XBMC 2.0 Disponible!!!!

15, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
hal9000 escribió:Lo que puedes hacer es usar una versión reciente del XBMC que te vaya bien, configuras todo a tu gusto, cuando ya lo tienes funcionando al 100% te vas a la carpeta donde esté instalado el XBMC y buscas la sub-carpeta UserData, dentro hay varios ficheros pero los que nos interesan son el Guisettings.xml y el sources.xml, los copias en un lugar seguro dentro de la Xbox o en el PC.
Cuando instales una nueva versión del XBMC copia estos dos ficheros en el mismo destino, tendras el XBMC exactamente con la misma configuración del antiguo.

Muchas gracias, probaré a ver si le puedo meter las ciudades por lo menos manualmente, aunque ya que acaba de salir, pondré la última versión de ayer a ver si se arregla este detalle ;)

Por cierto ¿alguien me puede explicar en castellano qué es eso de tuXbox que trae el último XBMC del día 16?
Recuperando el hilo [360º]
Por favor postead aquí todo lo referente a las nuevas revisiones del XBMC.
PiratePila está baneado por "crearse clones para trollear"
¿ Hay alguna nueva version ?

Me gustaria pillarme una Xbox baratita (si encontrara alguna nueva) y me quiero informar sobre todo esto. [oki]
Pues ya tenemos nueba version [Special]T3CH XBMC 2007-05-27 SVN rev9113:
Date Rev Message
2007-05-27 9113 Added: Waveform visualisation - simple example.
2007-05-26 9103 fixed: xbmc would crash after having loaded some dll's after dll loader generalization. defining functions like ReleaseModule(LibraryLoader*& pDll) is evil i say. (this fix should be ported to linux branch directly)
2007-05-25 9100 changed: if Dll can be loaded at preferred memory location, skip relocations
2007-05-25 9099 removed some unused imports from mplayer.dll
2007-05-25 9098 changed: rewrote cache thread aborting to hopefully not hardlock (mplayer.dll) fixed: caching dialog for mplayer could easily crash xbmc if mplayer.dll happened to get unloaded before it was unloaded
2007-05-25 9095 fixed: Incorrect string for some localizations for playlist editor "Clear".
2007-05-24 9092 updated: Finnish language (thanks to mikko) updated: Portuguese language (thanks to francisco roca)
2007-05-24 9091 fixed: forgot to init variable
2007-05-24 9090 fixed: set content and scan in context menu didnt honour profile restrictions
2007-05-24 9089 fixed: add source button could show even though the profile was restricted.
2007-05-24 9087 fixed: if you deleted an episode in the video library, the episode count wouldnt update (yes, guys, i feel silly :P)
2007-05-24 9086 backported: constructor and destructor calling for python objects. caused minor memleak if memory tracking was disabled
2007-05-24 9085 fixed: tracking of objects/memory was disabled for many dll's. (caused big memleak in python that didn't release when script unloaded)
2007-05-24 9084 backported: DllLoader generalization from linux branch
2007-05-24 9083 fixed: mplayer would use wrong charset on srt files if it was playing mkv (old hack that isn't needed anymore)
2007-05-23 9072 fixed: Album information song listing was blank when retrieved from db rather than allmusic.com
2007-05-23 9071 fixed: Comment -> Genre mix up in m4a files due to missing break; in switch statement.
2007-05-23 9070 reverted accidental commit
2007-05-23 9069 fixed: filezilla could leave sessions open on disconnect under unlucky circomstanses fixed: curl client (http/ftp) would leave sessions hanging on Stat/Exist
2007-05-22 9068 fixed: error with sxxe00 in episode guide parsing
2007-05-22 9067 fixed: Aspect ratio of multiimage controls in 720p/1080i
2007-05-22 9066 fixed: Weird looking images with certain widths
2007-05-22 9065 Added: Pixel ratio passed into screensaver creation.
2007-05-22 9063 fixed: HD mode settings were shown on PAL boxes with HD pack (should be just NTSC)
2007-05-22 9062 fixed: mode2 data reading was broken since IoSupport cleanup r8054
2007-05-22 9060 updated french language
2007-05-22 9059 Changes due to changed imdb-page
2007-05-22 9054 changed: Hit/focus mouse behaviour on lists focuses even if you aren't under an item.
2007-05-22 9053 fixed: nfo/xml parsing wasn't working correctly. TiXmlDocument::Parse can and does return 0, even on success.
2007-05-22 9052 Changed : PM3 "media info" view in video library to only display reflection icon when in episodes (makes season DVD icons look better/bigger like Movies)
2007-05-22 9051 fixed: Potential progress dialog left on screen during video import of invalid data.
2007-05-21 9050 Added : First Aired date to DialogVideoInfo.xml for TV shows
2007-05-21 9048 Fixed : New PM3 colors folder wasn't in build.bat
2007-05-21 9047 changed: defaults to true (ie disabled). Anything that causes problems for a significant number of users should be disabled by default.
2007-05-21 9046 changed: English, not american, damnit! :p
2007-05-21 9045 added: Support for skin color themes - done by placing an xml file in /colors folder. /colors/defaults.xml is the default color theme (if available). PM3 updated by Jezz_X to use the new xml layout.
2007-05-21 9042 fixed: play part didnt show in library view
2007-05-21 9037 updated: German language file (small fixes)
2007-05-21 9036 changed: don't use a global CFile when working with zip files in zip manager.
2007-05-21 9035 fixed: Crash while browsing for a share.
A ver si con ésta me vuelven a ir bien los x264, sino tendré que volver tres o cuatro versiones... [buaaj]
Creo que la cosa sigue igual.
Tengo la peli de alien en divx, y se me con un reproductor Lg de hace año y medio pero en cambio la xbox ni ve el archivo... [mamaaaaa]

Una pregunta del xbmc2.0 a este hay actualizacion de codecs importante?

Edito: No lo entiendo,e actualizado ala ultima version de hace unos dias(la mia era de enero del 2006)y sigue sin funcionar las mismas peliculas.... hay archivos Xvid que ni los huele, segun la informacion que e buscado esto es lo que lee el Xbmc....

