According to the latest Famitsu issue there will be a VIDEO demo of Biohazard 4 included to the jap. Version of Zelda (NGC) It won`t be easy to get this Zelda version though, since its limited and you have to pre-order it from Japan. This pre- ordering phase will start on 28th Novemeber, so if you`re a die hard RE fan you should get Zelda only to watch the Biohazard 4 movie.
como leeis!, segun famitsu la version japonesa del Zelda llevará una video demo del resident evil 4...
las preorders del zelda empiezan el 28 d enoviembre, asi q los q lo querais ya sabeis
PD: Esperemos q alguien codifique el video en divx y lo rule
PD2: Fuente.