>> Kreon posted on the XBH forums that he is working on a modified firmware for the Samsung SH-D162C PC DVD-Drive that will allow you to dump original Xbox 360 discs and extract the Secuirty Sectors (SS):
Good news for all you 360 fans out there!
A few weeks ago I decided to look into the possibility of modding a standard PC DVD drive to do the tasks of ripping a 360 game and extracting the SS information. There's still some work to do, but it's all progressing very well, and I expect to release an alternative FW for the Samsung SH-D162C within a week or two. This drive is really inexpensive and should be easily available all over the world, making it a superb alternative to the original 360 drives.
The following have already been completed:
* Unlock command supported (FF 08 01 01)
* An extra unlock function that will give you access to both the video and the game partition at the same time (to make wxripper style images)
* Read and decrypt of SS
And this is what needs to be done:
* Implementation of the challenge/response functionality.
In a later release I intend to include RPC-1 support as well, making this drive a truly allround solution.
A complete DVD writer solution would be nice for those who lacks a slot for that extra drive. I will probably look into such a solution at some point, but it will be based on a current product like the SH-S182D or SH-S162L.
Bueno parece que es un firmware modificado para el lector de PC Samsung SH-D162C. Dicho firmware permitirá dumpear los juegos de XBOX360 y extraer los SS de los juegos.
No ha salido todavía.
He visto que en las tiendas el lector sale por 16€.
Fuente :
