Wutangraza+Geohot CWF

Wutangrza's CFW

* No bricks reported yet
* Implementing flukes1's method
* Claimed to be safer than Waninkoko's CFW
* Supports a LV2 RAM patch by running a homebrew pkg after boot
* Only update to this CFW when on 3.55 OFW
* multiMAN confirmed as working

How to install:

* Download 3.55 OFW, the CFW patch file, the LV2 patch pkg and geohot's CFW, see below.
* Install (or restore) OFW 3.55 -recovery mode may be needed.
* Patch the OFW 3.55 .PUP file using the 'bspatch' utility:
bspatch PS3UPDAT_OFW.PUP PS3UPDAT.PUP Wutangrza-3.55.patch
* Confirm that the resulting .PUP has this md5 sum:
* Update to the newly created .PUP by moving it onto a
storage device into the PS3/UPDATE directory.
* Now, update to geohot's CFW from XMB.
* Install the LV2 package by moving it onto a storage device
into the root directory and installing it from XMB ('Install Package')
* Done, you may now install multiMAN and run backups - remember that you
have to run the LV2 patch package after each boot.

3.55 OFW
Wutangraza 3.55 CFW Patch file - First release
geohot's 3.55 CFW
LV2 patch package

3.55 OFW preparcheado

Al parecer funciona y no produce bricks. Y gracias a este nuevo firmware se pueden cargar copias hasta ahora imposibles como red dead redemption. Aún no lo he probado y no me hago responsable de posibles fallos.

PD: Si tengo el geohot instalado ya, ¿para qué quiero parchear el OFW? ¿Alguien sabe el motivo? Gracias.

Fuente: http://mave.in/ps3/
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