Wild PSP Virus Found
And I thought the Windows Mobile and Symbian viruses were fast!
According to reports on all the major PSP sites, a new virus has been found in the wild. This virus dubbed, PoPs.a by all the main AV firms appears to be transmittable via the internet. When a user accesses a malicious website, the virus is downloaded to the PSP and infects all saved games files, as well as inserting itself into the RAM for further spreading.
Since many users are sharing saved game files online, the virus appears to be spreading to PSP devices that have never even been online.
Once the PSP is infected, the virus will change the background color of the home menu screen each time the month changes. You can test for this by simply adjusting the date on your PSP to a new month. If the screen color changes, you have been infected.
In addition, after the PSP has been turned on and off (full soft reset) 10 times, a pixel will be turned off. Many users have seen up to 10+ dead pixels at this point.
Research is still underway, but it is believe the virus was released as a result of a patent problem Sony was having over the analog joystick. According to psphacks.net, further shipments of the PSP are on hold until this patent problem is resolved. When infected, there is a message every 20th frame (invisible to the naked eye) to 'Free the PSP', which is signed by AprilsFoolsDayJoke.
extraido de
viene a decir que ya ha salido un virus que afecta a la psp llamado PoPs.a. Si se usa la PSP como nabvegador, y accede a una web infectada, el virus se guarda en la memoria de la PSP y hace que se cambie el color de fondo de pantalla sin que cambie de mes. Tambien se propaga a traves de los saves de juegos, es por eso que tambien pueden verse afectadas consolas que no se conecten a internet. Pero eso no es lo malo, sino que este virus actua inutilizando pixels cada cierto tiempo. Despues de apagar la PSP una 10 veces. Hay gente afectada hasta con mas de 10 pixels jodidos.
Ademas cada dia 20 de cada mes sale un mensaje, que no se puede ver a simple vista, que dice " PSP libre", el cual esta firmado por BromaDelDiaDeLosInocentes.
Estos putos yankis, no descansan, jejeje. Pero lo reconozco, hasta que no he leido la ultima linea, no me he dado cuenta.