Supported formats/codecs:
Physical media: CDs, DVDs, Video CDs (including DVD-Video, VCD/SVCD and Audio-CD/CDDA)
Container formats: AVI, MPEG/MPG, WMV, ASF, FLV, MKV, MOV, MP4, M4A, AAC, NUT, OGG, OGM, RealMedia RAM/RM/RV/RA/RMVB (RealAudio/RealVideo), 3gp, VIVO, PVA, NUV, NSV, NSA, FLI, FLC, and DVR-MS (beta support)
Video codecs: MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 (SP and ASP, including DivX, XviD, 3ivx, DV, H.263), MPEG-4 AVC (H.264, including Nero Digital), HuffYUV, Indeo, MJPEG, RealVideo, QuickTime, Sorenson, Theora, WMV, Cinepak,
Audio codecs: AIFF, WAV/WAVE, MP2, MP3, AAC, AACplus, AC3, DTS, ALAC, AMR, FLAC, Monkey's Audio (APE), RealAudio, SHN, WavPack, MPC/Musepack/Mpeg+, Speex, Vorbis and WMA.
Digital picture/image formats: BMP, JPEG/JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF/TIFF, MNG, ICO, PCX and Targa/TGA
Subtitle formats: AQTitle, ASS/SSA, CC, JACOsub, MicroDVD, MPsub, OGM, PJS, RT, SMI, SRT, SUB, VOBsub, VPlayer

Entonces no entiendo porque hay pelis que no las lee,siendo Xvid y grabadas a 2x ,en formato udf y tampoco porque peliculas con el sonido en ac3 me salen mudas unas si y otras no [decaio]
Nueva semana, nueva version, observo varios cambio en [Special]mplayer.dll codigo reecrito que afecta al cache y al uso de la CPU, podria ser un cambio bueno para los videos HD.

[Special]T3CH XBMC 2007-06-04 SVN rev9200:[/Special]

Date Rev Message
2007-06-03 9200 Added : PM3 - Added scrollbar page control for list/thumbs to File Browser dialog for better mouse support
2007-06-03 9199 Changed : Full screen Video Info now displays Show Name, Episode and season number when playing a TV episode scanned to library
2007-06-03 9198 fixed: GetListItem removed: redundant ListItem methods in WindowXML since getListItem is fixed. removed: RefreshList from WindowXML, no need for it/wouldn't have worked anyway.
2007-06-03 9197 Fixed : PM3 Aspect ratio of Music Now Playing cover would change when entering video and album info windows
2007-06-02 9186 fixed: some streams wich just didn't return any data on read after connection would lockup xbmc (mplayer.dll) fixed: cache rewrite made some streams stall on buffering when stream ends (mplayer.dll)
2007-06-02 9182 added: "Date Added" sort order to smart playlists to get recently added songs. Can't be used to filter on as yet (next db update we'll add that)
2007-06-01 9177 fixed: Thumbnails didn't show for some playlists from music library.
2007-05-31 9169 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource) updated: italian language (thanks to kotix)
2007-05-31 9168 added: videoplayer.content visibility condition (less stupidity this time)
2007-05-31 9167 added: busydialogdelay option in advancedsettings to set the delay in milliseconds before the busydialog pops up. 2000
2007-05-31 9166 added: videoplayer.content visibility condition
2007-05-31 9165 changed: more solid skip track in last.fm radio and show busydialog when skipping track in last.fm radio.
2007-05-31 9164 changed: longer delay before showing busydialog and don't show the busydialog if any modal dialog is on screen.
2007-05-31 9163 fixed: caching and network connecting would yet again take 100% cpu. (mplayer.dll)
2007-05-31 9161 fixed: Sort by File oddities with .zip or .rar files.
2007-05-31 9159 fixed: Some old (v2.2/2.3) embedded images weren't being read.
2007-05-31 9158 added: Ability for the "View As Icons" button to be a selectbutton or spincontrol.
2007-05-31 9157 fixed: Crash with select button if incorrectly used.
2007-05-31 9156 fixed: Slow queries of various album related things (album lookup from files/now playing, recently added album songs etc.)
2007-05-30 9152 fixed: mplayer progressbar would display on seek if non ttf subtitle where used (mplayer.dll) fixed: mplayer would take forever to start, and apear to lockup on seek (mplayer.dll)
2007-05-29 9140 fixed: Picture sharpness on return from vis/screensaver was wrong.
2007-05-29 9136 fixed: Funky mouse behaviour in context menu.
2007-05-29 9135 fixed: [ 1717773 ] Skin misbehaves in Settings.
2007-05-29 9134 fixed: [ 1717785 ] Hidden thumbnails not displayed over smb.
2007-05-29 9133 fixed: .cue sheet item changes weren't picked up by the path hashing.
2007-05-28 9132 fixed: [ 1726601 ] Saving of individual video settings.
2007-05-28 9131 fixed: Recently Added Albums wasn't functioning.
2007-05-28 9130 updated: asf demuxer to mplayerhq version. contains a new version of John's dvr-ms demuxer code. (mplayer.dll) fixed: mplayer would spew out more caching messages than normal since rewriting of cache aborting routine (mplayer.dll) fixed: noise filter would use wrong image size for direct rendering wich caused libavcodec to break because of the changed stride of the image. (mplayer.dll)
2007-05-28 9126 fixed: content-types like "video/x-ms-asf ; charset=utf8" where not considered of type "video/x-ms-asf"
2007-05-28 9125 fixed: curl could crash if a session was rerequested after it had only been used for stat
2007-05-28 9124 fixed: curl could crash if a session was rerequested after it had only been used for stat
2007-05-28 9123 fixed: playfile command from http api would parse playlists as .strm files even if they where something totally else
2007-05-28 9122 updated: Chinese (Simple) language (thanks to pcman) updated: Chinese (Traditional) language (thanks to omenpica)
2007-05-28 9121 changed: Cue sheet reading is a little more resilient to non-standard INDEX * entries.
2007-05-28 9120 fixed: getCachedThumbFile() to work with unicode strings courtesy of Nuka1195
aver si merece la pena esta ultima revision y arreglo el error 21 de la ultima actualizacion
Hola acabo de instalar el XBMC-2.0.1-FINAL-FAT-T3CH descargado de emule ya compilado
Siempre usando el FTP hago este proceso:
No se hacer otra cosa mas que descomprimir este fichero crear una carpeta en la xbox F:/apps/XBMC_nuevo pasarle por ftp todo lo que esta se ha descomprimido del rar y del XBMC activo de la xbox copiar la carpeta USERDATA en mis disco duro y despues pasarla por ftp a su lugar en F:/apps/XBMC_nuevo despues reinicio la xbox en la aplicacion dvd2xbox que tiene soporte de red y renombre el F:/apps/XBMC pasa ser F:/apps/XBMC_viejo y el F:/apps/XBMC_nuevo pasa a ser F:/apps/XBMC
reiniciando ya tengo el ultimo XBMC activo y asi me he ido apañando hasta ahora.

Mi problema que cada vez que enciendo la xbox sale eject la bandeja de dvd y cuando le doy a apagar no se apaga vuelva indefinidamente a XBMC la solucion pasa por apagar el cable de corriente lo unico especial que tengo es el truco que redirecciona a XBMC para que no pase por el menu evolutionX.. si alguien le ha pasado gracias por molestarse en ayudar..

