Bueno tendremos hasta mañana para saber que paso con la presentacion de los esquemas, aqui unos comentarios pasados:
Ok the problem is that we can make only 7 or 13 pieces, depending on how many cplds i get. Until now this should be sufficient. I can't promise anything - so please don't come if your only intention is to get a modchip (as said - i can't promise it). However, the 21c3 as it is very cool to visit, so unless you're really bored by geeks, just go there and have some fun. oh, there is an enterance fee, but there are *LOT* of interesting lectures and even more people with interesting stuff. And there still could be some hidden hardware problem we didn't thought of yet (but the prototypes are working very well). I'll be there from Dec-27 until Dec-29. Yes, i'm german. I'll release my schematics and codes on that congress, too. I'm not sure how to continue after that - either i will ship modded gamecubes (might be the easiest and cheapest way, if i look at today's gamecube prices), or i will ship boards with soldering instructions. If there is enough interest, we can do a semi-mass-production, in the range of 50pcs+. We have to see, i'll decide this when the first version are installed in different places and work.