Warning!!! IRC

Mirar lo que he encontrado por ahi:

Newnet has been under investigation for year's now. There seems to be a guy going around reporting people to whoever, and so happens he struck again. But with the person he reported I could careless I hope they rot.

Also the guy uses the following nicks

KnightRider or Knight

But I think if your on a private server you wouldn't need to worry.

Pos eso mismo, pa quien le interese
y ezo k significa? EFEBEI?
pues basicamente que hay un tipo de infiltradillo que va diciendo quien se baja de ISOS, quien se baja Roms y ese tipo de cosas.......es él.............es el ........... [sati] CIBERPOLI [sati] !!!!

Menos mal que yo soy mas weno que el pan [angelito] y no se ni que son Roms que si nooooo.... [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito] [angelito]
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