Aqui os dejo estas dos APPS fixeadas para aquellos que no os funcionaban...
v1.1 Release Notes:
-Fixed major bug that prevented .dol loading on different PCs. (doh!)
I appreciate people posting their results using these programs. Both WinGCUL v1.1 and IGGy v2.01 have been tested using:
-AMD K62-500 with two nics, using a router/switch.
-P4 2.53 Ghz with one nic, using a router/switch and a crossover cable.
-Many different IP's tested, however I cannot test all 16 million+ possible IP's
Please note: If you are using multiple nics and/or IP's and do not select the correct IP (as configured in PSO) in the dropdown, the programs WILL freeze. They are waiting for a connection from the GC that never comes. Right now there is no graceful way to abort or time-out this process.
Please see the .txt files in both archives for more info.
Hopefully these programs will now work correctly, however there are undoubtedly still some bugs.
Descarga : [url=""]WinGCUL v1.1[/url]
And here is IGGy v2.01
Descarga : [url=""]IGGy v2.01[/url]