Winaero Tweaker: Control a detalle sobre windows 11 y anteriores

Winaero Tweaker es una herramienta que nos permite tener acceso a opciones ocultas de windows, asi como un control mas detalldo de las opciones normales. Con esto podemos cambiar no solo la apariencia del escritorio, sino poder agregar o quitar opciones del menu contextual o personalizar mas la barra de tareas.


Es una aplicacion gratuitaq que funciona desde windows 7 hasta el actual windows 11.

Winaero Tweaker is a free app for all versions of Windows that lets you adjust (i.e. tweak) hidden secret settings that Microsoft does not let you adjust from the user interface. In addition, it allows you to add extra value to existing Windows apps and tools with advanced context menus, options, and handy commands.

It is a powerful system utility that supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11 and includes hundreds of settings. It also includes many options that were earlier available exclusively in my standalone applications.

Cosas que puede hacer en especial con windows 11
- Enable the full context menus without the 'Show more options' item.
- The ability to restore the classic taskbar
- Enable Ribbon in File Explorer
- Change taskbar screen position, e.g. you can move it to the top
- Change taskbar size
- Disable background apps, all at once.
** Shortcut tools that you can use
- To launch an app as Administrator without a UAC confirmation.
- To directly open any Control Panel applet or system folder.
- To directly open any Settings page.
- To create shortcuts to the classic Shut Down Windows dialog (Alt+F4), and Safe Mode.
- To remove or customize the shortcut arrow overlay icon.
- To remove the " - shortcut" suffix.
- To remove blue arrows from compressed files.
** Manage Windows apps and features.
- Restore the classic search in File Explorer without Internet options
- Restore classic Windows Photos Viewer to use it instead of Photos.
- Restore the classic sound volume pop-up slider.
- Permanently disable Windows Telemetry and Data Collection.
- Permanently disable Windows Defender.
- Permanently disable Windows Update.
- Disable ads and unwanted app installation (Candy Crush Soda Saga, etc).
- Enable the built-in Administrator account.
- Enable automatic Registry backup.
- Change drag-n-drop sensitivity.
- Disable Action Center and notifications.
- Reset icon cache.
- Reset all Group Policy options at once.
** Networking options
- Change the RDP port.
- Make mapped drives accessible for elevated apps.
** Tune up Windows appearance
- Customize folders in This PC.
- Customize entries in Navigation Pane in File Explorer (in the left pane).
- Rename and change the icon for the Quick Access entry.
- Increase the taskbar transparency level.
- Show time seconds in the taskbar clock.
- Disable blur for the sign-in screen.
- Customize fonts, and the Alt+Tab dialog appearance.
- Change the title bar color for inactive windows.
*** Context menus
- Add handy context menus using a huge set of presets, e.g. to switch a Power Plan with one click, open a Command Prompt, add a Settings cascading menu - plenty of them.
- Hide default entries from the context menu, e.g. Edit with Photos, Edit with Paint 3D, etc.
- Add 'Run as Administrator' to VBS, MSI, CMD and BAT files.
- Change the default app for the Edit context menu entry for images.




@TRASTARO me da error el enlace para descargarlo, también comentarte que el winget tiene GUI y va muy bien, aunque ya lo sabrás, WingetUI por si te apetece o quieres postearlo, gracias.
Si pueden cambiarse las ventanas sin bordes de w10...
Es un lío.
@Sofox Pues no, no le habia prestado atencion, pero se ve bien. Gracias por comentarlo.
A graphical user interface to install, update, uninstall and manage pakages from the most common package managers for windows, such as Winget, Scoop or Chocolatey.
Compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11

Pagina Oficial: ->
En GitHub ->

- WingetUI has the ability to install, update and uninstall packages from Winget, Scoop and Chocolatey. WingetUI will also detect if your manually-installed apps can be updated!
- It can also upgrade and uninstall previously installed packages — as well as uninstall built-in Windows apps!
- WingetUI has the ability to both import and export the packages of your choice, so that you can easily install them in the future.
- WingetUI supports managing Scoop buckets with an interface.
- Install an older version of an app.
- WingetUI shows a notification when there are available updates
- Manage your updates and installed packages from its context menu
- The user will be notified whether the installation/update/uninstallation of an app was completed successfully or not.
- The ability to queue installations in order to prevent conflicts.
- A dark theme is available to prevent you from burning your eyes. 😎
- WingetUI has the ability to show package-related information (like its license, SHA256 hash, homepage, etc.) before installation.
- There are more than 14000 packages available (if winget, scoop and chocolatey are enabled)!
WingetUI 2.1

.NET Tool package manager is now fully supported in WingetUI
WingetUI can now filter packages depending on their source
Chocolatey installed packages have been fixed
Notifications will be shown again if enabled
WingetUI can now be installed on a local environment
Winget does now support custom sources
WingetUI is now digitally signed
Arm systems will automatically use arm64 winget versions.
Packages won't be outdated anymore on the discover packages section
Theme switching won't require restarting WingetUI. Instead, the new theme will be applied instantaneously.
Installed, blacklisted and upgradable packages will show special icons to distinguish them from regular packages.
The package importer is now much faster.
Winget will handle locales properly
Chocolatey will be added to path automatically if certain conditions are met
Command-line outputs are more responsive
Improved package parsing
Interface appearance and behaviour improvements
Custom icon databases will be configurable
Markdown parsing has been improved
Lots of other bugfixes and improvements
Nuevo dominio, nueva version. Sigue siendo funcional en la actual version de windows 11
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