Parece que este error no es debido a la consola. Es un problema del juego. Lo que parece que ocurre es que cuando el juego espera que estés en un sitio determinado y en realidad estás lejos de ahí, se produce este error. Además parece que solo ocurre en los modos fácil y normal.
This was driving me crazy. My son seemed to have worse problems. I thought it was my XBOX, I did a bunch of different things as recommended here & elsewhere, including reseating the HDD, bought a Pelican fan, etc. Even exchanged the disk at the store, made 'em give me a new one to replace the "faulty" one...
I'm now convinced it's the game itself... That the problem occurs if you are waaaaay far away from where the computer expects you to be when it's automatically saving a checkpoint after a success. To fix: play closer attention to the orders being screamed at you... If the game keeps crashing when you're in a particular location, well, go to a different location...
This explains why it happens on some levels to some folks, and other levels to other folks. I'm also pretty sure it will only happen on the Easy/Normal levels, because you must successfully achieve a checkpoint, without actually being there. (I.e., your fellow AI soldiers actually achieve the checkpoint for you....)
My son & I tend to play Easy/Normal levels. We tend to play late at night, volume quite quiet, so as not to wake up mom or the little brother - so we don't hear the orders being screamed at us. Usually too panicked/busy to read the all the instructions/hints, e.g., "The fascists are approaching the southern wall!".... Which means, I'm learning, you need to run over to the southern wall...
It happened more to my son because, well, he's even worse at following orders than I am...
It's fairly easy to reproduce, now that I know the trick... We realized it last night when caught in a loop at one level. Multiple "Sentient out of range" crashes in a row, before we realized we were supposed to go downstairs in the building we were in... Went downstairs, and all was well. Restarted level, stayed upstairs, "Sentient out of range".