videos backups .pam

buenas tardes,

alguien sabe algun programa que recodifique los videos con extension .pam

no deseo eliminarlos si no bajarles el bitrate.

Hasta donde creo recordar, la única forma "aceptada" de reproducir los .PAM es con el propio Media Player incrustado en el XMB (Tanto cutscenes de juegos, como ICON0's). Pero hace tiempo me topé con un curioso tuto, que no he llevado a la práctica por falta de tiempo. Aquí te lo dejo:

(i've only tried with an avi, im a little busy at the moment, some help would be amazing)
First you have to make your video file
into a M2TS. why a M2TS? because it has a h.264 codec.
(i used Any Video Converter (free) )
if you use --^ , it will be a lot simpler, just for this.

originally the M2TS is silent but if you select AC3 is will have music.
IF YOU WANT THE AUDIO TO PLAY: select AC3 as the audio codec.

change the video frame rate to 29.976

and then covert the file.
once you have your XXXXX.M2TS file , copy it to a dif location, just so you have the original. Right click and use rename. and rename XXXX.M2TS to XXXX.PAM .

and there we go. it play on the ps3 just fine, but im having trouble putting it as the ICON1.pam in a homebrew, can anyone help?

i opened the Original ps3 PAM and found in the hex editor a code, and i dont understand what it does.. i played around and copied some hex c**p, and the video changed and got corrupted... so idk if the homebrew will support it... my ps3 acted up a bit, idk what caused it, but my packages got corrupted.... idk, too tired to deal with it now, everything seems to be fine, i installed other ones and they work.... hex editor people, i need your help

Fue posteado por el usuario Ylpkm en Dash Hacks. Con ello podrías crear los propios...pero no creo que puedas meterle mano a los de los juegos. Espero que te sirva de ayuda.

gracias por la respuesta
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