Hace tiempo saque una copia de la memoria flash (MX25L25635) por el método Brasileño utilizando la Raspberry Pi, por aquel entonces el firmware lo tenía en la versión 2.03, y actualmente lo tengo en la versión 5.01; ahora estoy viendo que el exploit en el firmware 4.05 es totalmente funcional, y mí duda es si mí copia es válida al 100% para volver a flashear la memoria.
He pasado el programa 'PS4 AC1D Flash-Tool' y me salen unos errores, aquí dejo la lectura:
Welcome to the Flash Manager by cfwprophet (c)
The Teensy will be handled by
@judges SPIway.py script
ConsoleControl.dll by Dave Kerr
Input Dump specified: F:\dump01.bin
SHA1 is: 5E5936B03B36FBDB4955ABFDF878ED631CA48B18
sceBigMagic is OK!
sceSmallMagic1 is OK!
sceSmallMagic2 is OK!
dbcbMagic1 is OK!
dbcbMagic2 is OK!
dbcbMagic3 is OK!
scevtrmMagic1 is OK!
scevtrmMagic2 is OK!
slb2Magic1 is OK!
slb2Magic2 is OK!
slb2Magic3 is OK!
slb2Magic4 is OK!
1 512 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
2 512 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
3 512 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
4 512 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
5 304 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
6 224 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
7 352 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
8 64 byte long Hex-Blob with constant Offset in Unk File is OK!
2 32 byte long Hex-Blob of Console Specific Constant in SCEVTRM is OK!
1 50 byte long Console Constant Hex-Blob in SCEVTRM is NOT OK!
2 48 byte long Console Constant Hex-Blob in Unk File is NOT OK!
3 9 byte long Console Constant Hex-Blob in Unk File is NOT OK!
1 32 byte long Hex-Blob of MediaCon FW Stage1 & Stage2 do NOT Match between each Other!
2 32 byte long Hex-Blob of MediaCon FW Stage1 & Stage2 do NOT Match between each Other!
Checksum of the Third SLB2 in Flash Image is not Null or only FF bytes...does look Good!
Console MAC Address is: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Console Serial is: xxxxxxx224-xxxx401
Console SKU Version is: CUH-xxx4A xx1X
Console FirmWare Version is: 1.62.0000
Result: 26 of 31 Checks Passed
Errors: 5 where Detected!!
Pues son esos 5 errores los que me tienen en jaque, y después de leer en algunos foros creo que me expongo a un brick de la consola, pero aún así no estoy seguro.
Gracias, y un saludo.