[WII] Firefox se dirige a Wii.

Por lo visto, en algunos blogs a través de la red se dice que se Satoru Iwata ha confirmado que se está desarrollando una versión de Firefox para Wii.

The popular free browser is coming soon to the Nintendo Wii, says Satoru Iwata. The free Firefox browser will be available as a free download for Wii owners. It features a scrolling method called ‘Motion-Browse’ which allows you to use a combination of buttons and wrist flicks to navigate the web. Text input has also been simplified with predictive text that works with the wiimote to enter text at an astounding 50 words per minute. That’s faster than most people type. I’m excited about this new browser, which looks to change the way we surf the web forever. All I can say is bring it on.
Fuente: Gamingphreak.com

Solo por lo de 50 palabras por minuto me parece una sobrada... (ya sin contar que entonces habria movida con el acuerdo Opera - Nintendo). Fake diria yo, espero que tenga mucho bombo pa que salgan a desmentirlo.

Ya podia saltar el rumor de que funcionaran teclados USB ... eso si que me interesa para navegar :(
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