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Deividm escribió:Una duda un poco tonta...
Tengo un xbmc de hace un par de añitos (como aplicación), para actualizarlo basta con sustituir una carpeta por otra?
chavito escribió:buenas. Tengo un xbmc instalado en la xbox desde hace unos años y no sé ni qué versión es. El caso es que me gustaría actualizarlo.
Al principio lo hacia con el PC. Conectaba la xbox al pc por cable de red, pero ahora tengo mac y he intentando conectar la consola al mac pero no he podido. ¿Hay alguna manera de instalar el xbmc sin tener que meterse en el disco duro mediante cable de red?.
Es este es el archivo con la última versión?
Se supone que viene con todos los codecs, o tengo que hacer copia de seguridad de los codecs que ya tengo en la consola?.
scallejam escribió:Bueno, programas no necesitas, salvo un cliente de FTP -yo uso CuteFTP- aunque MacOS ya trae uno integrado
Lo primero seria configurar una IP en la Xbox. Por ejemplo, la mia es, con puerta de enlace
Luego nos vamos al Mac, te vas a Preferencias del Sistema-->Red
Seleccionas la interfaz Ethernet incorporada, y en Configurar le das al desplegable y lo pones en Manualmente
En direccion IP le pones, por ejemplo,
En máscara de red,
Y en router,
Y ya esta, vas al FTP y te conectas a la direccion (la de la Xbox), con nombre de usuario y contraseña pones xbox en los dos sitios, le das a conectar y deberias ver ya el contenido de la consola
Ya contaras a ver![]()
gotelin_ivan escribió:
Tendre que probarlo yo, oye y que tal ba? merece la pena actualizarlo?
Un saludo.
wilygea escribió:Holas, pues yo ya no se que hacer, he reseteado a los valores de fabrica, y puestos los datos de nuevo, navega por la web, pero los recursos compartidos de la red sigue sin verlos, hace muuchas actualizaciones si que podia, por ftp no hay problemas, incluso el servidor web va bien, pero lo demas ...![]()
XBMC SVN 2008-05-18 (18th of May 2008) rev13120
This is a complete snapshot of what was in SVN at the time
the build was compiled, with just a few small additions:
+ Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pike's Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN pre0.99.4b rev2118 [scripts/Apple Movie Trailers]
+ EnderW & Blittan's XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts/XBMCScripts]
+ Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5.8 rev2068 SCRIPT [scripts/XBMC Lyrics]
+ Asteron's Tetris 1.1 SCRIPT [scripts/Tetris]
+ BigBellyBilly's T3CH Upgrader 1.6 [scripts/T3CH Upgrader]
+ Nuka1195 & Dataratt's AOL Videos Plugin 1.1.1 [plugins/video/AOL Videos Plugin]
+ Nuka1195's XBMC-Addons Installer 1.0 [plugins/programs/]
+ Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/*]
+ PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X
If you want to report bugs, please do it the PROPER way, see http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_Subm ... Bug_Report
* T3CH * XBMC * T3CH * XBMC * T3CH * XBMC * T3CH * XBMC * T3CH * XBMC * T3CH
_MESSAGE FROM T3CH__________________________________________________________
It's that time again. Time for what? Glad you asked!
Time to tell all your friends and colleagues to NOMINATE XBMC for Sourceforge Community Awards 2008. Yes, it takes a Sourceforge Account, but is Team XBMC not worth the time it takes for you and friends to do this? And remember, nomination is just the first part! LATER you will need to tell the same friends and colleagues to VOTE for XBMC in the categories you selected. I suggest these two categories:
* Best Multimedia
* Project Most Likely to Change The World
Now, Spread The Word!
I'm including the XBMC Win32 PC environment.exe that is meant for skinners & python developers, read more about the concept here http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=115893 It was built using Microsoft DirectX Summer 2004 SDK.
I've tweaked the win32 run_me_first.bat so it runs and then unmounts the virtual drives when you exit.
