› Foros › PlayStation 4 › Juegos
pga escribió:No puedo jugar, cuando le doy a la x para continuar en la pantalla de inicio me salia para registrarme, lo he hecho pero me sigue diciendo que de a la x para continuar y se pone a cargar, pone logging in, please wait no pasa nada y vuelve a la pantalla de inicio, alguna solución?
schumino escribió:Alguien juega con algún joystick que vaya bien para este juego, o algún dispositivo con control de vuelo? Debe ser una experiencia de simulación muy interesante, sobretodo cuando activen las realistic battles y modo de simulación
FOREVER ALONE escribió:si no podeis con los aviones,matad cosas terrestres,es mas facil,es lo que hago yo xD
filemon1 escribió:Si quereis acceder a outer heaven dejarme un mensaje por la ps4. De momento no puedo agregar mas amigos por lo del bug de assasins creed
CAVIELLES escribió:Hola, pues otro que esta enganchado con este juegazo. Una pasada la enciclopedia y lo acertadas que estan las escaramuzas en las misiones, muy bien recreado.. yo flipe cuando me mandaron cargarme una flota de bombarderos que tenían como misión bombardear una ciudad...joer es k me la goce.
Intento que me agregueis al escuadrón, pero no aceptais...que es que maximo de personas son 4?
Otra cosa se puede evolucionar varias cosas a la vez en niveles altos o hay que esperar a que acabe una para iniciar otra.
Oye, como hago para aterrizar en un portaviones...hago el tutorial. Aterrozo bien, pero me salgo por el otro lado siempre...uso frenos y cuadrado pa activar freno de aire...pero es insuficiente.
Un saludo agregarme CAVIELLES , e intentatemos asolar los cielos.
Petrish escribió:Tengo unas dudas respecto a los puntos ingame.
Lo primero, cómo se consiguen "crew points"?
Y segundo, ¿qué diferencias hay entre los puntos que tienen forma de: bombilla, cabeza de león y una especie de escudo de águila? ¿Para qué sirve cada uno de ellos y cómo te los dan?
Estoy muy perdido
MikelOn3 escribió:Petrish escribió:Tengo unas dudas respecto a los puntos ingame.
Lo primero, cómo se consiguen "crew points"?
Y segundo, ¿qué diferencias hay entre los puntos que tienen forma de: bombilla, cabeza de león y una especie de escudo de águila? ¿Para qué sirve cada uno de ellos y cómo te los dan?
Estoy muy perdido
Buenas Petrish, los 'crew points' se consiguen simplemente jugando partidas online. Cuanto mas puntos hagas con cierto avion pues mas 'crew points' recibes para gastar en dicho avion. Se gastan en la pestaña que pone Crew.
Lo segundo, la bombilla son los puntos de experiencia que llevas acumulados a lo largo de todo tu historial en War thunder.
Los que tienen cabeza de león es la moneda del juego que se usa para comprar aviones y mejoras. Se consiguen a base de jugar partidas online.
Al final de la partida si te fijas sale el recuento de monedas de león y de bombillas (dinero y experiencia) obtenidas en la partida.
Y por último los que tienen escudo de águila son la moneda Premium del juego, que en un principio creo recordar te regalan 60, y solo se consiguen pagando dinero real.
Sirven para muchas cosas, desde comprar aviones premium, suscripción a Premium, comprar mejoras de aviones sin tener que investigarlas... etc
Espero que te sirva
alkalino432 escribió:Hola no se si le pasa a alguien mas.Cuando me echo una partida y salgo del wt para jugar al killzone no me deja, se queda la pantalla en blanco y tengo que apagar y encender la ps4 para qur me deje jugar al killzone.Un saludo.
filemon1 escribió:Yo diria que las batallas en simulacion estan desactivadas... porque ningun squadron tiene puntos en el ranking de simulacion.
Outer Heaven si buscais clan español del war thunder
CAVIELLES escribió:Hola, pues otro que esta enganchado con este juegazo. Una pasada la enciclopedia y lo acertadas que estan las escaramuzas en las misiones, muy bien recreado.. yo flipe cuando me mandaron cargarme una flota de bombarderos que tenían como misión bombardear una ciudad...joer es k me la goce.
