Error Codes 51420 - 51422
The Wii console is not able to connect to your wired router or modem.
1. Make sure that you are using the Wii LAN Adapter made by Nintendo (click here for a picture and connection steps). LAN adapters not made by Nintendo likely will not work with the Wii console.
2. Ensure that the Wii LAN Adapter setup is correct, and that the Wii LAN Adapter was connected with the console turned off. For step by step connection instructions, please click here.
3. Check to see if the ethernet cable you are using is not working properly, by connecting another ethernet cable from your router/modem to the Wii LAN Adapter. If the connection works using a different cable, then the problem was with the first cable.
4. If possible, try another Wii LAN Adapter. If you are unable to try another Wii LAN Adapter, or are still receiving this error code, please call 1-800-255-3700 for assistance.
respecto a lo que dice que adaptadores lan que no sean de nintendo no funcionan va acerca de los adaptadores usb ethernet genericos.
Yo tengo el lan ethernet de datel y me va sin problemas.
Creo que lo que tienes que hacer es ir a la configuracion de internet y decirle a la consola que te vas a conectar a internet con el LAN y no con el wifi (si borras la anterior configuracion wifi mejor, asi te evitas errores y conflictos).Y le das a las opciones por defecto (k te las ponga la wii).Dsp haz una prueba de conexion.Si ves que la tarjeta de datel emite una luz azul esk funciona ^^.
pd: mira k tengas abierto el protocolo dhcp el router.Quizas estes bloqueando sin querer a la wii.