Wii Sports
Last Updated: 10 May 2006
Tennis (1-4 players): Players grab the controller like a racket and swing – the game will register forehands, backhands, volleys, lobs, slices, spin and power depending on how fast the user swings and at what angle. Don’t worry about moving around the court to get to the ball – the game automatically moves players into position.
• Baseball (1-2 players): Grip the controller like a bat and swat fastballs out of the park in a home run derby. Timing and bat speed will make all the difference between going yard and whiffing, so keep an eye on the ball and swing for the fences. In the two-player game, one player pitches and the other bats.
• Golf (1 player): Step up to the tee, hold the controller like a golf club and swing naturally to smack the ball onto the green. The harder players swing the club, the farther the ball will fly, so be sure to take some practice swings before going for the pin. After reaching the green, line up putts carefully, practice the stroke and try to hole out.
• Additional games may be added to the Wii Sports group.
Additional games may be added to the Wii Sports group., esto es lo q podemos leer en la ficha de WiiSports de la pagina oficial del E3 de Nintendo, lo q me parece extraño esq en esta ficha no aparezca Airplane, q supuestamente pertenece a WiiSports, sera por esto q pone q se añadiran mas juegos a WiiSPorts, o este lo cuentan aparte?
De todas formas anteriormente ya se habia dicho q WiiSports tendria mas juegos aparte de los vistos en el E3, esperemos q asi sea, contra mas mejor, cuales seran los deporte elegidos: Futbol, Bolos, Snow/Esqui, Futbol americano, Rugby, Natacion, quien sabe, a ver si nos dan una sorpresa e incluyen muchos mas