Mis pruebas en XBMC-2.0.1-FINAL-FAT-T3CH.rar fichero descargado con EMULE; si que detecta un mp3 de 128Mb formateado en FAT y no lo detectaba en FAT32, se no que lo detecta bien porque ahora cuando lo enchufas sale de la derecha un cartel que te avisa y desde ese momento me aparce algo asi como dispositivo en baia 4 FAT y sale ese dispositivo en la lista de dispositivos de cada menu y nada leo los mp3 y puedo copiarlos al disco duro de la xbox va algo lento la transferencia sobre 512Kb (ni soñar ver peliculas desde aqui con un poco de calidad fijate que miseria de transferencia es USB 1.0) y me parece que no se puede copiar del disco duro xbox a este dispositivo.. o no se hacerlo yo.
Un saludo a todos.
Anto_land escribió:Entonces no entiendo porque hay pelis que no las lee,siendo Xvid y grabadas a 2x ,en formato udf y tampoco porque peliculas con el sonido en ac3 me salen mudas unas si y otras no [decaio]

Para grabar pelis, mp3, nada de UDF, repito nada de UDF, sino ISO normal y corriente como si fuese para leerlo en un PC cualquiera.
Lo único que puede variar es que dependiendo del lector no podrás usar CD-R, sino CD-RW o DVD-R
Como que nada de Udf? pero si es el formato que lee la xbox...
ademas el nero trae la pestaña de compatiblidad con xbox, no me asustes que llevo años quemando en udf......!!!
Anto_land escribió:Como que nada de Udf? pero si es el formato que lee la xbox...

Si pero para aplicaciones, juegos y programas, en definitiva todo lo que lleve un fichero.xbe UDF+ comp. con Xbox, aunque personalmente prefiero crear la imágen con Qwix y despues quemarla pues me da mejores resultados.
Para todo lo demas ISO normal y corriente como ya te digo.
Me respondo a mi mismo el tema de que ejecta constatemente incluso al reiniciar se a resuelto abriendo la xbox metiendo y sacando el chip Duox3 y revisando los cables, he probado un mp3 de 1 Gb que en FAT32 no lo reconoce y formateado a FAT va sin problemas lo reconoce y se leen los mp3 sin problemas ya solo falta que se puede copiar y borrar y sera la ostia, un saludo.
Actualizacion semanal nueva:

[Special]T3CH XBMC 2007-06-11 SVN rev9273

Poco cambios, pero bueno por lo menos no esta muerto nuestro XBMC

[/Special]Date Rev Message
2007-06-10 9273 Changed : PM3 Background video and music scans dialogs now slide off the screen when in full screen video and visualisation for a clean view
2007-06-09 9267 updated: allocine.xml scrapper (thanks to l8tig)
2007-06-09 9263 changed: APEv2 tags are only read in MP3 files if you specify true in the node of AdvancedSettings.xml
2007-06-08 9260 added: [ 1729611 ] CUE multi FILE support, thanks to azertypete.
2007-06-08 9259 fixed: extra ; in last commit (how did I miss that!)
2007-06-08 9258 cleanup: Removed some out of date comments and some unnecessary retry code.
2007-06-08 9257 changed: Don't download IMDb image to Z: - download direct to memory and create thumb from there (fixes multiple movies having the same thumb issues).
2007-06-08 9255 changed: Multipaths are stored url encoded to fix issues with things working on paths directly (eg RemoveSlashAtEnd()/AddSlashAtEnd() causes [ 1727097 ])
2007-06-07 9247 fixed: Try 2 at a kai startup fix (due to the kai vis conditions on PM3 homepage)
2007-06-06 9242 updated allocine scraper
2007-06-05 9225 fixed: Music database items in playlists wouldn't read their thumb info from the db.
2007-06-05 9224 fixed: SortSongByTrack routine was incorrect, affecting the identification of overlapping track numbers in a music folder during scan (unique album identification)
2007-06-05 9223 added: getListSize to WindowXML
2007-06-04 9221 fixed: ftp server leaked memory on user disconnect
2007-06-04 9220 fixed: Horizontal thumb panel wasn't rendering correctly.
2007-06-04 9219 fixed: mov demuxer would fail on some quicktime streams over http if they weren't seekable. (mplayer.dll)
2007-06-03 9200 Added : PM3 - Added scrollbar page control for list/thumbs to File Browser dialog for better mouse support
Tengo instalada la ultima revision: T3CH XBMC 2007-06-11 SVN rev9273

y con la skin project mayhem III, en el menu de imagenes me salen los menus de la izda superpuestos sobre el de la derecha, ademas que desaparece la barra de arriba.

Hay alguna manera de solucionar esto?
[Special]T3CH XBMC 2007-06-17 SVN rev9336:

Seguimos con pocos cambios:

[/Special]Date Rev Message
2007-06-17 9336 fixed: httpapi command SendKey codes now fully processed
2007-06-17 9335 added: httpapi command Action - allows action ids to be sent directly
2007-06-17 9334 fixed: Some mp3 tracks were not played gaplessly.
2007-06-17 9333 fixed: Zoom animations specified by coordinate/size when inside groups used the wrong coordinate space (relative to window rather than control)
2007-06-17 9332 fixed: Control animations inside grouplist controls wasn't working.
2007-06-16 9329 fixed: skin reloading could deadlock.
2007-06-16 9328 fixed: Windows with an absolute coordinate system didn't get the width and height window-property set (caused the busy-indicator to keep loading the dialog for some skins).
2007-06-16 9327 fixed: debug fps info.
2007-06-14 9318 changed: Music song search only returns 1000 items to avoid taking too long.
2007-06-14 9317 fixed: Database could be deleted if an exception (eg out of memory) occured.
2007-06-14 9316 fixed: WindowID wasn't set to invalid anymore if a window couldn't be loaded.
2007-06-13 9308 updated: Finnish based on 9182 by mikko70 updated: Dutch based on 9182 by CeonX updated: Polish based on 9182 by NaPeK updated: Danish based on 9182 by buchwaldsource
2007-06-12 9298 fixed: file://c/path didn't work. now both file:///[drive]:/path and file://[drive]/path works
2007-06-12 9296 fixed: don't delay xbmc startup (rendering), because network isn't available.
2007-06-12 9293 fixed: dvdplayer would attempt percentage seek even if there was not total duration available.
2007-06-12 9292 fixed: dvdplayer wouldn't take locally buffered data into account when calculating audio delay
2007-06-12 9291 fixed: make sure libavformat knows internally when a stream is streamed
2007-06-12 9290 changed: make sure dvdplayer catches access violations in reset of video codecs too
2007-06-12 9289 updated: German language file (Based on english strings version 9182)
2007-06-12 9287 added: [1735499] Extended addItem on WindowXML to add to any position by stanley87
2007-06-11 9286 changed: Python ListItems to use CFileItem rather then CGUIListItem
2007-06-11 9285 fixed: Controlgroup from python would crash on exit if a control inside it had been referenced.
Tios, una duda que siempre he tenido con el xbmc y nadie aun me ha sabido contestar. Veamos, que leches poneis en la opción de "Gestion del entrelazado"? Lo dejais en ninguno? O poneis algo ya sea para reproducir divx o dvd's?
Bueno y lo del filtro anti vibracion y el suavizado?
Buff es que son cosas que no aprecio la diferencia, pero por ejemplo a la hora de reproducir dvd's segun pongo lo del "entrelazado" me va mas suave o menos y sobre todo se ven unas especies de lineas cuando la cámara hace movimientos bruscos.
Pues lo dicho, a ver si alguno de los que usais este pedazo de programa, me comenta que suele tener puesto.

