mirar lo q e sacado del foro de meri, posteado por xdanix!
Como tal son rumores y con muchas pinzas hay que cogerlo pero si se cumple será ajare!!!
En el E3 Blizzard y MS anunciarán un acuerdo que ya tienen suscrito para que Wow salga de forma exclusiva en consolas para X360. El acuerdo incluirá una expansión que los jugadores de PC tardarán al menos un tiempecillo en ver la luz y los servers serán propios....nada de compatibilidad con los de PC(temas de chat de voz y demas)
El mercadillo se reforzará con servicios de descargas de canciones y videos de descarga via streaming..algo como el Itunes. 99 céntimos de dólar costarian las canciones y 3.99 los videos.
Un puntazo. Alrededor de unos 50 juegos de Dreamcast saldrían portados en la X360 en el bazar de aqui a dos años, con un precio de 10 dólares y siendo el primero de ellos Bonks adverture.
Halo 3 saldría antes de estas navidades
I orginally posted this at xbox.com, but it was deleted.
Talked to my old college roomate. I haven't talked to him in 7
years until he got my number from a mutal friend and gave me a call to
invite me to his wedding. Turns out he has been working at MS for
the last 3 years in (and here's the kicker) the gaming division.
Of course the first thing I asked is, What can you get me for
free? Well he said he'd work on that, but thats not the
great news. He told me some intresting stuff. Only
thing he said was you didn't hear this from me. So to me thats a
difference between don't say anything and don't use his name.
Anyway hear is what I was told.
1. Sometime around november 2006, MS is launching a complete
media service on the marketplace. This will range from 99 cent
songs, to 3.99 streaming movies. (just said the prices, you do
your own math to convert them to points).
2. AT next E3, MS will announce a parternship with Blizzard that
will bring World of Warcraft exclusively to 360. The deal is
done, and Blizzard is working on porting the game and a console
controll scheme. This game will also include a unannounced
expansion that the PC gamers will have to wait about a month to get
after we get this game. The other news, I don't know if this is
good or Bad to you guys, but only 360 gamers will be on specific 360
servers, he said this was because the game will include voice chat, and
it wouldn't work with PC gamers, unfair advantage yada yada....
3. Wasn't sure on a exact date, but said Halo 3 will be out before X'mas 2006. Exact words were Quarter 4 of 2006.
And the best for last at least to me.
There will be over 50 Sega dremcast games on the xbox live arcade
within 2 years. Launched a handfull at a time, he said the first
game will be Bonks adverture, which should be out in September
2006. Every dreamcast game released on 360 will be priced
at around 10 dollars. or however many points that is.
Now believe me, don't believe me, I don't really care. I thought
it would be nice to let you guys know what I had heard. I'm
pretty active on these boards and I have never came up with any cock
eyed conspiracy insider information threads before. Fact is I
wouldn't do anyting like this unless what I was told was true and from
a person I trust. So before you flame me with the usual smart a**
posts of I heard from my cousins, sisters, brothers, boyfriend
that........ All I ask is that you get on your knees and beg
forgiveness when this is confirmed later. Or at least say sorry.
como bien indica son rumores...