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Ignition Entertainment's schedule for Europe has become public and some interesting details can be taken from it.
Metal Slug Anthology (PSP) - November
Ignition LogoMetal Slug Anthology (Wii) - November
Mercury Meltdown (PS2) - November
Mercury Meltdown (Wii) - November
Mercury Meltdown Remix (PS2) - Q4 2006
Mercury Type R (Wii) - Q4 2006
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2.5 (360) - Q4 2006
As you can see, Metal Slug Anthology should be seeing a simultaneous release on PSP and Wii. Also, since SNK has been saying they want Metal Slug Anthology on Wii at launch, a European Wii launch in November is likely. This should be welcome news to Europeans who had to wait 4 - 6 months more than North Americans for their DS and PSPs.
Another item of note is how Mercury is coming to Wii. The previously Sony-exclusive game is now also set for the Wii's launch window. There's even a second game lined up for "Q4 2006" which makes no sense because that would be just November or December. Maybe the first is a port of the PS2 game and the second takes advantage of the Wii's controls? King of Fighters will also be seeing release on the Xbox 360 at the end of the year.
This list has not been named "official" just yet, but will likely be announced officially soon.
En la lista pone de salida de los titulos de wii para noviembre en europa, y uno de ellos es el Mercury que salió en exclusiva para las consolas de sony...
Como todos sabemos esto no es más que anticipaciones y supuestos de las compañías así que no es nada seguro. Igualment el 25 de Noviembre es mi cumpleaños, a ver si puedo tenerla y todo para entonces