Un saludo y mil gracias de antemano :)
Tios, una duda que siempre he tenido con el xbmc y nadie aun me ha sabido contestar. Veamos, que leches poneis en la opción de "Gestion del entrelazado"? Lo dejais en ninguno? O poneis algo ya sea para reproducir divx o dvd's?
Bueno y lo del filtro anti vibracion y el suavizado?

Yo diria que esos ajuste son personales, depende de tipo de televisor o monitor que tengas. Yo por ejemplo el antivibracion y el suavisado lo tengo desabilitado, pues noto mas nitidez en mi televisor.
Hola a todos

A ver si alguien me puede echar una ayudita...
He instalado el ultimo XBMC aparecido y tengo cierta duda para configurarlo... Ya tengo configurada en la Ajustes\Apariencia\Pantalla que tengo la consola conectada a un televisor 16:9.

El problema viene cuando reproduzco un archivo de video con el XBMC... si clicko en el boton Y (amarillo) del pad me da varias opciones de visionado, llamado opciones vista: Normal, Zoom, Adaptar a 4:3, Adaptar a 14:9, Adaptar a 16:9, Tamaño Original, , Personalizado...

Y sinceramente, ya no se cual elegir pq ha llegado un momento en que o veo que me recorta por los laterales o veo que la imagen se me deforma...

¿Algun alma caritativa me puede decir como lo dejo configurado y asi me quedo más tranquilo con este tema? [triston]

Muchas gracias [poraki]
Al reproducir un video tienes la opcion de configuracion "boton negro", creo recordar. Te vas a las opciones de video. Ahi lo normal es ponerlo en automatico el formato. Despues hay que darle a la opcion guardar para todos los videos.
hola a todos de nuevo

he probao lo del "boton negro" que esta al lao del "boton blanco" pero no jase na...
he estao mirando y el problema del 16:9 ya no se si es de mi xbox mal configurada o de la tv que me recorta en exceso los laterales... :(
Ya hay nueva version:

[Special]T3CH XBMC 2007-06-25 SVN rev9424

Algunos cambios en la reproducion de mp3 y dvds. Y arreglos en problemas de sincronismo en ficheros [/Special]h264 con dts.

Parece ser que esta version si lleva cambios importantes:

Date Rev Message
2007-06-25 9424 fixed: last path of multipaths had an additional slash at end
2007-06-25 9423 fixed: builtins that didnt require parameters were broken
2007-06-25 9422 added: australian region to english language (thanks to wintertute)
2007-06-25 9421 updated: hungarian language (thanks to eke and sigismund) updated: Chinese (Traditional) language (thanks to omenpica)
2007-06-25 9414 fixed: Same error with non-portable map::erase() method.
2007-06-25 9412 fixed: Music scanner used a non-standard map::erase() implementation.
2007-06-25 9411 fixed: Only check for SNTP server 3 times.
2007-06-25 9408 fixed: Clashing of PageUp(id) builtin's and the PageUp action. Builtin's that take parameters are only treated as builtin's if the parameter is available.
2007-06-24 9403 update: updated ffmpeg libs for dvdplayer to current mplayerhq svn version
2007-06-24 9401 added: handle pts reordering for video decoding and use demuxer's pts value instead of dts if available in dvdplayer fixed: lavf in dvdplayer outputs invalid dts values for h264 in matroska, due to out of order timestamps (B frames)
2007-06-24 9399 Fixed : PM3 Navigation and visible states of new scrollbars layout in dialogs :\
2007-06-24 9397 Fixed : PM3 mouse pointer jumping on click drag in 16x9
2007-06-24 9396 Changed : PM3 added a new hopefully better looking scrollbar with better mouse support
2007-06-24 9393 changed: combine setclock and resync message and make them simpler in dvdplayer
2007-06-24 9392 added: make dvdplayer mp3 decoder, report internally buffered data to improve audio sync
2007-06-24 9391 added: lastfm users tag list + radio. added: lastfm users playlist radio. added: lastfm views default sort option (sort as provided).
2007-06-24 9390 added: allow frame dropping to be toggled in dvdplayer. (currently no key assigned to it nor any osd option)
2007-06-24 9389 changed: dvdplayer now assume a frame was dropped when a demux packet didn't result in a frame, should be the truth aslong libavformat does what it should and only output one frame per packet and no half frames.
2007-06-24 9388 fixed: some dvd's would not play audio or subtitles (mostly noticable in extras) due to a bug in libdvdnav's audio stream selection code. workaround in xbmc for now.
2007-06-24 9387 fixed: dvdplayer would drop audio frames when frame sizes where smaller than what renderers accepted. (flv, vob with pcm...)
2007-06-24 9386 Changed PM3 made full screen music info not visible on window open and song change if the lyrics script is running
2007-06-23 9385 fixed: Window.IsVisible(xmlfilename) now works with windows that aren't part of the skin (compares on filename only).
2007-06-23 9376 fixed: visualisationcontrol was not initialized properly which sometimes resulted in a visualisation not processing any audio data.
2007-06-23 9375 added: icon attribute to static content in lists/panels.
2007-06-23 9368 fixed: Python WindowXML dialogs didn't set/reset the overlay state correctly on exit.
2007-06-22 9367 changed: redundant fan logic on profile switch (no functional change just less code).
2007-06-22 9366 fixed: compile error
2007-06-22 9365 added: static content ability to all list/panel containers. Format is: ActivateWindow(MyVideos) ...
2007-06-21 9362 changed: Log the failed character as hex to more easily identify non-ascii characters.
2007-06-21 9361 added: Some more debug logging for when caching a TTF character fails.
2007-06-21 9358 Fixed : Mouse Pointer jumps up and over 15 pixels when dragging a scrollbar
2007-06-21 9356 added: PageUp(id) and PageDown(id) built-ins to tell a page control to execute an action.
2007-06-21 9355 fixed: Screenshot wasn't possible from smart playlists "Rule" list.
2007-06-20 9349 fixed: SNTP thread wasn't stopped before deletion. Should fix some of those profile switching crashes.
2007-06-20 9347 fixed: Incorrect log message on setting resolution.
2007-06-20 9346 fixed: Hidden groups within grouplists wouldn't get their animation transforms removed from the transform queue, meant later group controls could be way off screen.
2007-06-19 9343 updated: French language file, clean and some minor fix
2007-06-18 9342 fixed: [ 1735777 ] Cue file parsing error (possibly due to charset issues?)
2007-06-18 9341 fixed: Grouplist didn't show items on second or higher pages.
Alguien me explica cual es la mejor manera de actualizarlo, yo lo uso de dash principal, copiando y pegando los archivos a bulto tendre algun problema?¿

