No dejan de sorprendernos:
Aqui teneis las mejoras y errores efectuados:
- 09-04-2004 added: Playlist windows, repeat and repeat one button
- 09-04-2004 added: settings my music, option to disable playlist in songs window
- 09-04-2004 added: settings my music, option to disable repeat in my music windows
- 09-04-2004 added: my music songs, Option to auto switch between list and thumb control, disabled by default Directory should not contain files. If one folder of the directory has a thumbnail, view is switched to thumbs control else the list
control is used.
- 07-04-2004 fixed: cmplayer::load() resolve imports failed, missed strspn and strcspn.
- 06-04-2004 fixed: folder.jpg, .tbn support for DVD
- 06-04-2004 fixed: python, playlist items did not get freed properly (small memory leak)
- 06-04-2004 fixed: a bug in python where adding a python control to a python window could crash xbmc
- 06-04-2004 added: added a listcontrol to python module xbmcgui
- 06-04-2004 added: (sf patch) [ 928143 ] let info button bring OSD up and down in audio vis
- 06-04-2004 fixed: my music, trimming spaces for title, artist,... in musictags when loading from file
- 06-04-2004 added: my music, option to delete a single album from database
- 05-04-2004 added: getLocalizedString function for python
Calentita, calentita. No estará habilitada la descarga hasta esta esta TARDE.