Intento que me agregueis al escuadrón, pero no aceptais...que es que maximo de personas son 4?
Otra cosa se puede evolucionar varias cosas a la vez en niveles altos o hay que esperar a que acabe una para iniciar otra.
Oye, como hago para aterrizar en un portaviones...hago el tutorial. Aterrozo bien, pero me salgo por el otro lado siempre...uso frenos y cuadrado pa activar freno de aire...pero es insuficiente.
Un saludo agregarme CAVIELLES , e intentatemos asolar los cielos.
New aircraft
- Bf.109F-1
- Bf.109F-2
- Fw.190A-8
- Fw.190D-9
- Hs.129B-3
- Yak-9U
- Yak-9UT
- MiG-3-15(B) K
- I-185 (М-82)
- Lа-9
- Fw.190D-9 (premium)
- TB-3 (special)
- P-400
- F9F-2
- XF5F Skyrocket (special)
- Tempest Mk.V (Vickers P)
- Tempest Mk.II
- A6M3 mod22 Ko
- A6M5 otsu
- Ki-84 hei
- Ki-84 otsu
- Ki-84 ko
- B7A2
- A7He1 (premium)
Game play:
- A New player’s progression system, see details in Developers’ Diaries. ;
- Bots now do not now fly biplanes only - they use aircraft of different types and ranks;
- The “Marker” system has been changed. If an enemy has a higher altitude than you, it will be harder for him to define the type of your aircraft against the ground (distance to recognize aircraft type has been reduced by 20% when the plane is against the ground)
- Adjusted the way modifications influence on flight characteristics is calculated
- Short-term connection losses do not cause permanent disconnection any more
- B-17E bottom turret's shooting angle adjusted
- Gunners now have increased spread which depends on turret turn rate (no more than 0.3 degrees)
- Correct allocation of bots in JiP (“join in progress”). Previously, one of the teams could not have any bots
- Fixed aiming when controlling turret gunners
- Improved physics of AI bots (AI physics is now closer to the actual)
- Improved controls for Simplified mode for several planes
- Fixed matchmaking bug when a player was counted as several players to balance the fight
- The amount of bombs needed to destroy the enemy base in all game modes increased in high level battles (solving the problem of bombers 'rushing' the base). Rewards for destroying the base increased correspondingly
- XP-50 moved from rank II to rank III, XP-55 moved from rank III to rank II
- Eject from the plane on carriers is fixed (now you can return to your plane without losing the aircraft)
- Fire angles of the turrets that were able to rotate 360 degrees are fixed
- In the player profile the level and military rank(Prestige) are displayed. Military Ranks(Prestige) are awarded for reaching certain levels.
- Aircraft and battle settings in “Custom battles” can be changed by the host without exiting the game room and closing the session
- Modification window interface changed, research tree interface changed
- Colours adjusted in the research and crew menus
- Added a possibility to purchase all modifications available after a battle with a single click
- PvE missions debriefing fixed
- Debriefing screen stays even after lost connection with the battle server
- Blacklisted user is now muted in voice commands
- Squad interface bug fixed
- Torpedo sight interface is fixed
- Fixed achievements on take-offs and landings
- RP report in the log now shows RP gained for new aircraft, not modifications
- Several improvements to radio commands
- Devoiced users have their radio commands blocked
- Reduced limits of anti-flood filters for radio commands to avoid radio-commands spamming
- Many fixes to the Event interface
- Players that are not yet connected to the battle are now shown in the scoreboard menu
- “Anarchist” title and achievements based on bombs and rockets are fixed
- Graphics for all maps and locations have been reworked.
- Models and cockpits for certain aircraft have been fixed.
- Visual models for the I-16 type 18 and the I-16 type 28 have been fixed.