Un saludo.
Alguien me explica cual es la mejor manera de actualizarlo, yo lo uso de dash principal, copiando y pegando los archivos a bulto tendre algun problema?¿

Supongo que solo tienes que copia todos los archivos, pero el default.xbe que es el ejecutables de XBMC tienes que renombrarlo.
Nueva version semanal T3CH XBMC 2007-07-01 SVN rev9489, varios cambios en el dvdplayer streams, tambien hay una nueva seccion para comfigurar el la pantallita LCD en modo de juegos, parece que esta actualizacion es interesante:

Date Rev Message
2007-06-30 9489 fixed: dvdplayer would play to fast if user paused playback, then resumed a while later in streams with no audio stream
2007-06-30 9488 fixed: dvdplayer would only allow user to select up to the 8th subtitle
2007-06-30 9486 added: rtsp support in libavformat for dvdplayer, untested as I haven't found any rtsp stream of supported type (mp3, h264, aac), wmv streams from windows media player is not supported at the moment
2007-06-30 9484 fixed: Launching xbe wasn't shown on the LCD
2007-06-30 9483 added: Python methods xbmc.makeLegalFilename() and xbmc.translatePath()
2007-06-29 9479 fixed: minor typo in source code
2007-06-29 9478 fixed: intermittent crash on httpapi exit (restart, shutdown etc) commands
2007-06-29 9477 fixed: intermittent crash on httpapi exit (restart, shutdown etc) commands fixed: WebServer no longer has to be running for httpapi commands to be callable from Python
2007-06-29 9475 fixed: Crash on exit (and possibly on load) if lcd is enabled.
2007-06-29 9474 fixed: Missing files from projects
2007-06-29 9472 Fixed : Small animation Glitch in skin settings
2007-06-28 9471 changed: reset timeout after having looked for stream info in dvdplayer
2007-06-28 9470 added: make lavf in dvdplayer timeout if it's connections take more than 10 seconds (only applies to internal protocols)
2007-06-28 9468 added: allow dvdplayer to use ffmpegs built-in stream handlers for rtp/rtsp/sdp/udp streams. it's abit unreliable at the moment on xbox atleast as it might lockup xbmc if there is nothing to stream. (this requires recompiled ffmpeg dll's, with network and protocols enabled).
2007-06-28 9461 fixed: WindowXML double free'ing of controls + occasional crash on exit of a script that closed via a click message.
2007-06-28 9460 fixed: Top 100 Album songs could show blank info for each song returned.
2007-06-27 9459 fixed: Reimplemented GetSpace() in the win32 directsound renderer.
2007-06-27 9456 fixed: Case issues when launching xbes or scripts + other built ins.
2007-06-27 9452 updated: German language file by sCAPe (Based on english strings version 9391)
2007-06-27 9451 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource)
2007-06-27 9450 fixed: clash between yes/no and cache dialogs.
2007-06-27 9446 fixed: DVDPlayer audio playback now works under win32.
2007-06-27 9443 fixed: Incorrect calculation of borders on GUIImages.
2007-06-26 9440 fixed: ListItem.ActualIcon didn't work inside lists/panels etc.
2007-06-26 9435 fixed: if you browsed for subtitles and chose a rarred sub file, it wouldn't find the idx outside the archive.
2007-06-26 9434 updated: chinese (simple) language (thanks to pcman)
2007-06-26 9432 Fixed : PM3 "Big list" view in music library didn't wrap top to bottom
2007-06-26 9431 Fixed : PM3 scrollbar arrows were still visible when scrollbar was disabled in skin settings
2007-06-25 9430 fixed: DirectInput keyboard implementation wasn't correct for 0-9 keys.
2007-06-25 9429 changed: Alternative fix for the multipath double slash at end of the last path issue.
2007-06-25 9428 added: section to LCD.xml to configure display while launching a game. Use system.xbelaunch for the info label for the name of the xbe.
2007-06-25 9425 changed: iso/img files are now excluded from stacking
XBMC 09-07-2007 SVN rev9530 build - T3CH

- Killarny & Nuka1195 & Pike's Apple Movie Trailers (AMT) SVN pre0.98.7 rev1173 [scripts: Apple Movie Trailers]
- BritneysPAIRS's ~110 choosen Milkdrop presets [visualisations: MD - BPs Selection]
- EnderW & Blittans XBMCScripts Installer 1.8 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMCScripts]
- Team XBMC Lyrics 1.5 SCRIPT [scripts: XBMC Lyrics]
- Asteron's Tetris 1.0 SCRIPT [scripts: Tetris]
- Nuka1195's T3CH Downloader SCRIPT [scripts: T3CH Downloader]
- Codecs for mplayer [/system/players/mplayer/codecs/:*]
- PM3 Red Theme + PM3 Blue Theme by Jezz_X
- 2007-07-09 9530 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource)
- 2007-07-09 9529 fixed: local drives showed in the upnp server configuration windows
- 2007-07-09 9528 fixed: always add local drives to filemanager sources. they are excluded from saves
- 2007-07-09 9527 fixed: issues with video scanner folder exclude unassignment.
- 2007-07-09 9526 fixed: forgot to clear database caches on profile loads.
- 2007-07-09 9525 Changed : PM3 made Wide Icon focus image a little brighter
- 2007-07-09 9524 fixed: container.content() condition.
- 2007-07-09 9523 changed: "Bookmark" renamed to "Source" to avoid confusion between video bookmarks (time offsets in movies) and file sources (shares, local drives etc.)
- 2007-07-08 9522 fixed: Text truncation in 720p/1080i.
- 2007-07-08 9521 fixed: Location of text in 720p/1080i. Length is still not right (truncation) in higher res's.
- 2007-07-08 9520 fixed: rotatex and rotatey weren't quite right.
- 2007-07-08 9519 fixed: Missing file from 3D guilib commit
- 2007-07-08 9518 fixed: Compile warning.
- 2007-07-08 9517 added: rotatex and rotatey animation types + moved the guilib anim system to 3D internally.
- 2007-07-06 9515 fixed: [1592141] xbmc.executehttpapi multiple brackets bug
- 2007-07-06 9514 fixed: updated the win32 project to reflect rar changes
- 2007-07-06 9513 fixed: you can now use local rss feeds without a internet connection
- 2007-07-06 9512 updated: finnish language (thanks to mikko)
- 2007-07-06 9511 fixed: better handling of compressed rars (progress bar, cancelability)
- 2007-07-04 9510 fixed: Builtin commands from FTP server weren't working.
- 2007-07-04 9509 fixed: if python closed without closing a progress dialog, it would be left hanging and be impossible to remove without a restart.
- 2007-07-02 9503 added: Python method getListItem() to the standard ControlList. Works the same as WindowXML version.
- 2007-07-02 9499 fixed: hang in info-dialog when few items in library (race condition). thanks evetsso for the patch.
- 2007-07-02 9496 added: Container(id).OnNext Container(id).OnPrevious conditions, triggered on movement in a list/panel container. If no id is specified, we grab the current id from a media window. Also, added Container(id).ListItem(offset).* info labels to grab the listitem information from a specific container (eg with static content).
- 2007-07-02 9495 fixed: Incorrect wrapping in listitem(offset) use in login window.
- 2007-07-02 9494 added: ListItem(offset).* conditions for referencing listitem info labels/images/conditions from the previous or next items in a list. If offset=0 it's the current item, -1 for the previous item etc. Items always wrap around, so the previous item to item 0 is the last item in the list.
- 2007-07-02 9493 fixed: Conditional animation states were reset when an image was hidden, regardless of whether they should have been.

