Description: This program will transfer disc images to a PS2 format hard disc attached to your PC. New int his rel: Finally finished the Scan/Repair function which also incorporates an undo feature in case of bad results. Implemented a change in the partition code which allows it to accept unused holes in the drive structure. This has been the biggest cause of incompatabilities when swapping between WinHIIP & HDL Dump. Added an Option to allow editing of the extended compatability modes used by the patched HDLoader. Stopped commas from being entered as display names for images. Corrected a bug that kept a file lock on the most recently installed image file. Changed the way the image selection checkboxes were handled as they were invisible with some 3rd party windows addons. Reinstated Windows 98/ME support with some enhancements to the way it works. Forced the Utilities functions to de-select the current drive in order to flush the buffered data.
suena bien entre otras opciones la correccion del bug de la compatibilidad con hdldump ademas de la opcion de undo, compatib. con 98/me, compatibilidades con modos, y otras cosillas lastima que todavia le hace falta red.
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suloku escribió: nada nada, eso es para que en vez de "modo1, modo2 y modo3" te salgan todas las opciones de acceso lento al hdd, soul calibur 2, date/time fix....
Los errores de descompresion de archivos con Winrar suelen ser debidos a que el Winrar que tienes es muy antiguo. Haced click con el boton derecho del raton sobre el archivo y luego pincha en propiedades. Ve a la pestaña Archivo y ahi podreis ver la version de Winrar necesaria para poder extraer el archivo correctamente (Version para extraer o Version To Extract). Saludosss.