorFX and uses no moving parts to produce the feedback. Its feedback will work across the entirety of the controller, allowing feedback to be focused on one side or the other if necessary.
SplitFish says that its SensorFX technology can be sold as either an add-on for existing controllers or be imbedded into new designs. The add-on for the SIXAXIS plugs into the USB plug on the controller and uses the controller’s battery for power.
The SensorFX has two different feedback modes. One mode is for use with games that feature built-in force feedback support, while the other uses the motion tilt functionality and button use to determine feedback actions. SplitFish claims that it will work with developers
Me parece muy bien que lo vendan como un add on, como en su tiempo hizo nintendo 64 o dreamcast, es una buena noticia sin lugar a dudas, pero todo depende del soporte que le den las third parties...
Pero además, si se lee bien la notícia, no es que el sistama en sí vaya a ser un add-on, simplemente dice que se puede utilizar como addon (para todos aquellos que tengan un mando sin vibración) e implementarse en los mandos nuevos.
A ver si hay suerte y sony se decide a utilizar este sistema...
Salu2, Snake!
THX Certified
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