Saludosss! ;)
He visto varios cambios que podrian afectar a la calidad del texto en 720 y 1080i. Tambien hay nuevo efectos 3D en el entorno grafico.

Hace mas de un año q vendi mi xbox,tengo una preguntilla y como no sabia donde hacerla pues....aki va:

Tengo una peli wmv bdrip a 720p,el XBMC es capaz de lanzarla¿?
Si la respuesta es si,es la leche no¿?poder ver pelis en HD por un modico precio jejeje.
No no es capaz de lanzarla, la xbox no puede con ella
Aprovecho este post para plantear dos dudas...

1) Cual es el mejor cable para alcanzar la mejor calidad de imagen? Es que hice esa misma pregunta en el post de cables hace unos meses y nadie me contesto.

2) Como se activan las opciones de 720, 1080i y todo eso que trae el XBMC?

Un saludo! ;)
Servidor usa el "Monster Cable" por componentes. Hace tiempo decian que era lo mejor...
Las opciones de 720p y demas, se activan en las opciones del xbmc.
el mejor cable es el x2vga, el primero que salio hace mucho tiempo, ya descatalogado, luego tienes bastante baratos cables por componentes, con los que podras sacar los modos de alta resolucion.
Muchas gracias chicos, a ver si me hago con el x2vga porque tengo la 360 por componentes!
Usb en xbmc

Buenas gente a ver si me podeis ayudar porque estoy más perdido que Rambo en un psiquiatrico ....
Vamos al kit de la cuestión: tengo el adaptador usb para conectar mp3 o cualquier dispositivo usb a la xbox ... lo conecto a la xbox ... y tengo como dash principal el xbmc y me gustaria saber en que menú de este estaria este dispositivo ... porque por más que navego por los menús y entro en todas las pestallas no encuentro este dispositivo ... en cambio si me voy al dash de microsoft me lo detecta como una memoria de puerto donde la haya conectado ... En este mp3 pues tengo videos y mp3 todo en formato Fat ... Help me please .... Como logro reconocerlo y conecta y en que menú esta del xbmc???¿¿
El dispositivo aparece en el explorador de archivos (Memoria), solo si es compatible.
Si lo conectas cuando el XBMC está puesto, te va a salir un aviso tipo "logro desbloqueado" de 360, con una frase como "se ha montado la unidad D: con éxito". O algo así. Si lo conectas cuando la consola está apagada, no sale nada. Entras en Memoria y tiene que estar allí.
Recuerda que tienes que tener una versión que soporte USB (hasta 4GB), porque sino, por más compatible que sea, no te lo va a tomar.


PD: Es el "quid" (cuid) de la cuestión, no "kit" ;)
Gracias por la ayuda .... ahora si que me detecta el iPod y otros MP3 ... Otra duda como se haria para tener el xbmc como dash principal y tener acceso a las carpetas de video y música desde la partición F de la xbox ...
Os describo como lo tengo montado ... dash principal el xbmc y como aplicación tengo otro xbmc ... pero desde el principal no tengo aceso directo a las carpetas de video y música ... me envía donde tengo este al directorio E ... y tengo 2 opciones o entrar desde el menú de archivos o desde aplicaciones con el otro xbmc ...
Habría alguna manera que desde el xbmc principal -repito lo tengo como dash principal-accediera a la partición F?? porque por mucho que el leído por aqui no me ha quedado muy claro ...
Nueva version semanal [Special]T3CH XBMC 2007-07-16 SVN rev9578, poco cambios:

[/Special]Date Rev Message
2007-07-16 9578 updated: Chinese (Simple) based on 9576 by pcman updated: Chinese (Traditional) based on 9576 by omenpica
2007-07-15 9577 fixed: accessing a tvshow through the year node could show no episodes
2007-07-15 9576 added: support for season thumbs. enable automatic grabbing in video settings (disabled by default)
2007-07-15 9575 updated: finnish language (thanks to mikko)
2007-07-15 9574 changed: allowed manually setting fan speed < 10% using advancedsettings.xml (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
2007-07-15 9573 added: support for multiple thumbs from scrapers - choose your preferred one using the get thumb dialog. TODO: some code cruft/cleanup (get rid of the CIMDbUrl class)
2007-07-15 9572 fixed: Bookmarks -> Shortcuts in skin settings (consistency).
2007-07-15 9571 fixed: Preset not translatable in visualisation presets dialog.
2007-07-15 9570 fixed: forgot to check if passthrough setting differed
2007-07-15 9569 cosmetic: weird indent
2007-07-15 9568 changed: allow dvdplayers's ac3 decoder to change channels mid stream
2007-07-15 9567 added: allow dvdplayer audio player to handle changes in channels and samplerates, during playback.
2007-07-13 9566 updated: German language file by sCAPe (Based on english strings version 9565)
2007-07-13 9565 fixed: T-Storm translation in weather wasn't available.
2007-07-13 9564 fixed: Non-localized string could be set from the code in Look And Feel->Skin Font.
2007-07-13 9563 fixed: Static list containers could crash if they received a reset or add item message.
2007-07-13 9562 changed: Optimized the setup of transform matrices for animations.
2007-07-12 9561 changed: Functional style cast to a c-style cast so that gcc won't complain.
2007-07-12 9560 fixed: Braindead reliance on 1900 as the beginning of all time for music tags.
2007-07-12 9559 fixed: Show "Add Source" item in filemanager just like elsewhere.
2007-07-12 9558 fixed: Crash on mouse action in filemanager.
2007-07-12 9556 fixed: WavPack tags should prioritise APEv2 tags always.
2007-07-12 9555 fixed: Rotations in non-square coordinate systems (eg PAL16x9) would not be aspect correct all the way around. Affected rotated text and images. Those skins relying on the old behaviour may have to do some slight alterations.
2007-07-12 9554 changed: make sure stack is aligned before calling mplayer_init. doubt it ever is needed, but it doesn't hurt. (should fix the warning wizboy11 got with his alternate mplayer.dll)
2007-07-12 9553 added: support for foo.[12x01* for tvshows
2007-07-12 9552 changed: some cleanups for the special episode support
2007-07-12 9550 Fixed : PM3 Master lock text in shut down menu was reversed Changed : Removed video and audio overlays from settings category because Master lock button in sytem settings went under them
2007-07-12 9544 removed: Unnecessary visibility check inside Render() functions for most controls.
2007-07-12 9543 changed: Font rendering now uses the same transform engine as images. changed: Rewrote the Render routine of controls to provide unified transform code. fixed: Scrolling text wasn't particularly smooth. fixed: Lockup on exiting a window with a grouplist where items offscreen that were previously visible have window close animations. changed: CRect uses x1,y1,x2,y2 rather than x,y,w,h as it's faster and means Intersect() should be numerically stable.
2007-07-11 9541 added: support for specials in video library. use season number 0.
2007-07-11 9540 fixed: errors with locked sources and context menu items
2007-07-11 9539 fixed: file manager local drive labels were hardcoded
2007-07-11 9538 fixed: Conditional animations that looped/pulsed didn't do so if they were applied at window load.
2007-07-10 9532 fixed: Clipped textures with borders outside the clip region could still have their border rendered as a single pixel line.
2007-07-10 9531 fixed: Changelog.exe stopped working due to using the old (depreciated) SF url.
T3CH 2007-07-23 SVN rev9662