- Pilot indicator is added for air brake status, the modifications are mounted on the wings Ju.87 B-2, R-2, D-3 and D-5;
- Changed the reflex sight on D.520, N1K2-J, N1K2-Ja;
- Fixed and fully functional counters for ammunition status on the Bf.109 series (Exception is a numerical counter in the Emil, others have visual indicators);
- Added ammunition counter bar indicators on all aircraft series Fw.190, the A-5/U2 , F- 8, as well as on the A- 5 ( shows ammo MG-FF) and A-8 (not functioning due to the absence of pendant arms);
- Added the ability to put on the ground adjusted trim tabs. (Which cannot be adjusted in flight);
- Improved rendering of fire, explosions and smoke ;
- Added a new effect for burning fuel tanks . Each fuel tank has its own fire effect
- Grass rendering optimized
- Optimized rendering for clouds and landscape
- Visual bugs are fixed for P-40, Yak-3, I-185 M-82, MiG-9, FW-190А-8, Ki-84
- Reduced volume of sound effects for aerobatic smoke;
- Optimization of sound interface parameters;
- Fixed sound settings of multiple bullet hits on the player aircraft;
- Added new sound effects for the gun BK-7, 5 inside and outside the cockpit;
- Added new sound effects for the gun Vickers Class S inside and outside the cockpit.
Changes in DM:
- Fixed the damage model for the XP- 55 ;
- Wellington ( all models) - Fixed the damage model of the fuselage ;
- Fixed the damage model for the D.520 and D.521;
- Fixed the damage model for wings of IL-2 , IL -2M , IL- 10
- Pilots’ and gunners’ damage area is reduced for all planes. The shape of damage area is now close to average man’s shape. Chance to knock the pilot or gunner out is reduced: from the side by 40-50%, from the front and from the rear by 10-15%, from above and from below - by 20-30%.
Changes in FM:
Flight models partially adjusted or completely corrected according to datasheets/passports :
A6M3, A6M3 mod 22, A6M3 mod 22ko, A-20G-30, A-26C, A-26C-45-DT, B-25J-1, B-25J-20, B-25J-30, Havock Mk I, P-47D-25, P-47D-28, I-16 type 18, I-16 type 28, P-400, P-39Q-15, Typhoon Mk-Ia, Typhoon Mk. Ib, Typhoon Mk. Ib/L,I-15 bis, I-15 WR, I-15 М-22, I-15 K, I-185 М-82, Yak-3, Yak-3P, Yak-9U, Yak-9UT, Yak-9P, P-26A-33, P-26A-34 M2, P-26B-35, SBD-3, Tempest Mk. II, Tempest Mk. V, Tempest Mk V (Vickers P), P-36A, P-36A Rasmussen’s, P-36C, P-36G, B7A2, FW-190D-9, FW-190D-12, FW-190D-13, Spitfire L.F. IX,SB-2 M-100,I-153 М62, I-153 P, Ki-84 ko, Ki-84 otsu, Ki-84 hei, Swordfish Mk.I, B-17E, B-17E/L, B-17G, B-24D, He 51 A-1, He 51 B-1, He 51 C-1, Bf.109 E-1, Bf.109 E-3, Bf.109 F-1, Bf.109 F-2, Bf.109 F-4, Bf.109 F-4/trop, Bf.109 G-10, Bf.109 K-4, Lа-9, Fw.190A-5, Fw.190A-8, Beaufighter Mk VIc, PBY-5, PBY-5a, Hs.129 B-2, Hs.129 B-3, Ar-2, B-25J-20, Bf109 G-2, He 51 B-1, Hs129 B-2, Hs129 B-3, I-16 type 18, I-16 type 28, I-185 (М-82), Ki-10 I, Ki-10, LaGG-3-23, P-39N-0, P-39Q-15, SB 2М-100, SB 2М-103, SB 2М-103U MV-3, SB 2М-105
Corrected and updated :
- Hs.129B- 2 (B- 3) : added startup of the engines smoke effect, jet wash moment (compression model) for counter-rotating propellers removed ; FM configured according to datasheet/passport data ;
