Desde los foros de realmodscene os traigo una app que esta en fase de concepto. Su desarrollador Leumonic, esta haciendo una beta de una version muy basica del primer chat para link, que se usa a traves del pc.
De momento tiene desactivada las salas de charla por estar en desarrollo.
Los requisitos son:
Tener arrancado Aurora (0.4b +). Desactivar la seguridad en el WebUi desde aurora. Tener iniciado un perfil en el mando Uno. Estar logueado en Unity desde la consola.
Welcome to LiNKChat! This is a free and public service; please remember that! Installing LiNKChat can be considered a decent task for the new user, but it is honestly, quite easy. To begin installing LiNKChat, please follow the instructions below, and be sure to read EVERY line of this file. It will explain a lot more than anyone else could.
==========[ Installation Instructions ]========== 1.) Copy the contents of the Plugins folder to the root of your console's HDD. 1a.) It does not HAVE to be the root of your HDD, it is just recommended for simplicity. 2.) Enable the plugins using DashLaunch (set them in the plugins section) 2a.) Set plugin1 to XRPC.xex and set plugin2 to LiNKChat.xex 2b.) While they do not have to be on the first (1st) and second (2nd) plugins, it is recommended. 3.) Restart your console and load your dashboard. 4.) Ensure that your dashboard has the Web UI enabled and that security is DISABLED. 4.) Open LiNKChat.exe on your computer and enter your console information. 4a.) You will need your console's local IP address and your dashboard's web UI port. 4b.) Aurora will usually be port 9999; FSD3 will usually be port 80. 5.) Press sign in and select a room to enter.
==========[ Noteworthy Remarks ]========== + The XRPC.xex and LiNKChat.xex plugins are ONLY required if you choose to use console notifications. + + Otherwise, you can ignore that part of the setup process. + You do not necessarily need to keep your console online after you connect to LiNKChat. + Keeping your console online while using LiNKChat, you will receive messages when your name (gamertag) is mentioned. + Each gamertag/username must be unique. LiNKChat will not allow users with duplicate names to connect to the same room. + LiNKChat.xex is actually JRPC2.xex by xX james t Xx (sorry if I got that wrong), however, it has been renamed to avoid confusion.
==========[ Custom Username Colors ]========== While custom username colors in LiNKChat are currently not implemented, in future versions, users will be allowed to donate to obtain custom username colors while chatting. (Standard users have blue usernames, while administrators/people of interest have red usernames.) More information will be released on this soon.
==========[ Credits and Mentions ]========== + LiNKChat is written by Leumonic (RealModScene/Se7enSins) + Thanks to xX james t Xx (again, sorry if that's wrong) for his amazing JRPC2 plugin (used for the console notifications) + BIG thanks to felida (from RealModScene) for helping me test LiNKChat so diligently. + Thanks to the Phoenix team and the Aurora/FSD respective creators for the amazing Web UI that I utilized to make all of this happen. + Shouts out to DrNefarious360 and Fabricio (sorry I don't have better names for you guys) for helping alpha test early versions of LiNKChat.
==========[ Hosting A Custom LiNKChat Room]========== 1.) Open the Server folder and open the ServerSettings.xml file for editing in your favorite text editor. 2.) Be sure to edit the ServerName, ServerMotto, MaxConnections, ListeningPort, and EnableUPnP according to your room settings. 2a.) Most of the time, EnableUPnP will work; however, if it does not, be sure to either use an open port on your router or open up a port of your choice that your server can run on. 2b.) For now, users cannot specify custom servers; this will change in future versions. 3.) Save the ServerSettings.xml file. 4.) Open LiNKRoom.exe and ensure that it does read "Server is listening on <port>." 5.) For now, send me(Leumonic) your server's IP and port and I will add it to the server list. In future releases, you will be able to just let users add your custom room to their clients.
Abrir en el router el puerto 49122 a la ip del pc. En la carpeta server de la descarga, abrir el archivo ServerSettings.xml Editar estas lineas y cambiar lo que pongo en rojo a vuestro antojo <ServerName>LiNKChat Public Room 1</ServerName> <ServerMotto>The first public room for LiNKChat. More will be added soon!</ServerMotto>
Guardar el archivo y ejecutar el archivo LiNKRoom.exe
Entrar en y escribir el puerto 49122 y hacer el test, si sale en verde Success: esta el puerto abierto correctamente.
Ahora tendreis que dar a vuestros amigos vuestra ip que sale en y la tienen que añadir en su programa en añadir sala.
Nosotros en nuestro programa hay que añadir la sala que pone por defecto cuando creamos una nueva.
2.165 mensajes desde mar 2015 en El Ejido(Almería)
seria interesante que fuera una app para los cel, así podríamos estar en nuestro sillón jugando y respondiendo los msj desde el mismo sillón, ojalá se les ocurra esa idea, pero como va, muy buena pinta tiene