2007-07-22 9662 added: System.Time can use the (hh), (mm), (ss), (mm:ss) (hh:mm), (hh:mm:ss) stuff. Also added Player.FinishTime (which can also use this feature).
2007-07-22 9661 Fixed : PM3 Dialog Favourites didn't animate on open/close if you turned had tween animation turned off
2007-07-22 9660 fixed: pmBlobs (same as cpBlobs) screensaver
2007-07-22 9659 fixed: Only map F: and G: by default instead of higher. May fix xbox memory card mounting.
2007-07-22 9657 fixed: cpBlobs screensaver
2007-07-22 9656 added: Ability to specify the format (hh), (mm), (ss), (hh:mm), (mm:ss), (hh:mm:ss) for player.time/timeremaining/duration labels.
2007-07-22 9655 Fixed : PM3 A small graphical error in the top left hand corner of the home screen opening animation in 16x9
2007-07-22 9654 Fixed : PM3 16x9 full screen music info had 2 current playing times over lapped on each other -- Changed PM3 Alignment of Time and RSS in home screens so they keep position across the font types
2007-07-22 9653 Quick fix for shoutcast Content-Type parsing. Shoutcast changed the content-type returned to include a charset.
2007-07-21 9651 fixed: more sane guidialogselect
2007-07-21 9648 changed: Removed a bunch of unnecessary build profiles for the XBMC_PC solution.
2007-07-21 9647 modified: "Enabled Always" => "Always Enabled"
2007-07-21 9645 added: strings for VSync options.
2007-07-21 9644 merged: Some changes from linuxport branch for easier merging (mostly just case sensitivity and code ordering)
2007-07-21 9641 Fixed : PM3 weather screen was missing window transition animation
2007-07-21 9639 Changed : PM3 Position of browse button in SmartPlaylistRule.xml
2007-07-21 9638 Fixed : PM3 silly alignment error with last commit
2007-07-21 9637 Added : PM3 Page control (scrollbar) to DialogSelect.xml
2007-07-20 9635 Removed list item icons and replaced old legacy listcontrol with newer list style
2007-07-20 9634 added: you can now browse for genres, artists and albums in the smart playlist rule dialog
2007-07-20 9633 added: you can now edit party mode rules from the now playing context menu (while party mode is active)
2007-07-20 9632 added: backported wma codec from linux branch
2007-07-20 9631 fixed: Overzealous new'ing
2007-07-20 9630 Added : tween animations option to skin settings turn it on and watch the windows bounce in (off by default) thanks d4rk of the linux branch for original c++ code Added : string 21399 to strings.xml for the tween animation text Changed : redid the internals of custom2_SkinSettings.xml not noticeable from end user
2007-07-20 9629 Added : missing Tween.h file from linux branch
2007-07-20 9627 changed: Made XBMC_PC a little more alert, via less Sleep()
2007-07-20 9626 cosmetic: Unnecessary commented code
2007-07-20 9625 added: Tween effects from linuxport branch to trunk. changed: Moved acceleration of effects to the quadratic tweener.
2007-07-20 9624 Changed : Changed order of View types to make them more logical thanks to previous update
2007-07-20 9623 removed: Unnecessary logging.
2007-07-20 9622 changed: View containers (mediawindows, windowxml) are now cycled through in XML order, rather than in id order.
2007-07-19 9621 Added : PM3 new view type "3D List" to Music Files, Library and Now Playing
2007-07-19 9620 added: Edge antialiasing to rotated textures on xbox.
2007-07-19 9616 fixed: Container.OnNext/Previous weren't quite right when moving from top to bottom and vice-versa on lists/fixedlists and panels. fixed: Panel container navigation wasn't correct there was just one page.
2007-07-19 9614 fixed: Initial camera viewpoint was (0,0) instead of middle of screen on windows without camera set.
2007-07-18 9609 fixed: Multiimage fading for images with applied with a transparency didn't cross fade correctly against a black background.
2007-07-18 9608 Changed: updated: Swedish language file by blittan (based on english 9576)
2007-07-18 9607 fixed: playlist loading used broken function CUtil::GetPath to get basepath for playlists
2007-07-18 9605 fixed: wpl and b4s playlists wasn't parsed properly
2007-07-18 9604 fixed: movie info fetched from imdb would have additional genres like 'imdb action section'
2007-07-18 9603 added: asiandb scraper (thanks to blaize)
2007-07-18 9602 fixed: dvd drive didnt work as expected in file manager
2007-07-18 9601 fixed: scanning movies by directory names could fail to apply thumbs to the folder
2007-07-18 9600 fixed: browsing dirs with rars could crash
2007-07-18 9599 fixed: local rss feeds with no network (2nd attempt)
2007-07-18 9598 updated: Slovenian language (thanks to megane)
2007-07-18 9595 fixed: ListItem layouts could have overlapping left and right aligned labels in some cases.
2007-07-18 9594 added: tag to controls and windows to allow setting of different camera positions for the 3D rotations. Also fixed rotatey to scale correctly as it rotates.
2007-07-17 9590 fixed: passthrough of ac3/dts in dvdplayer was broken since the changes for channel number switches
2007-07-17 9589 Fixed : Small scale glitch in FileBrowser.xml
2007-07-17 9588 Fixed : PM3 Problem with visible state in shutdown buttons also redid the whole code now 2/3rds less
2007-07-17 9587 fixed: Mouse hit detection wasn't correct for anything with offset coordinates (eg within a control group or dialog)

trae nueva forma de ver las caratulas, como el coverflow del itunes) :) :
720p http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/2300/screenshot081gr0.png
4x3 http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/5741/screenshot078ed4.png
Bajaremos a ver que tal esta,la ultima que tengo es la del 7-7-2007 y como curiosidad una peli que tenia en HD en h264 antes no se veía con esta versión,la del día 7,se ve...lento pero se ve y se oye.
A mi me va todo perfecto salvo la carpeta de Aplicaciones que le doy y no me sale lo que tengo dentro sino me salen las otras 3 carpetas que tengo Games,App y Emulators y tengo que dar a App para verlas y la otra el script XBMCScripts no me va le doy y me dice : Can´t reach http://www.xbmcscripts.com. Check you connection and try again! Es raro.
WoRMs escribió:trae nueva forma de ver las caratulas, como el coverflow del itunes) :) :
720p http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/2300/screenshot081gr0.png
4x3 http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/5741/screenshot078ed4.png

A mi no me sale esa opcion en la vista de carpetas y tengo esa version. ¿Como lo haceis?

