Pues es que me estoy bajando el nuevo SO de microsoft y he leido esta especie de manual de instalacion pro sq no me entero pq esta en ingles. alguien me puede ayudar?
This should work to crack activation for Longhorn beta 4029
1) Boot into safemode using the F8 Key
2) Use the File TweakNT.exe and make sure Remove Timebomb is checked
and click on covert to: and click Home Edition. Then Click Apply. You will
Get a few Prompts after that, just hit ok.
3) Use the File Win XP Activator.exe you may get a error..ignore it.
4) go to start,run and type in cmd
5) type in "net user /add" Example: net user Long Horn /add
6) after that it should say command complete succesfully, now type in
"net localgroup administrators /add" For example: net localgroup administrators Long /add
7) Reboot and let windows boot up normally, now u should see a promt to
enter a password for the username you put in, do that and you should be in
If it worked allright u should get in ok without any problems! CONGRATS!
junto al manual me vienen 3 archivos mas: SETUPREG.HIV, TweakNT y Win XP Activator