Nos han acostumbrado a sacar CVS cada 2 días y en cuanto tardan un día más nos ponemos nerviosos jejeje.
Bueno aqui os posteo los cambios realizados:
- 12-04-2004 fixed: bug in python fuction window.addControl()
- 12-04-2004 added: Enlarge subtitles option to scale subtitles up (useful for hard to read vobsubs).
- 12-04-2004 fixed: vobsubs are very slow loading.
- 11-04-2004 fixed: music output chopping ~3s off the end of files.
- 11-04-2004 added: sf patch [ 931622 ] don't timeout audio OSD if timeout is set to 0
- 11-04-2004 fixed: my music db reorg scans for new files now
- 11-04-2004 fixed: my music db reorg cover art was not re-read and various artist was not checked
- 11-04-2004 fixed: large vobsubs crash XBMC.
- 10-04-2004 changed: reverted change for RSS feed location in NTSC. Fix needs to be in resizing.
- 10-04-2004 fixed: Changed Y position for RSS feed in home.xml for NTSC so it displays correctly.
- 10-04-2004 fixed: added a few missing lines to cores\EMUmsvcrt.cpp, oops
- 09-04-2004 fixed: Shoutcast broken since 6th or 7th april cvs.
- 09-04-2004 fixed: Questor\Fused's bugfix to CXmlDocument (vis bugfix)
- 09-04-2004 fixed: updated vis sources and recompiled .vis files
- 09-04-2004 added: new vizualisation G-Force ported by Questor/Fused
Y el nombre del archivo exacto es xbmc-2004-04-12_XBMC_EXP.rar espero que así os sea más facil de localizar