Gracias [beer]
Tengo ganas de hincarle el diente a una versión reciente de xbmc. Dónde puedo conseguirla? En caso de tener que compilarla, alguien me puede decir cómo?

Y sobre todo, después del mimo que le he metido a configurar mi xbmc, con sus scripts y demás, si quiero instalarla... pierdo todo eso?

Una pregunta, supongo ke (hace mucho ke no lo pruebo), la xbox no pilla un .mkv con subs con estilos y ke los subs esten kon estilos no?

T3CH XBMC 2007-07-30 SVN rev9731

2007-07-30 9731 added: Three great new screensavers thanks to Asteron.
2007-07-30 9730 changed: Wrapped Network.*Adress mis-spelled infolabels with an
#ifdef for easy removal in the future.
2007-07-29 9728 changed: added the correct spelling for Network.*Address infolabels
(network.macaddress, network.subnetaddress, network.gatewayaddress,
network.dns1address, network.dns2address, network.dhcpaddress) The old spelling still
2007-07-29 9725 updated: thetvdb.com scraper (slightly less abuse of server)
2007-07-29 9724 fixed: exception in video info scanner
2007-07-29 9723 updated: tv.com scraper (thanks to korin)
2007-07-29 9722 updated: finnish language (thanks to mikko) updated: Chinese
(Traditional) language (thanks to omenpica)
2007-07-27 9720 added: xbox autodetection is now XBMC_PC compatible fixed:
autodetection Loops w/More than 2 systems on network fixed: [ 1758307 ] auto connect
while transferring files xbox to xbox via ftp
2007-07-27 9718 Changed : PM3 - Replaced the XBOX logo in the home screen with a
version of the official XBMC logo. XBMC is no longer just a "Xbox" Application and
the default skin needs to reflect this. Also as Team branding so people know they are
running XBMC. Trust me it grows on you
2007-07-27 9717 changed: Debuginfo display from Kb (Kilobit hehe) to KB
2007-07-27 9716 Changed : A little more font editing
2007-07-27 9715 Changed : Edited New TTF font a little to mono space the numbers to
prevent jumping of debug info and better alignment of file sizes
2007-07-26 9713 fixed: match movie.movie[year]dvdrip-group type names, where the
year part is not separated properly by anything.
2007-07-26 9711 fixed: CURL parser would rebuild musicsearch:// urls without
urlencoding "hostname"
2007-07-26 9710 changed: single seasons shows now skips the season node in the
video library
2007-07-25 9702 removed: XPR font support.
2007-07-25 9701 fixed: Some tween bugs when easing 'inout'.
2007-07-25 9700 fixed: ID3v1 spec genres inside MP4 files that were greater than
127 didn't work (eg Heavy Metal)
2007-07-25 9698 added: tag to advancedsettings to specify the
separator used for multiple artist and genres in various music tags.
2007-07-25 9697 fixed: Broken multiimage (again)
2007-07-25 9696 Fixed/Changed : Removed the old XPR default font. It was broken
since the introduction of 3D skin stuff. Replaced it with a free for non profit use
font FrancophilSans by Manfred Klein Due to similarities to old xpr default
2007-07-25 9695 fixed: Multiimage control didn't work with just a single image.
2007-07-25 9694 Added : A Modified version of 3D List Music view for better aspect
ratio in 16x9 thanks to "watzen" from the XBMC forums (4x3 is unchanged)
2007-07-24 9692 changed: Made Pyro screensaver slightly more interesting.
2007-07-24 9690 fixed: subpaths of a tvshows content'd path wouldn't be set to
contain a single tvshow folder in set content dialog
2007-07-24 9689 fixed: make sure we clear path hash if user selects scan for new
content. avoid issues if a scan fails and hash is still updated
2007-07-24 9686 fixed: TTF rendering didn't modulate alpha correctly (meant faded
out text rendered with no fading).
2007-07-24 9685 fixed: Make sure the world transform is set whenever we update the
camera (eg after vis rendering).
2007-07-24 9684 changed: Depreciated tag in spincontrols now defaults to
yes (as it is always used in skins).
2007-07-24 9683 changed: Keyboard reading framerate decreased a bit for XBMC_PC.
2007-07-24 9682 fixed: System.Time(hh) wouldn't obey the regional format
differences (24 hour vs 12 hour clocks)
2007-07-24 9681 changed: Move Up/Down now also applies to the first and last item
in the favourites context menu.
2007-07-23 9676 added: to multiimage control.
2007-07-23 9674 fixed: subtitle rendering broke rendering of freemem display.
(texture stage setup changed)
2007-07-23 9673 updated: danish language (thanks to buchwaldsource)
2007-07-23 9672 Added : strings.xml xbox media center
Changed : PM3 Removed 26 hard coded versions of the words "xbox media center" in the
2007-07-23 9671 fixed: Mouse cursor didn't respect control animations when
determining hover and click focus.
2007-07-23 9670 Fixed : PM3 skin settings window is now very mouse friendly :)
2007-07-23 9669 fixed: Skin.String(setting,compare) wasn't working.
2007-07-23 9668 fixed: Controlgroups that were hidden still allowed their child
controls to become focused via the mouse.
2007-07-22 9666 fixed: Added error checking to Add/RemoveTransform and removed
unnecessary clearing of the transform stack in SetScalingResolution
2007-07-22 9665 cleanup: Removed unnecessary code duplication
2007-07-22 9664 fixed: Mouse didn't work for screen calibration.
Esta gente no para de sacar versiones, la leche!!
No me funciona esta ultima version avisado estais por si le ocurre a alguien mas :(
R4ideN escribió:No me funciona esta ultima version avisado estais por si le ocurre a alguien mas :(

Pues a mi me funciona bien, tio.
Insisto aunque este feo: ¿vosotros podeis poner las caratulas de los discos con ese efecto 3d? ¿como lo haceis?

Hola, llevaba mucho sin actualizar el xbmc...pero ultimamente algunas peliculas se me veian a tirones o se descompensaba el sonido....total que me he decidido a actualizar pero sigo con el mismo problema....algun consejo?? gracias
483 respuestas
15, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10