_NOTEWORTHY SVN CHANGES SINCE LAST T3CH (according to T3CH)_________________
Fixed : quick work around for Weather not displaying thanks kurai-kaze on xbox-scene forum
XBMC's online manual can be found at http://xbmc.org/wiki
Any questions or support issues, are best asked in the XBMC support forums, which are located at http://xbmc.org/forum or in the official IRC support channel, #XBMC on Freenode IRC network (irc.freenode.net).
My builds can be downloaded freely from http://t3ch.yi.se no login etc. required
If you want other scripts (extra 3rd party components), see
o http://www.xbmcscripts.com or use the included script installer!
If you want trainers, grab them at
o http://www.google.com/search?q=xbox+trainers
The xbe has been retail patched and was built using v5849 of theK.
If you want to remove the startup logo, remove splash.png from the /media/ folder.
If you want to remove the startup sound, remove start.wav from the /skin/Project Mayhem III/sounds/ folder.
XBMC Changelog is included, see Changelog.txt
_APPLICATION INSTALL________________________________________________________
Fresh Install: Transfer whole XBMC folder to your APPS folder (or where you want it).
Upgrade: Backup the XBMC/UserData folder. Transfer whole XBMC folder to Xbox. Overwrite UserData folder with your backed up copy.
_DASHBOARD INSTALL (SOFTMODS)_______________________________________________
ARE NOT COVERED IN THIS README, SEE http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=406656
_DASHBOARD INSTALL__________________________________________________________
Option 1. Team XBMC's shortcut tool.
It's included in the _tools folder as SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.xbe + SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.cfg.
Instructions here: http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=As_a_Dashboard (Option 1).
Rename the SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC.xbe+.cfg & also EDIT the .cfg so it matches your config.
Option 2. Thanks to an app called Team UIX's Xbe Shortcut Maker v1.0 by JbOnE, it's now easy...
Transfer contents of XBMC folder (this is VERY important since the tool is hardcoded) TO /E:/APPS/XBMC/.
Rename SHORTCUT by TEAM UIX.xbe to something your bios can boot (see http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=As_a_Dashboard or read your BIOS README) and transfer to location your mod solution boots. No need to fiddle with HOME tag anymore, and future upgrades you need not to worry about this file (unless you move XBMC).
_AN INTRODUCTION TO PLUGINS_________________________________________________
XBMC has a system for Media plugins to allow browsing of remote content (Internet) using the regular filesystem approach.
Plugins are put inside XBMC/plugins// (I already do this for the one/s I include),
furthermore they also need to be installed as a source in (video/music/pictures).
You do this install by using the contextmenu choice Add New Source while in ROOT list and then choosing ***Plugins as source.
Then you highlight (not select) the folder of the plugin you want to install. It will be saved inside sources.xml for future.
_WIN32 PC ENVIRONMENT INSTRUCTIONS (WIN32 FOLDER)___________________________
Good to know, this requires DirectX9 Runtimes to be installed. Also this doesn't work with all graphics cards.
You need to:
o Copy XBMC_PC.exe & run_me_first.bat from Win32 to XBMC folder.
o Run run_me_first.bat.
_UPGRADE TIPS_______________________________________________________________
If you're updating from a VERY old/bad build you may get issues. Follow these simple rules:
o Replace (FTP OVERWRITE) all files in your XBMC folder with fresh ones from your new build (sometimes you need to delete old files)
o Delete old settings (from UserData/guisettings.xml)
o In some rare cases some of the database files in /UserData/Database/*.db may need manual deletion (usually if they are very old). Note: This loses all per file settings you made with the old build!
_TWEAKS BY T3CH_____________________________________________________________
I'm including a prepared favourites.xml that has all my included scripts. Don't handedit this file, use GUI to add/move/remove items.
_LAST WORDS_________________________________________________________________
Who is T3CH? - Revealed on a -need to know basis-