WinUAEX Amiga Emulator port for XBox v3

Hola, nueva versión de este port [oki] que por emular emula hasta el ruido de la disketera [burla2]

Extracto del TXT escribió:what's New:

- CD32/CDTV support - Plays real CD32/CDTV cds and ISO files
(playing CD32 ISO files does not support WAV/MP3 CDDA tracks at this time)

- Added "Extended ROM" to configuration screen

- Samba, Relax, Netplay re-implemented

- Increased max JIT cache size to 8MB

- Increased max Chipmem size to 8MB - WHDLoad games work now

- Added drive click sounds option "Floppy Volume" on game configuration screen

- Fixed bug with display of FastRAM. 1MB was displayed as 0MB and vice-versa.

- Screen tearing was not actually fixed in v2. Now it is.

- Added "Force PAL50" mode in Video Configuration section (off by default)

- Added "Disable Flicker Filter" to Video Configuration section (on by default)

- Create blank ADF/HDF files from In Game Options menu

- ADZ support

- Fixed all special/international character-conversion to be non-DEBUG FAT-X compatible
(Workbench enthusiasts)

- Screen size/position saved for each game

- Added more fine-grain CPU speed options.
0 = Max, 1 = Real, 2 = 100% ... 33 = 0%

- Added "Reset Amiga" function to In-Game Options menu

- Fixed memory bug when reading ISO9660 files

- Added default text-viewing dir. Set it via the default directories section.

- Text file settings (fixed width, text width) are maintained each time
you go back and forth from the menu

- When you go up a directory, the cursor is positioned over the directory you just

- Because of changes to the structure of configuration file, you'll have to
reconfigure all your games.

- Graphics filters were added back in, but only one or two of them could be
used without slowing down the game (on even the simplest of games.)
I removed them again so that the memory could be put to better use.
Absolutamente genial [oki] .
Ademas el sonido de la disketera no es ninguna pijotada ya que sirve para saber si ha podido haber o no un cuelgue

De momento los que he probado han funcionado perfecto, (como dijiste en otro post el first samurai funciona, echaba de menos los A-LE-LU-YA!!) XD

Lo malo es que he estado mirando en la coleccion de disketes del amiga que aun tengo y hay uno que me falta: el CLOWN 'O MANIA a ver si pudieses echarme una mano y decirme como conseguirlo porque tengo ganas de volver a ver este juego. En back to the roots aun no está.

Hola, sorry pero no tengo ese juego y rebuscando en el net lo unico que encontre fue un sitio de pago :? para descargarlo habra que tener algo de paciencia. El que no he podido correr todavia es el Bart vs The Space Mutants es posible que el ADF que tengo no sea bueno :-?
pues yo lo tengo y va sin problemas, prueba a poner 1mb de memoria ya que muchos juegos no funcionan por eso

si no pues te paso el mio

Hola, están que no paran ;), asi da gusto X-D

Extracto del TXT escribió:
what's New:

- Fixed a bug where WinUAEX would crash if you tried to load an ISO file before
running a real CD game.

- Option to select your own flicker filter level 0-5 (default is 5 - max enabled)

- Changed max FastRAM to 8MB

- Added option for up to 1MB SlowRAM

- ADZ-as-ZIP and ADZ-as-GZIP should both work now (as well as normal .GZ)

- Added 720x480 and 720x576 modes to Video Configuration menu

- Fixed screenshot size to trim the edges of blank space

- Repositioned LEDs so the screen doesn't have to be horribly askew to see them

- Added option to hide filename extensions - find it on General Settings menu

- Added option to always bring up save/load state menu on General Settings menu
If this option is turned on, then whenever you press the in-game button-combo
to save/load a state it will display the load/save state menu from which you
can select the state.
If the option is off, then the normal default behavior of immediately
loading/saving the current state slot will occur.

- Screenshot saved with each save state

- Fixed bug where if you ejected a disk from In-Game options menu and then immediately
selected "Reset Amiga", it would act as though the disk was not ejected.

- Added option to configure text screen size/position for viewing text files

- If you select the same text file to view you will be placed back at the position
you left it.

- Added Controller -> Joypad Mappings -> UI Mappings option for "Text Browser"
Assign a key-combo to this function and when invoked, it will take you back
to the last text file you were browsing at the position you left it.
This makes it much easier to jump back and forth from game <-> doc.
Note - you must first manually select a file to browse from the "Game Utilities"
menu off of the "In Game Options" menu.

Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD,
FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance,
DOSXBox, AtariXLBox, MirrorMagicX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, Vice64X,
Vice20X, VicePETX, KegsX, XPired, AdamX, WonderSwanX, BeatsOfRageX,
PowermangaX, LynxBox, BlueMSXBox, GladiatorX, AmphetamineX, StarfighterX,
PachiX, BlobWarsX, OdysseyX, ArnoldX, X68000X, WinUAEX
what's next?

Alguien sabe si el emu puede usar el ratón usb, porke me interesa saberlo, para hacer algunas kosillas kon el ratón, ya ke kon el mando es muy lento rularlo.

5 respuestas