- For many planes adjusted effect of engine overheating . Permanent engine overheating leads to the gradual destruction of aircraft propulsion units, until the engine stops. Engine damage is indicated in the interface damage indicator (paper doll) - pink, red and black motor;Implemented in simulation and realistic mode
- Many aircraft corrected fuel consumption according to datasheet/passport data and modes of operation of the engine;
- For all aircraft included the effect of heaviness of rudder at high speeds (the higher the speed of the aircraft, the higher the pressure of the oncoming air, the more resistance is needed to overcome). Implemented in simulation and realistic mode
- Fixed performance of the flaps for all of the SB planes
- Trimming of the I-16 improved slightly
- Bf 109 K-4, Bf 109 G-6, Bf 109 G-2, Bf 109 G-10 – fixed issue with heavy rudders
- Minor fixes to Ar-2
Weapons and modifications:
United States:
- Added M10 for guiding planes P-39N- 0 , P-39Q- 5 , P-51D- 5 , P-51D- 20 NA, P-51D- 30 , P-47D- 28 , A-20G- 30 ;
- Added HVAR missiles for the F- 86 Sabre ( all versions) ;
- Fixed bomb load for internal bomb bay B-17E (6x1000 pounds instead 8x1000 pounds );
- Fixed bomb load for internal bomb bay B-17G (4x1000 pounds instead 8x1000 pounds );
- Expanded bombing armament on P-63A- 10;
- Fixed calculation of the weight of bombs for U.S. ;
- Fixed vertical angle aiming for the top turret B-24D;
United Kingdom:
- Tempest Mk.V: added 250 - pound bombs under the wings on pylons ;
- Tempest Mk.II: added 2x250- 2x500 pound and pound bombs under the wings on pylons ;
- Wellington ( all models) : expanded bombing loadouts ;
- Lancaster: expanded bombing loadouts ;
- Beaufighter Mk.X: 12,7 mm M2 Browning machine guns replaced by 7.7 mm machine guns Browning;
- Fixed calculation of the weight of bombs for Britain ;
Germany :
- Added preset 2x936kg torpedoes for He.111H- 6 ;
- Added modification pendant arms BK-3.7 for HS.129B- 2 ;
- Removed 500kg bombs at Bf.109 series G;
- Number SM.79, available for purchase, reduced to 4 . Withdrawn from sale versions: S. 79 1937 and S. 79 1942 ;
- Modification to U4 Me.410 now has , in addition to 50mm BK 5 gun , two 20mm MG 151 cannon ;
- Ammunition BK 5 increased by 1 shell - a shell being charged in the breech ;
- Ammunition Ju.87G- 1 increased from 6 to 12 shells per barrel ;
- Added 20mm motor gun for Bf.109G- 6. Standing motor 30mm gun is now available as a retrofit ;
- Added BK 7,5 gun caliber 75 mm (for gunship Hs.129B- 3);
- Added 13 mm machine gun instead of 7.92- mm machine gun on Me.410B-1/U2.
- Ammunition guns MG-FF Aircraft Fw. 190A-5/U2 changed from 60- to 90 shells per barrel ;
- Added 15 mm MG 151 cannon version ( for fighters Bf.109F- 2);
- New Yak- 9UT got 37mm and 45mm hydraulic gun ;
- I -185 ( M-82 ) got rockets and bombs .
- La-5 - removed modification " Rear Armour plate ";
- Fixed ammunition for machine guns ShKAS the Il -10 (750 on the breech );
- Number of SB-2 , available for purchase, reduced to 4 . Withdrawn from sale versions: SB-2M -103 MB- 3, SB-2M - 103U;
- Number of Yer-2, available for purchase, reduced to 4. Withdrawn from sale versions: Yer-2 M-105 TAT and Yer-2 M- 105R TAT.
