Windows 7 y ATI Radeon 9200 SE

Resulta que después de instalar el Windows 7 el único controlador que ha dejado sin instalar es el de la tarjeta de Vídeo que resulta ser una ATI Radeon 9200 SE. En la página oficial de ATI, no dan soporte para Windows 7 para este modelo.
¿Alguien con el mismo modelo de tarjeta gráfica lo has solucionado?
Sacado de otro foro:
I just installed Windows 7 RC, and can only assume it works in the RTM (it does).

-First, download the drivers for the 9200se (these will be the xp drivers).

-Second, extract the package (this is basically running the .exe you just downloaded). The package will extract in an ATI folder on your C: drive. It will then try installing the driver, at which point it should fail. If it doesn't fail, cancel it, all we want is the extracted folder.

-Third, go to your device manager (in control panel) and open up the display adapter tree. Right click on the "standard VGA adapter" and click "update driver software."

-Fourth, click on "browse my computer for driver software" and paste ... C:\ATI\SUPPORT\6-11-PRE-R300_XP-2K_DD_CCC_WDM_38185\DRIVER ... in the field to search for. Otherwise you can just click "browse" and go to that folder.

-Fifth, click "next" let it install, and restart. After you boot back up you should have the drivers installed.

Now, just keep in mind these are old drivers, 5/3/2006. I also did not notice a gain in performance after installing these drivers. I had a 1.0/1.0 score for my graphics subsection on the Windows Performance Rating, and a small increase of 1.9/1.0 after installing these drivers. But, if some of you need this driver update to get better resolution, this should do the trick. No Aero obviously... Good luck!

Si tienes problemas con el inglés, avisa.

Ya habia leido ese post buscando en san Google, pero contestaban en el mismo foro que daba como resultado pantallazos azules, no se.... creo que lo voy a probar de todas formas a ver si se soluciona.

EDIT: Solcuionado!!! Lo he probado con el driver de Windows XP y funciona, de momento sin pantallazos azules.
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