[WonderSwan] Disponible nuevo cartucho Flash, "WonderDog"

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**When it comes to classic consoles and handhelds, just about every system to date has its very own method of playing game backups or ROM files. Unlike the likes of Nintendo and Sega’s systems, the Bandai WonderSwan up until now has been without a definitive ROM loading solution. Having been a Japanese exclusive handheld, it comes as no surprise to announce that retro gamers in the Far East have finally created a flash cartridge for Gunpei Yokoi’s final offering to the gaming world.


Simply dubbed the WonderDog, this all new arrival on the retro gaming aftermarket comes in a selection of different offerings. The most basic of all offers support for up to 64Mbit ROM files with SRAM functionality, while the more advanced version - although having its capacity halved to 32MBit - features a Real Time Clock for the few titles which support it. Alongside these two is also a direct replica of the hard to find WonderWitch Development cartridge (an official rewritable cartridge for homebrew developers).

All of these cartridges unfortunately lack the finesse of the Everdrive and similar ranges which offer support for menu driven interfaces and MicroSD card access. Instead, the WonderDog requires you to purchase the accompanying reader/writer which directly burns a single game onto the flash cartridge. Although the single game limitation and inconvenient installation is anything but ideal, it’s a huge step in the right direction given that the only other alternative out there to date is the incredibly rare WonderMagic Flash Cartridge (which could easily rival the likes of the NTSC Stadium Events in terms of rarity).

If you’re yet to be tempted by such a device though, there is another alternative on the way from the FlashMasta team who previously brought us the Neo Geo Pocket FlashMasta. The WonderSwan FlashMasta is promising to feature a much needed MicroSD card slot, potentially providing the ultimate solution to ROM loading on Bandai’s handheld. In the meantime though, the WonderDog is by far the best on offer right now if you’re eager to play the likes of Judgement Silversword and Dicing Knight on the original hardware.

Important: Just as a final note, those interested in picking up this kit should be aware of the lengthy delivery times and customs charges that will follow. Furthermore be sure to get the regular non-WonderWitch version if you’re just hoping to play original titles. The WonderWitch version will not work with original games as it is strictly limited to homebrew creations.

Our pictured unit above was purchased via Gamebank Web in Japan, however, they do seem to be available elsewhere.

Mola, yo estoy esperando al Flashmanta que tiene mejor pinta con el tema de la microsd, pero no me importaría echarle un ojo a éste.
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