- All planes of the line A6M "Zero" have the opportunity to bear 2x60kg bombs under the wings ;
- Ruler Ki- 84 has the ability to b under the wings 2x50 or 2x250kg bombs ;
- Ki- 43 -2 has the ability to bear 2x50, 2x100 or 2x250kg under the wings ;
- Ki- 61 -lb and Ki- 61 -lc can now bear 2x50, 2x100 or 2x250kg under the wings ;
- N1K2-J - has the ability to bear under the wings 2x250 kg bomb load ;
- Fixed calculation of the weight of bombs for Japan;
- Ammunition for guns Ho- 5 aircraft Ki- 96 and Ki- 102 increased from 200 to 400 shells;
- H6K4 - removed army bomb type 92;
Striking effect of bombs 50 - 250kg and rockets of all calibers changed to realistic values given in terms of effect on armoured targets :
Rockets caliber 82-114 mm ( RS82 , M8) may destroy medium tanks only with direct hit , heavy tanks are not affected ;
Rockets caliber 127mm - 152mm ( RS-132 , HVAR, RP- 3) destroy medium tanks within 1.5-2m , heavy - with a direct hit ;
100 lbs bombs (50kg) - perhaps can destroy medium tanks within 2 - 3m, heavy - with only a direct hit ;
250 lbs bombs. (100kg) - possibly destroy medium tanks within 4-6m, heavy - within 2-4m ;
500 lbs. bombs (250kg) - possibly destroy medium tanks within 6-8m, heavy tanks - within 4-6m .
Torpedoes performance changed according to their characteristics:
Torpedo Mk.XII - maximum drop height of 40 m
F200- 450 torpedoes and F5W (licensed copy of Italian with the same performance characteristics) - the maximum drop height - 120m.
Torpedo 45 - 36AN obr.1939 year - the maximum drop height of 45m.
Torpedo Mk.13 - early sample (without box stabilizer) - maximum drop height - 30 m;
Torpedo Mk.13 - late sample (box- stabilizer) - maximum drop height - 250 m
Torpedo Type 91 mod.2 and mod.3 - maximum drop height - 300m.
- Fixed ricochet of bombs hitting water surface
- MG-131 AP-I ammo added;
- MG-131 stealth ammo added;
- Fire rate for Ho-5 20mm cannon has been increased from 600 to 800 shots per minute, one-second burst mass increased accordingly in the data;
- Piercing and damage fixed for German 15mm AP shell.
Mission and maps:
New maps :
[ Operation ] The defense of Stalingrad
[ Operation ] Saipan
[ Ground Strike] Ironridge
[ Ground Strike ] Albion ( for low levels )
[ Ground Strike ] Sandy Beach
[ Domination ] Sicily
- All Ground Strike missions for the arcade have zones for bombing. Destruction of each zone takes 10% victory points off the opposing team.
- Missions [ Operation ] Kuban , [ Operation ] Ruhr, [ Operation ] Ardennes, [ Operation ] Berlin , a number of changes aimed at increasing the role of bombers and attackers. In particular:
- Reducing the amount of land held units, affecting the victory points. These are “ heavy class” units , which can only be destroyed by bombs, missiles and large-caliber guns;
- Added zones for bombing. Destruction of each zone takes 10% victory points off the opposing team;
- Completing mission tasks takes 10% victory points off the opposing team;
- Adjustment of ground vehicle movement to improve the balance and greater dispersal techniques on the map;
- Bombers and attack aircraft in the air mission start being closer to enemy ground units, so they will be able to at least have one effective attack
- Airfield on Wake island has been fixed.
demonlsdv escribió:Pues si,no entiendo porque en pc esta en castellano y en consola no,en fin esperare un poco haber antes de borrarlo de la consola porque se que es un gran juego,aun tengo fe
demonlsdv escribió:Pues si,no entiendo porque en pc esta en castellano y en consola no,en fin esperare un poco haber antes de borrarlo de la consola porque se que es un gran juego,aun tengo fe
alexfre escribió:Soy yo o antes el Juego hiba a 60 frames y ahora va a 30....
FOREVER ALONE escribió:¿no tiene pase online? es que lo voy a comprar y claro si lo veo de segunda mano caera xD
mcfly escribió:joder??ayer actualización de 900 megas y hoy una de casi 4 gigas!!para mi que se está desacargando otra vez el juego completo
schumino escribió:FOREVER ALONE escribió:¿no tiene pase online? es que lo voy a comprar y claro si lo veo de segunda mano caera xD
Es un juego free to play, es gratuito. Hay micro pagos para comprar aviones o avanzar más rápido en el desarrollo de aviones, ser premium, etc... Pero no es obligatorio.
Powi escribió:Ya a caido en el olvido este juego?
cayeibz escribió:Jajajja asi nos va...in inglis paso....